Elias Bejjani: Is Hezbollah Close to Topple Hariri’s Government/هل اسقاط حزب الله لحكومة الحريري بات وشيكاً


Is Hezbollah Close to Topple Hariri’s Government/هل اسقاط حزب الله لحكومة الحريري بات وشيكاً
Elias Bejjani/September 03/17

As a mere personal opinion, we have never ever been able to see in Mr.Saad Al Hariri the professional and capable politician, and assume he will never be no matter how hard he tries or how much longer he remains in the Lebanese political chaotic and hectic arena.

Although as a person Mr. Saad Hariri seems to be a nice, moderate, kind, joyful and humble person..

Meanwhile many local and regional observers say that all those who surround Mr. Hariri are in general a bunch of professional opportunists and chameleons who serve their own agendas and not his.

Since Mr. Hariri was forced to take his father’s place in 2005 (His late Father Mr. Raffic Hariri was tragically assassination in 2005) he has been walking a steady track of setbacks, deadly compromises and a trend of licking 99% of his vows and promises.

At the present time Hariri seems to be stumbling and not able to assume freely, independently  or strongly his PM’s duties…His role as PM, clearly appears to be severely marginalized by Hezbollah.

In the realm of the noticeable instabilities and contradictions in Hariri’s current governing weaknesses one can not but notice the gap and the distance between his stances, dealings and rhetoric in regards to Hezbollah and between those of the Future Parliamentary Block that he heads..

The gab has been widening more and more as far as the block’s weekly statements. They both, Hariri and the Future Parliamentary Block seem to be living in two different worlds and adopting a set of very contradicting rhetoric and stances in regards to Hezbollah, approaches and dealings wise.

Many observers are predicting that Hariri’s current government that is controlled by Hezbollah is on the verge of resignation, not because PM, Hariri’s wishes or plans to do so, but because Hezbollah and his Iranian masters believe they are now in a good and strong position and do not need Hariri’s services anymore.

Meanwhile is it worth mentioning that Hezbollah, the Iranian militia that occupies Lebanon did by force topple Hariri’s previous Government in 2011 while Hariri himself was meeting with  the USA President Barak Obama in the White House.

Elias Bejjani
Canadian-Lebanese Human Rights activist, journalist and political commentator

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