فيديو وثائقي مصور عام 1988 عن الحرب اللبنانية وعن الدور الخلاصي الذي كان يسعى جيش لبنان الجنوبي للقيام به


  فيديو وثائقي مصور عام 1988 عن الحرب اللبنانية وعن الدور الخلاصي الذي كان يسعى جيش لبنان الجنوبي للقيام به/الفيديو من انتاج تلفزيون سي بي ان CBN التي عرفت أيضاً باسم تلفزيون الشرق الأوسط.  التعليق على الفيديو هو باللغة الإنكليزية.

اضغط هنا لمشاهدة الفيديو


The hope coming from the South
This documentary about Lebanon seen from the Southern eye is very important as a document talking about how the Southerners use to look at the situation during the eighties.
About 20 years later things changed and South Lebanon returned to the occupied country without the Guardians of the Land.

The people of Lebanon especially new generations don’t have a clue about that period they were miss lead and may consider the real protectors of the land as traitors and those who sold the country to strangers as heroes.

When general Lahad passed away he wasn’t even buried in the land he tried to protect for the generations to come. Cesar Sakr who wrote the script wasn’t allowed to be buried in his own village too. Those who are sending Lebanese to be killed faraway for no reason are still given the spot lights of the Media.

This short documentary is coming from the old days to say that many other options were available to give better future for our beloved county.
Should we ever dream again of a change?…
