Detailed LCCC English News Bulletin For October 21/17


Detailed LCCC English News Bulletin For October 21/17

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Titles For Latest LCCC Bulletin analysis & editorials from miscellaneous sources published on October 20-21/17
France: The New Collaborators And How to Protect France, Europe, the West/Giulio Meotti/Gatestone Institute/October 20/17
The Iran Deal: The Dog’s Dinner Obama Dished Out/Amir Taheri/Asharq Al Awsat/October 20/17
Syria: The Myth of a Regime Victorious/Gareth Bayley/UK Special Representative for Syria/Asharq Al Awsat/October 20/17
Governance systems in the Gulf and democracy/Fahad Suleiman Shoqiran/Al Arabiya/October 20/17
Mideast oil prices: The party is not over yet/Talal Al-Gashgari/Al Arabiya/October 20/17
Saudi Royal Transition: Why, What, and When/Simon Henderson/The Washington Institute/October 20/17
How Egypt Can Help Hamas and Fatah Implement Their New Deal/Ghaith al-Omari/The Washington Institute/October 20/17

Titles For Latest LCCC Lebanese Related News published on October 20-21/17
Chartouni, Alam Sentenced to Death over Bashir Gemayel Assassination
Politicians React to Verdicts in Bashir Gemayel Case amid Sassine Rally
Celebration in Ashrafieh marking verdict release in Bachir Gemayel case
Report: UN Chief Emphasizes Commitment to 1559, Russia to ‘Keep Hizbullah from Israel Border’
Report: LF Says Any Syrian Envoy Visit to Lebanon ‘Provocative’
Aoun: We Won’t Await Political Solution in Syria to Defend Our Country
Rahi: Displaced Syrians, Palestinians Burdening Lebanon
Israeli Troops Try to Abduct Lebanese Shepherd
Houri: State Budget Approval Right Step on Right Track
Mashnouq contacts security chiefs, asks firmness in preventing any security disturbance
Lebanon: More Should be Done in Wissam al-Hassan’s Murder Case
Aoun praises efforts to get youth moving

Titles For Latest LCCC Bulletin For Miscellaneous Reports And News published on October 20-21/17
16 Egyptian police officers killed in shootout in Giza
Israeli tanks fire into Syria after shell hits Golan
Balance of Power Shifts in Kirkuk
US-Backed Syria Force Hails ‘Historic Victory’ in Raqa
Afghan official: Suicide bombing at Kabul mosque kills 30
Israeli Army Wants to Increase its Budget to Face Iranian Threats
Baghdad court issues arrest warrant for Iraqi Kurd VP
Iraqi forces complete takeover of Kirkuk province after clashing with Kurds
Putin calls for an all-Syrian conference
King Salman makes telephone call to Iraqi PM Abadi
French defense minister: Iran engaged in destabilizing ballistic and regional activities
SDF Says Raqqa to be Part of Decentralized Syria, Hails ‘Historic Victory’
Canada calls for de-escalation of tensions in Kirkuk, Iraq
CIA chief says U.S.-Canadian couple held for five years in Pakistan
Heavy clashes between Peshmerga, Shia militia south of Erbil

The Bulletin’s Link on the lccc Site 
