François Bainy: Gaby Issa, The New Ambassador of Lebanon to the USA/تساؤلات في واشنطن عن السفير اللبناني الجديد


Gaby Issa, The New Ambassador of Lebanon to the USA
François Bainy/Face Book/June 03/17

Lebanon’s Foreign Minister Gebran Bassil agrees after a special meeting with Hozballah Leader Hassan Nesrallah to nominate M, Gabriel (Gaby) Issa, the new Ambassador of Lebanon to the United States. Mr.Issa who is affiliated to the Free Patriotic Movement was chosen among four other names, by M,Hassan Nasrallah for his old ties with the Hozballah and the Syrian and Iran Ayatollah Regimes. Although the other candidates are members of the FPM, Mr Nasrallah insisted on indicating Mr Gaby Issa for his great services rendered to Hozballah during his stay in the United States since the beginning of the years 2000 up till now.

Those who know Mr Issa confirm the important role he played in 2003 and 2004 to normalize the relations between President Michel Aoun and both President Bachar Al Assad and Hassan Nasrallah..This approach culminated in the election of General Michel Aoun, President of the Republic.

The nomination of Mr Issa is not a surprise to the Lebanese officials, but some are apprehensive for his political background at a time that the Trump Administration is enforcing the sanctions against Hozballah and His allies or undercover facilitators. Another reason to worry about: Mr Issa He does not belong to the Diplomatic Corp, has never had any diplomatical Background. He is a Businessman and some of his close friends have economical ties with Hozballah, others uphold that he is an important financial recruiter for Hozballah… The forthcoming days are very important and if Mr Bassil confirms his nomination. M. Gaby Issa will have still to pass through the very delicate US Diplomatic Procedure called: “Letter of Credentials”

N.B: Enclosed picture shows Aoun & Issa

تساؤلات في واشنطن عن السفير اللبناني الجديد
01 حزيران/17
نقلاً عن موقع CH23
تنتظر الجالية اللبنانية في الولايات المتحدة الاميريكية تسمية سفير جديد لبلاد الارز في واشنطن و في غمرة الحديث عن امكانية تعيين رجل الاعمال غابي عيسى المقرب من عون كسفير للبنان انتشرت تساؤلات حول مدى تاثير هذه الخطوة على اللبنانين
و بحسب المعلومات فان عيسى مقرب جدا من عون و الحكومة السورية وساهم في فتح قنوات التواصل بين الجنرال عون والحكومة السورية بين عامي 2004-2005
و ياتي الحديث عن عيسى بظل التسريبات التي تتحدث عن امكانية فرض عقوبات مالية على رجال اعمال لبنانيين ينتمون الى مختلف الطوائف و يؤيدون حزب الله فهل تسمية عيسى سفيرا للبنان في واشنطن تهدف الى تحصين موقعه و اخرين و هل يجري التغاضي عن ضرورة تنازله عن الجنسية الامريكية لضرورات استثنائية.
