The greater you become, the more humble you should be; then the Lord will be pleased with you/إِزْدَد تَواضُعًا كلما ازدَدتَ عَظَمَةً فتَنالَ حُظوَةً لَدى الرَّب لأَنَّ قُدرَةَ الرَّبَ عَظيمة والمُتَواضِعونَ يُمجِّدونَه


إِزْدَد تَواضُعًا كلما ازدَدتَ عَظَمَةً فتَنالَ حُظوَةً لَدى الرَّب لأَنَّ قُدرَةَ الرَّبَ عَظيمة والمُتَواضِعونَ يُمجِّدونَه
فصلٌ من سفر يوشع بن سيراخ 3/17-27/يا بُنَيّ اقْضِ أَعْمالَكَ بِالوَداعة فيُحِبَّكَ الإنْسان المَرضِي عنه. إِزْدَد تَواضُعًا كلما ازدَدتَ عَظَمَةً فتَنالَ حُظوَةً لَدى الرَّب لأَنَّ قُدرَةَ الرَّبَ عَظيمة والمُتَواضِعونَ يُمجِّدونَه. لا تَطلُبْ ما يَتعَذَّر عَليكَ ولا تَنظُرْ في ما يَتجاوَز قُدرَتَكَ بل تأَمَل في ما أُمِرتَ بِه فلا حاجَةَ لَكَ إلى الأمورِ الخفِيَّة. ما جاوَزَ أَعْمالَكَ لا تُكثِرِ الاْهتمام بِه لأَنَّ ما كُشِفَ لَكَ يَفوقُ إِدْراكَ الإِنْسان فإِنّ كَثيرينَ قد أَضلَّهم تَأَمّلهم وزَلَّت أَفكاُرهم بِتَصَوّرِهمِ الفاسِد. القَلبُ القاسي عاقِبتُه السوء والَّذي يُحِب الخَطَرَ يسقُطُ فيه. والقَلبُ القاسي يُثَقَّلُ بِالمَشَقَّات والخاطِئ يَزيدُ خَطيئَةً على خَطيئَة.



The greater you become, the more humble you should be; then the Lord will be pleased with you
Sirach 3/17- My child, be humble in everything you do, and people will appreciate it more than gifts. The greater you become, the more humble you should be; then the Lord will be pleased with you. The Lord’s power is great, and he is honored by those who are humble. Don’t try to understand things that are too hard for you, or investigate matters that are beyond your power to know. Concentrate on the Law, which has been given to you. You do not need to know about things which the Lord has not revealed, so don’t concern yourself with them. After all, what has been shown to you is beyond human power to understand. Many people have been misled by their own opinions; their wrong ideas have warped their judgment. Stubbornness will get you into trouble at the end. If you live dangerously, it will kill you. A stubborn person will be burdened down with troubles. Sinners go on adding one sin to another. There is no cure for the troubles that arrogant people have; wickedness has taken deep root in them. Intelligent people will learn from proverbs and parables. They listen well because they want to learn.
