Elie Aoun: How to prevent the next war?ايلي عون: كيف يمكن تجنب الحرب المقبلة


How to prevent the next war?
Elie Aoun/November 10/17

U.S. Major General Smedley Butler defines three steps to prevent war: (1) to take the profit out of war; (2) to permit the youth who would bear arms to decide whether or not there should be war; and (3) to limit military forces to home defense purposes.

With regard to Lebanon and the region, one step to be added to the list above is: courage to speak the truth, at least as we know it.

A pretext for a war that involves Lebanon can be summarized in one word: “Hizballah.” During 2005-June 2006, an attempt to take preemptive measures and to offer a legitimate solution that would neutralize that pretext from being used by foreign entities against Lebanon failed primarily because Hizballah’s leadership did not adopt the proposed solution and did not advance any viable alternatives.

At the present, no solution is being discussed by Hizballah’s leadership or its “opponents,” foreign or domestic. The only discussion is about sanctions, punishment, and confrontation.
Speaking the truth might diminish the possibilities for a new war. So, what is the truth?

The truth is that: (1) the best way to undermine a community is by infiltrating its clergy (who are least suspected); (2) The infiltrated Christian and Muslim clergy and politicians pursue a regionalist, globalist, or a selfish agenda (not a nationalist one).

Most observers look at the differences between opposing factions. Discovering the truth requires that we uncover their similarities. Let us analyze what these “opponents” have in common.

On one hand, we have Iran and Hizballah. Who rules them? Clergymen. It should also be noted that “the Iranian Embassy in the Vatican is one of the largest, and Iran’s ambassador to the Vatican is considered to be the most important one in the West, while ambassadors to other countries of Europe and America rank lower in the hierarchy.”

The Iranian delegates meet on a regular basis with Vatican officials and coordinate their policy in Lebanon and the region.

On the other hand, we have the United States, Israel, and Saudi Arabia. Who rules them?
President Kennedy warned us of “the secret societies.” President Eisenhower warned us of “the military industrial complex.” President Lincoln accused “the Jesuit Order” of instigating the American civil war.

Few days prior to every American election, the Republican and Democratic candidates for President are seated one at the right and another at the left of the Jesuit Cardinal of New York during the “Al Smith dinner.” Their pictures can be seen at this link:

This is one of many indications about Vatican’s influence in American politics (foreign or domestic).
Can anyone explain how a Vatican-influenced United States is in confrontation with a Vatican-influenced Iran?

With regard to the Israeli-Saudi connection, King Faisal Al-Saud told The Washington Post on September 17, 1969: “We, the Saudi family, are cousins of the Jews …”

Personally, I have no opposition to Jews or anyone’s lineage to Jews. I believe that we are all descendants of either Jews or pagans because, originally, no one else did exist.

I am simply pointing out that the regional political or military confrontation is a scam — and all sides are connected in one form or another. Can anyone explain why those who oppose Israel and Zionism neglect (on purpose) to mention freemasonry when the official name of the Zionists is the “Masonic Labor Zionists”?

According to a Lebanese intelligence officer quoted in a daily newspaper, half of the Lebanese parliamentarians and more than half of the Lebanese ministers are Freemasons. Can anyone explain what role the Freemasons on the Lebanese and Israeli side are playing while Lebanon and Israel treat one another as enemies?

It is clear that all the warring factions are ruled by clergymen and secret societies. There is no real animosity. There is only a “managed confrontation” aimed at serving their common agenda and the profits of the military industrial complex.

The existence of Hizballah and regional militias are necessary to advance foreign interests. Without them, there would be no viable justification for foreign interference. For that reason, we hear of sanctions, threats, and confrontations — but no logical solutions. In the meantime, the leaders of Hizballah are “faithful” in preserving that pretext, and do nothing towards a meaningful solution that would protect Lebanon.

In summary, the clergy and secret societies rule Lebanon and the region. Their oath is loyalty to their superiors, not to a country or a constitution. They are responsible for every drop of blood shed in the past or to be shed in the future. Anyone who lacks the courage to speak that truth is a contributor to war.