Detailed LCCC English News Bulletin For September 18/17
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Titles For Latest LCCC Bulletin analysis & editorials from miscellaneous sources published on September 17-18/17
The Geagea LF, Has Nothing To Do With The Historic LF/Elias Bejjani/September 16/17
Iran pays $830 million to Hezbollah/Anna Ahronheim/Jerusalem Post/September 15/17
Bahrain king denounces Arab boycott of Israel, says countrymen may visit/Jerusalem Post/September 17/17
Iran recruits Afghan and Pakistani Shiites to fight in Syria/Ynetnews/Associated Press/|September 17/17
Salameh’s Difficult Task in New York/Mattia Toaldo/Asharq Al Awsat/September 17/17
Fans of Iran Nuke Deal Start to Acknowledge its Flaws/Eli Lake/Bloomberg/September 17/17
Will September be Decisive for the Nuclear Agreement?/Salman Al-dossary/Asharq Al Awsat/September 17/17
North Korea’s Secret Weapon? Economic Growth./David Volodzko/Bloomberg/September 17/17
State Department Waging “Open War” on White House/Soeren Kern/Gatestone Institute/September 17, 2017
UK: How Much More Abuse of Children Do We Permit?/Khadija Khan/Gatestone Institute/September 17, 2017
Titles For Latest LCCC Lebanese Related News published on September 17-18/17
The Geagea LF, Has Nothing To Do With The Historic LF
Iran pays $830 million to Hezbollah/Anna Ahronheim/Jerusalem Post
‘Trust the state,’ Aoun says, amidst security concerns
Gen. Aoun awards medals for Fajr al-Joroud operation
Lebanese Affected by Hurricane Irma Arrive in Beirut
Report: Army Preparing to Move Units from Eastern Border to Ain el-Hilweh
Bassil Says Govt. to Approve Registration Mechanism for Expat Voters
Army Reassures Citizens as Reports Say U.S. Tip behind Security Warnings
Aoun Urges Lebanese ‘Not to Heed Rumors’ ahead of U.S. Trip
Foucher: We trust in the capabilities of the Lebanese security forces
President Aoun bound for New York
Rahi calls on political community to rectify their practices
Kahwaji after meeting with Hariri: If they wish to reveal the State’s secrets, let them do so!
Salameh from Abu Dhabi: Lebanon has all the factors to preserve its monetary stability
Titles For Latest LCCC Bulletin For Miscellaneous Reports And News published on September 17-18/17
Iran leader Khamenei warns against U.S. ‘wrong move’ on nuclear deal
Tillerson, Lavrov Discuss Syria in Telephone Call
Egypt Aims to End Palestinian Division
Hamas Agrees to Elections in Effort to End Fatah Dispute
Kuwait to Expel North Korea Ambassador
Egypt Sentences Morsi to 25 Years in Jail
Barzani: It’s too Late for an Alternative to Kurdistan Independence Referendum
Erdogan Warns Kurdish President against Going through with Independence Vote
Washington Pledges to Restore Libyan Unity
4 U.S. Tourists Attacked with Acid in Marseille
British Police Arrest 2nd Suspect over London Train Attack
Russia Plays Up Role as Peacemaker, Donor in Syria
The Bulletin’s Link on the lccc Site
The Geagea LF, Has Nothing To Do With The Historic LF/قوات سمير جعجع لا تمت بصلة لقوات بشير..القوات التاريخية
Elias Bejjani/September 16/17
Sadly and it really hurts to say it: Mr. Samir Geagea’s current LF (Lebanese Forces) is not in any way, or even close to the Historic LF by any means. not at all.
This version of the LF is proving in reality and actuality and on daily basis, as well as in every political choice, in all its moody and individualized alliances, in all that is related to the Lebanese identity, and to all that is “Lebanese Patriotic Cause” …it is proving without a shadow of a doubt that it is much, much worst than all the other feudal falsely called Lebanese Christian political parties.
What really is so dangerous and so devastating and so disappointing for our Christian societies in both Lebanon and Diaspora is the apparent below zero intellectual and faith level of the Geagea worshipper (they are worshippers and not followers or supporters and this is a proved fact) ) in all that is, free opinion, discretion, knowledge, respect of others and civilized rhetoric.