Detailed LCCC English News Bulletin For October 29/17


Detailed LCCC English News Bulletin For October 29/17

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Titles For Latest LCCC Bulletin analysis & editorials from miscellaneous sources published on October 28-29/17
Patriarch Al Raei’s Visits To Kuwait & Saudi Arabia/Elias Bejjani/October 28/17
Lebanon’s civil war scars reemerge with assassination case verdict/Scott Preston/Al Monitor/October 27, 2017
‘Muhammad’ is the Future of Europe/Giulio Meotti/Gatestone Institute/October 28/17
Re-Defining the Near East’s Borders/Eyad Abu Shakra/Asharq Al Awsat/October 28/17
Be Careful Who You Call a ‘White Supremacist’/Megan McArdle/Bloomberg View/Saturday, 28 October, 2017
In long run, Israel favors secular Assad over Shiite Islamist regime in Syria/Dr. Yaron Friedman/Ynetnews/October 28/17
How two stubborn men talked their way into a crisis/Cornelia Meyer/ArabNews/October 29/17/
The Future Investment Initiative and the new Saudi Arabia/Raghida Dergham/ArabNews/October 28/17

Titles For Latest LCCC Lebanese Related News published on October 28-29/17
Patriarch Al Raei’s Visits To Kuwait & Saudi Arabia
1,000th Syrian Evacuated from Lebanon Arrives in Italy through ‘Safe Corridor’
Hariri, Anastasiades discuss general situation, bilateral relations between Lebanon and Cyprus
Rahi Voices Calls for Ending Wars and Conflicts, Urges Refugees to Return Home
US Congress Delegation in Beirut
Jumblat Says Biometric Cards ‘Additional Waste of Money’
Report: Registration of Syrian Refugees Births a Prelude for their Return
Culture Minister arrives in Paris to partake in UNESCO Conference
Hashem: Elections will take place as scheduled, no reason for postponement
UK Minister reaffirms support for Lebanon’s security, says UK investing in Lebanon’s future through education, economy
Berri cables his Spanish counterpart in support of her country’s unity
Foreign Ministry reiterates support for the unity of Spain
Lebanon’s civil war scars reemerge with assassination case verdict
Lebanon rejects citizenship for Syrian refugees

Titles For Latest LCCC Bulletin For Miscellaneous Reports And News published on October 28-29/17
Kurdish official: Masoud Barzani will not extend presidential term beyond Nov. 1
18 dead, more than 30 wounded in Mogadishu hotel blast
Mass grave with 50 bodies of Iraqi soldiers found in Kirkuk
Turkey arrests alleged ISIS members over ‘holiday attack plot’
Third woman accuses Islamist thinker Tariq Ramadan of sexual harassment
New ‘rape’ case filed against Islamist Tariq Ramadan
Egypt’s Sisi names new armed forces chief of staff
Mattis Warns ‘Massive’ Response to North Korea Nuclear Weapon Use
Canada Pauses Military Assistance to Iraqi Troops
Spain Takes Control of ‘Independent’ Catalonia
Canada condemns use of chemical weapons in Syria
Statement by Canadian Minister of Foreign Affairs on Guatemala high court decision on death penalty

Patriarch Al Raei’s Visits To Kuwait & Saudi Arabia

Elias Bejjani/October 28/17
In Case that His eminence our Maronites Patriarch Bchara Al Raei is visiting Saudi Arabia and Kuwait to advocate for Hezbollah’s occupation, the Minorities Pact & Al Assad as he did in France and other countries it would be better and safer not to go on with these visits.

The Bulletin’s Link on the lccc Site 
