Detailed LCCC English News Bulletin For December 31/17


Detailed LCCC English News Bulletin For December 31/17

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Titles For Latest LCCC Bulletin analysis & editorials from miscellaneous sources published on December 30-31/17
2017 marks year of achievements for Lebanon’s Parliament/Zeina Nasser/Associated Press /December 30/201
Lebanon: 2017’s most memorable moments/Yehia El Amine/Annahar/December 30/2017
Egypt church attack requires a broad response from an empowered civil society/HA Hellyer/The National/December 30/17
Reform or Revolution?/Iran’s Path to Democracy/Haleh Esfandiari/Foreign Affairs Magazine/December 30/17
After Initial Stumble, Trump Administration Has Strong Response to Iran Protests/Leryl BierThe Weekly Standard/December 30/17
Voices From The Grave Cry Out For Justice In Iran/Huffpost/December 30/17
Conflicts after the Fall of ISIS/Jason Burke/Asharq Al Awsat/December 30/2017
Italy’s Five Star Movement on the Path of Brexit/Ferdinando Giugliano/Bloomberg View/December 30/2017
Iran: The View from Mashhad/Abdulrahman Al-Rashed/Asharq Al Awsat/December 30/2017
Expect America’s Tensions with China and Russia to Rise in 2018/John Bolton/Gatestone Institute/December 30/2017
How Palestinians Silence Palestinians/Khaled Abu Toameh/Gatestone Institute/December 30/2017
Behind the protests, the real demand is for Irani regime change/Dr. Majid Rafizadeh/Arab News/December 31/2017
Did Putin defeat terrorism/Mashari Althaydi/Al Arabiya/December 30-31/17

Titles For Latest LCCC Lebanese Related News published on December 30-31/17
Aoun: Poisoning strays not the answer
Aoun Vows to ‘Build State’, Promises ‘Better Future’ for Lebanon
Report: Army Chief Refuses to Accept Decrees Rebuked By Khalil
Report: Govt Meets Thursday Amid Boycott Concerns Over Aoun-Berri Spat
Khalil Says Constitution Must be Respected, Slams Resignation Plans
Stray Dog Poisoning Video Sparks Lebanon Outcry
Israeli Troops Hurl Stun Grenades at Lebanese Border Protesters
Azzam Ahmad, Ibrahim meet over Palestinian situation
Hariri cables Sisi, condemns terrorist attack on Coptic Church
Siniora cables Sissi, deplores terrorist attack on Coptic church
Fadi Karam: Relation between LF, Future needs clarifications
2017 marks year of achievements for Lebanon’s Parliament
Lebanon: 2017’s most memorable moments

Titles For Latest LCCC Bulletin For Miscellaneous Reports And News published on December 30-31/17
Canada closely monitoring ongoing protests in Iran
Protestors in Iran Qom city shout death to ‘Hezbollah’, ‘Shame on Khamenei’
Qom’s top legal, religious cleric announces support for Iran protests
Protests erupt in central Tehran amid calls for mass demonstrations
All you need to know about the Iran protests in 20 points
Iran cuts off internet access in several cities as mass protests continue
Trump tweets: World understands Iran leaders fear their own people the most
Ahwaz citizens defy security forces as Iran protests enter fourth day
Palestine recalls envoy from Pakistan over faux pas
US Urges All Nations to Support Iranian People, Condemns Arrests
Price Protests Spread in Iran
Man with Explosives Barricades himself in Ukraine Post Office
After Liberating Benghazi, Haftar Waves with the ‘Popular Mandate’ Option
Captured Helwan church attack gunman still alive following surgery
Egypt Sentences Morsi to 3 Years in Jail for Insulting Judiciary
Guatemala says Jerusalem embassy move ‘will not be reversed’

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