مَن أكرَمَ أَباه فإِنَّه يُكَفر خَطاياه ومَن عَظمَ أُمَّهَ فهو كَمُدَّخِرِ الكُنوز. مَن أَكرَمَ أَباه سر بِأَولادِه وفي يَومَ صَلاتِه يُستَجابُ لَه/He that honors his father will make atonement for sins: And he that gives glory to his mother is as one that lays up treasure


مَن أكرَمَ أَباه فإِنَّه يُكَفر خَطاياه ومَن عَظمَ أُمَّهَ فهو كَمُدَّخِرِ الكُنوز. مَن أَكرَمَ أَباه سر بِأَولادِه وفي يَومَ صَلاتِه يُستَجابُ لَه
يوشع بن سيراخ/03/من01حتى31/”يا بَنِيَّ اسمَعوا لي أَنا أَبوكم واعمَلوا هكذا لِكَي تَخلُصوا فإن الرَبَ أَكرَمَ الأَبَ في أَولادِه وأًثبَتَ حَق الأمِّ على بَنيها. مَن أكرَمَ أَباه فإِنَّه يُكَفر خَطاياه ومَن عَظمَ أُمَّهَ فهو كَمُدَّخِرِ الكُنوز. مَن أَكرَمَ أَباه سر بِأَولادِه وفي يَومَ صَلاتِه يُستَجابُ لَه. مَن عَظَّمَ أَباه طالَت أيَامُه ومَن أَطاعَ الرَّبَّ أَراح أُمَّه. ويَخدُمُ والِدَيه كأنهما سَيِّدانِ لَه. في العَمَلِ والقَولِ أكْرِمْ أباكَ لِكَي تَنزِلَ عَلَيكَ البَرَكةُ مِنه. فانَّ بَرَكَةَ الأَبِ تُوَطِّدُ بُيوتَ البَنين ولَعنَةَ الأُمِّ تَقلعُ أُسُسَها. لا تَفتَخِرْ بهَوانِ أَبيكَ فإِنَّ هَوانَ أًبيكَ لَيسَ فَخراً لَكَ بل فَخرَ الإنْسانِ بِكَرامَةِ أَبيه ومَذلَةُ الأمِّ عارٌ لِلبَنين. يا بُنَىَّ، أَعِنْ أباكَ في شَيخوخَتِه ولا تحزِنْه في حَياتِه.  كُنْ مُسامِحاً وإن فَقَدَ رُشدَه ولا تُهِنْه وأَنتَ في كُل قوتكَ. فانَّ الإحسانَ إلى الأبِ لا يُنْسى وُيعوَضُ به عن خَطاياكَ. في يَومِ ضيقِكَ تُذكَر وكالجَليدِ في الصًّحْوِ تَذوب خَطاياكَ. مَن خَذَلَ أباه كانَ كالمُجَدّف ومَن أَغاظَ أمَّه فلَعنَةُ الرَّبً علَيه. يا بُنَيّ اقْضِ أَعْمالَكَ بِالوَداعة فيُحِبَّكَ الإنْسان المَرضِي عنه. إِزْدَد تَواضُعًا لما ازدَدتَ عَظَمَةً فتَنالَ حُظوَةً لَدى الرَّب. لأَنَّ قُدرَةَ الرَّبَ عَظيمة والمُتَواضِعونَ يُمجِّدونَه. لا تَطلُبْ ما يَتعَذَُّر عَليكَ ولا تَنظُرْ في ما يَتجاوَُز قُدرَتَكَ بل تأَمَل في ما أُمِرتَ بِه فلا حاجَةَ لَكَ إلى الأمورِ الخفِيَّة. ما جاوَزَ أَعْمالَكَ لا تُكثِرِ الاْهتمام بِه لأَنَّ ما كُشِفَ لَكَ يَفوقُ إِدْراكَ الإِنْسان فإِنّ كَثيرينَ قد أَضلَّهم تَأَمّلهم وزَلَّت أَفكاُرهم بِتَصَوّرِهمِ الفاسِد.  القَلبُ القاسي عاقِبتُه السوء والَّذي يُحِب الخَطَرَ يسقُطُ فيه.  القَلبُ القاسي يُثَقَّلُ بِالمَشَقَّات والخاطِئ يَزيدُ خَطيئَةً على خَطيئَة. داءُ المُتَكَبِّرِ لا دَواع لَه لأَنَّ نَباتَ الشّرِّ قد تأَصَّلَ فيه.  قَلْبُ العاقِلِ يتأَمَّلُ في المَثَل ومُنيةُ الحَكيمِ أُذُنٌ سامِعة. الماءُ يُطفِئ النَّارَ المُلتَهِبَة والصَّدَقَةُ تُكَفّرُ الخَطايا. مَن يُقابِلُ بالإِحْسانات يُفَكِّر ُفي ما هو بَعدَ ذلك وفي يَوِم سُقوطِه يَجِدُ سَنَدًا.”

He that honors his father will make atonement for sins: And he that gives glory to his mother is as one that lays up treasure
Sirach 03/01-31/: “Hear me your father, O my children, And do thereafter, that you may be saved. For the Lord has given the father glory as touching the children, And has confirmed the judgement of the mother as touching the sons. He that honors his father will make atonement for sins: And he that gives glory to his mother is as one that lays up treasure. Whoso honors his father will have joy of his children; And in the day of his prayer he will be heard. He that gives glory to his father will have length of days; And he that listens to the Lord will bring rest to his mother, And will do service under his parents, as to masters. In deed and word honor your father, That a blessing may come upon you from him. For the blessing of the father establishes the houses of children; But the curse of the mother roots out the foundations. Glorify not yourself in the dishonor of your father; For your father’s dishonor is no glory to you. For the glory of a man is from the honor of his father; And a mother in dishonor is a reproach to her children. My son, help your father in his old age; And grieve him not as long as he lives. And if he fails in understanding, have patience with him; And dishonor him not while you are in your full strength. For the relieving of your father will not be forgotten: And instead of sins it will be added to build you up. In the day of your affliction it will remember you; As fair weather upon ice, So will your sins also melt away. He that forsakes his father is as a blasphemer; And he that provokes his mother is cursed of the Lord. My son, go on with your business in meekness; So will you be beloved of an acceptable man. The greater you are, humble yourself the more, And you will find favor before the Lord. For great is the potency of the Lord, And he is glorified of those who are lowly. Seek not things that are too hard for you, And search not out things that are above your strength. The things that have been commanded you, think thereupon; For you have no need of the things that are secret. Be not over busy in your superfluous works: For more things are showed to you than men can understand. For the conceit of many has led them astray; And evil surmising has caused their judgement to slip. A stubborn heart will fare ill at the last; And he that loves danger will perish therein. A stubborn heart will be laden with troubles; And the sinner will heap sin upon § sin. The calamity of the proud is no healing; For a plant of wickedness has taken root in him. The heart of the prudent will understand a parable; And the ear of a listener is the desire of a wise man. Water will quench a flaming fire; And almsgiving will make atonement for sins. He that requites good turns is mindful of that which comes afterward; And in the time of his falling he will find a support.”
