Detailed LCCC English News Bulletin For December 26/17


Detailed LCCC English News Bulletin For December 26/17

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Titles For Latest LCCC Bulletin analysis & editorials from miscellaneous sources published on December 25-26/17
Prayers & Wishes On The Christmas Holy Day/Elias Bejjani/From the 2015 Archive
Why Saad Hariri Had That Strange Sojourn in Saudi Arabia/ ANNE BARNARD and MARIA ABI-HABIB/The New York Times /December 25/17
A tribute to the Lebanese national resistance/Hussein Shobokshi/Al Arabiya/December 25/ 2017
2017 Passes as Fast as a Tweet/Ghassan Charbel/ Asharq Al-Awsat/December 25/2017
Social Media, Not Phones, Get Kids Addicted/Leonid Bershidsky/Bloomberg/December 25/2017
France’s Macron Submits to the Arab World/A Gentle Christmas Day Word of Caution/Giulio Meotti/Gatestone Institute/December 25/2017
The year a rogue regime went from bad to worse/Dr. Majid Rafizadeh/Arab News/December 25/2017
Mideast needs two-state solution, Pope says in Christmas message/Arab News/December 26/ 2017

Titles For Latest LCCC Lebanese Related News published on December 25-26/17
Prayers & Wishes On The Christmas Holy Day
Al-Rahi: Lebanon Can’t Bear Elimination of Any Component, Restriction of Freedoms
Aoun Says Officers Decree Lawful, Dismisses Concerns on Freedoms
Kanaan: Christian Alliance, Reconciliation Won’t Collapse
Rifi: FPM, Bassil Responsible for Theft of $26 Billion
Saudi Daily Says Three ‘Hizbullah Experts’ Killed in Yemen
Unilateral governance doesn’t work: Al-Rahi
Aoun talks feud with Berri ahead of Christmas mass
Audi presides over Christmas Mass: To immunize Lebanon against divisions, aggression
Geagea and his wife attend Christmas Mass in Bsharre
Army is watchful and will allow no one to tamper with stability, says Sarraf
Syrian arrested for belonging to Daesh
President Aoun: Judicial work must be respected
Riachi from Bkirki: Christian reconciliation was accomplished to stay
Why Saad Hariri Had That Strange Sojourn in Saudi Arabia
A tribute to the Lebanese national resistance

Titles For Latest LCCC Bulletin For Miscellaneous Reports And News published on December 25-26/17
Pope Laments ‘Winds of War’ Blowing around the World
Russia Bars Navalny Presidential Bid
6 Dead in IS-Claimed Suicide Attack near Afghan Spy Agency
Saudi ministry reveals details related to recovery of slain Shiite judge’s body
Saudi interior ministry: Kingdom facing terrorists with links to Iran
Leaked Hezbollah, Iran documents reveal collapse of Houthis
Syrian-Iranian Backed Forces Advance In Border Area Near Northern Israel
Guatemala Announces it Will Move its Embassy in Israel to Jerusalem
At Least 5 Killed in ISIS Attack in Kabul
Russia on Sochi’s Outputs: Constitutional Committee Approved by Assad
Bahrain Sentences to Death, Jails Terrorists for Attempting to Assassinate Defense Force Commander
Peru President Pardons Former Authoritarian Leader, Sparking Protests
Iranian Judiciary Insists on Pursuing Ahmadinejad

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Prayers & Wishes On The Christmas Holy Day
Elias Bejjani/From the 2015 Archive
Thinking of the great fatherhood love that Almighty God carries for us helps in appreciating and understanding the actual meanings of Christmas.
God for the sake of our salvation and freedom from the original sin, He sent His only son, Jesus Christ, to be incarnated, live on earth like each one of us, endure all kinds of torture, pain, humiliation and to be crucified.
Jesus made us His own and called us to carry His holy message and preach it.
Hand in hand with all those who believe in righteousness and in the ultimate prevalence of good over evil, let us ask Jesus Christ, the incarnated God, to grant peace and stability to the whole world, and to shower all the oppressed with the graces of faith, perseverance, patience, and to bestow them the power of endurance to face the hardships inflicted on them by Evil of Axis, the Syrian-Iranian occupation..
As far as oppressed Lebanon, and despite all the sufferings, the majority of our faithful and patriotic people will always hold on to the hope of Lebanon’s resurrection and to its eventual mere liberation from occupation, traitors and all evil.
History always repeats itself, and victory shall inevitably be for those Lebanese who courageously and faithfully carry Lebanon’s torch of freedom, dignity, and human rights, as has always been for the past 7,000 years.
All wishes to everyone of you, in occupied Lebanon, and in the Diaspora, to enjoy with your beloved ones a holy and glorious Christmas, and a very Happy New year.
Our great happiness as patriotic Lebanese will reach its prime when, and only when, our beloved Lebanon, home and land of our great fathers and ancestors reclaims its confiscated independence, redeems its marginalized sovereignty, restores its oppressed freedoms, and regains its hijacked free decision-making process.
Our joy and happiness in celebrating Christmas will be at peak the day:
When hundreds of our country’s arbitrarily held detainees are released from the fascist Syrian jails and horrible detention centers, where they have been deprived for many years of all their basic human rights.
When our free and patriotic comrades, individuals, leaders and dignitaries are no longer prisoners of conscience inside Lebanon, and not exposed to intimidation, fear, terrorism and assassinations
When our exiled people from South Lebanon who are taking refugee in Israel are welcomed back in Lebanon, officially and publicly with open arms.
When Lebanon’s fertile fields are again green, ploughed, sowed, guarded and harvested by our men and women.
When our factories are re-opened, productive, and run only by Lebanese hands.
When our borders are patrolled solely by the Lebanese army and security forces,
When all militias, Lebanese and non-Lebanese, are disarmed and dismantled,
When the law of the land and the legitimate authority of a sovereign Lebanese people are fully and independently applied and enforced on all Lebanon’s soil.
When conscientious and patriotic Members of Parliament (MPs) are elected freely by the people who deserve MPs who, in turn, understand that they have the obligation and the privilege to represent the people’s hopes, aspirations and wishes.
When Lebanon’s markets are open for the country’s products with no foreign hegemony or unfair and arbitrary competition.
When Lebanon’s judiciary is fair, unbiased and non-politicized, and when the judiciary and judges fully respect the constitution and abide by the law of the land and the Charter of Human Rights.
When Lebanese identity is honored and hailed by all the Lebanese communities, and is placed above all other political, regional, ethnic and religious affiliations.
Then, and only then, we can rest our case for the struggle.
Let us all pray that the birth of Our Lord Jesus will coincide this year with the re-birth of a new Lebanon that is free, independent and sovereign.
On the Holy Christmas Day, Let us pray for Peace, tranquility, Love, Forgiveness and prosperity all over the world .
Best wishes for A Merry Christmas .