Elias Bejjani: A Prayer…May Almighty God deliver us from the traps of temptationصلاة: نتضرع لله ونطلب منه أن يبعد عنا أفخاخ التجارب


God deliver us from the traps of temptation/صلاة: نتضرع لله ونطلب منه أن يبعد عنا أفخاخ التجارب
Elias Bejjani
August 07/17

A Prayer

James 5-13/”If any of you is in trouble let him pray. If anyone is flourishing let him sing praises to God.”

*God, provide us with the needed strength to overcome our mortal weaknesses and to hold on to hope, no matter how badly or strongly we are exposed to temptation.

* God, help us to keep ailments of doubt and suspicion far away from our hearts, minds and souls.

*God, bless us and absolve our sins.

* God, help us to be loving, compassionate, forgiving, peaceful and devoted all that is meekness and righteousness.

*God, endow us with faith, patience and endurance.

*God, enlighten our minds and consciences with holiness and wisdom.

*God, open our eyes, cleanse our heart and make us feel your warmth and affection.

* God, we are weak, sinful, guilty, at fault and have committed too many wrongdoings.

*God, we ask You for leniency, forgiveness and we pledge to observe all the required penances and atonement.

*God, protect us from the scourges of selfishness, greed, jealousy, hatred, grudges and all other temtations of mortal earthly riches.

*God, guard us from evil thoughts and intentions.

*God, do not leave us to be a preys to our instincts and tendencies of delinquency.

*God, open our eyes and get us closer to your Holy Bible so we can understand Your teachings and see Your ways of righteousness.

*God, grant us the needed resistance, so deep down we do not hold any grudge or hatred or malice against any person, especially against those who see us as an enemies and inflict on us harm, persecution and pain.

*God, help us to reconcile with all those whom we are in conflicts with.

*God, bless our families and enrich our minds and hearts with assets of caring and responsibility.

*God, help us to courageously witness for the truth, love and support all others, and to be messengers of peace, harmony, conciliation and reunification.

*God, help us not to be, but ourselves no matter how hard and challenging difficulties and hardships are.

*God, help us to remain, honest, transparent, sincere, loving, modest, meek and pure in both heart and soul.

*God, help us not to be deterred by or afraid under any given circumstances from the consequences of witnessing for what is ethical, holy, just, and righteous.

*God, You are our Father, our hope and our salvation.

*God, we are kneeling at your feet, asking for mercy and forgiveness.

*God we are putting our lives, fate in your custody and between your blessed hands.

*God, we believe in your great mercy, judgment and wisdom.

God, we are definite by the end that you will not leave us preys to evil temptations.

*God help us to overcome divisions, separations, fear, doubts and suspicions.

*God, lead our steps and enlighten our hearts with your warmth. Open our eyes to see the way out of the temptations that we face.

*God, we know You cannot be tempted by evil and that you tempt no one, but You allow temptation to occur. Help us to endure all trials of temptations.

*God,  we are tired, weak, exhausted, vulnerable and no longer able to bear the torment of loneliness, deprivation, depression, nightmares and the sorrow of estrangement and feuding.

*God: You said: “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest”.

God, We are kneeling at your feet with our burdens, have mercy on us.

Elias Bejjani
Canadian-Lebanese Human Rights activist, journalist and political commentator
Email phoenicia@hotmail.com or media.lccc@gmail.com
Web sites https://eliasbejjaninews.com & http://www.10452lccc.com  & http://www.clhrf.com
Tweets on https://twitter.com/phoeniciaelias
Face Book  https://www.facebook.com/groups/128479277182033 & https://www.facebook.com/elias.y.bejjani

