Hussein Shobokshi: A tribute to the Lebanese national resistance/تحية للأحرار المقاومين الحقيقيين في لبنان


A tribute to the Lebanese national resistance
Hussein Shobokshi/Al Arabiya/December 25/ 2017

 If you think that these words are directed to the terrorist faction organization Hezbollah in Lebanon, do not read the rest of the article.
Because these words are directed to national and honorable opinions and exceptional stances defending freedom by those who have paid the price with their health, nerves, dignity and sometimes life, to keep the voice of free opinion and truth heard.
There is a clear conflict in Lebanon today, but it has been a cumulative struggle in the hands of tyrannical regimes including the Syrian regime, which once occupied Lebanon and practiced terrorism by acting through Hezbollah. There is a systematic campaign today against free, independent, bold and different opinions.
In the campaign to suppress opinion, different methods are used to attack well-known people and to exhaust them by establishing judicial proceedings on the pretext that what they have said is “very strange”. Important people, such as Kamel Marwa and Salim al-Lawzi, have been killed by tyrants who have besieged Lebanon’s regimes and politicians.
There were those, such as Gebran Tueni and Samir Kassir, who struggled for the right to have freedom of speech and who met the same fate. May Chidiac is also in the forefront of those leading the honorable national resistance in Lebanon.
Lebanon is a country where books have been confiscated, films have been banned and Fairuz’s music banned in universities and where national dignitaries are fighting the last battle of steadfastness
Honor and dignity
Today, the battle is taking place with honor and dignity by people like Marcel Ghanem, Nadim Koteich, Giselle Khoury, Dina Makhlof, Ali El Amin, Hazem El Amin, Ali Hamada, Okab Sakr, Paula Yacoubian and others against the terrorist tyrants who know no language or dialogue except the elimination of those who disagree with them.
Lebanon is a country where books have been confiscated, films have been banned and Fairuz’s music banned in universities and where national dignitaries are fighting the last battle of steadfastness.
They are the guardians of Lebanon’s mission of freedom, art, speech and creativity without loyalty to anyone, without subordination to anyone, without reference to anyone and with no flag except that of Lebanon fluttering over them.
They are like a forgotten community, because it is the true Lebanese community that has lost its voice when confronted with those who stole the country under false slogans, destroyed the relations of its community and broke the walls of trust that existed in Lebanon’s relations with its Arab brethren.
They are the only honest national resistance. We owe them great respect, appreciation and gratitude.