Detailed LCCC English News Bulletin For March 29/17
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Titles For Latest LCCC Bulletin analysis & editorials from miscellaneous sources published On March 28-29/17
Human Rights and Media Organizations Condemn Prosecution of Activist Ahmad Amhaz/March 28/17
Once again, disputes delay Lebanese elections/Haytham Mouzahem/Al Monitor/March 28/17
High hopes of Arab summit OK for Israel peace step/DEBKAfile Exclusive Report March 28/17
US Lawmakers back measures to protect Israel by punishing Iran/Ynetnews/Associated Press/March 28/17
The Broken-wing Summit/Ghassan Charbel/Asharq Al-Awsat newspaper/March 28/17
Jordan between Two Summits/Abdulrahman Al-Rashed/Asharq Al-Awsat newspaper/March 28/17
Islamism’s Culture War Sets Sight on Multi-Billion Dollar Beauty Industry/Shireen Qudosi/Gatestone Institute/March 28/17
White Liberals Attack Brown Islamic Dissidents/Giulio Meotti/Gatestone Institute/March 28/17
In Interview On Iranian News Website Close To IRGC, Iraqi President ‘Lauds Iran’s Timely Support, Backs [IRGC Commander] Gen. Soleimani’/MEMRI/March 28/17
Who turned the world into a military barricade/Turki Aldakhil/Al Arabiya/March 28/17
Saudi Arabia and the Arab left/Ahmad al-Farraj/Al Arabiya/March 28/17
European populism on the march/Fawaz Turki/Al Arabiya/March 28/17
Titles For Latest Lebanese Related News published On March 28-29/17
Human Rights and Media Organizations Condemn Prosecution of Activist Ahmad Amhaz
Trump campaign advisor: Moderate Arabs will help us
Once again, disputes delay Lebanese elections
UN Chief Urges Divided Arab States to Come Together on Syria
Aoun meets President of Libyan Reconciliation Government in Jordan
Aoun meets Abadi in Jordan
Future Bloc: Amman’s Summit opportunity for solidarity
Sarraf meets Moratinos, Hernando, Marotti
Sami Gemayel receives Shorter
EU will provide 62 million euros assistance to Lebanese and displaced Syrians health care
Missing man’s wife appeals to Aoun over disappearance
Report: Hezbollah threats prompt Israel to add extra Iron Dome systems on warships
Aoun, Hariri Meet Arab PMs, Bogdanov on Eve of Jordan’s Arab Summit
Aoun to Emphasize Importance of ‘Arab Solidarity’ at Arab Summit
Hariri Says Salameh Must Stay, Promises Electoral Law, Electricity Breakthroughs
Government Approves Minister’s ‘Electricity-Reform Plan’
Aoun, Hariri Relinquish Personal Rights in Case against Man Accused of Libel
EU Official Announces €62M for Health, Visits Projects in Bekaa
Bassil: Newly Approved Budget Sets Course for Reform, Financial Regulation
Report: Former Presidents, PMs Forward Letter to Arab Summit
Titles For Latest LCCC Bulletin For Miscellaneous Reports And News published On March 28-29/17
Trump Campaign Mideast Adviser Walid Phares: President Envisions Resolution to Palestinian-Israeli Conflict Through ‘Moderate Arabs’
IS Counter-Attacks to Defend North Syria Stronghold’
Arab Leaders Set to Oppose Trump Mideast Policy Shifts
No Peace Deal in Syria without U.S. Role, Says Opposition
White House Says Egypt’s Sisi to Visit April 3
Ultra-Orthodox Jews Protest against Israel Military Service
U.S.-Led Coalition ‘Probably’ Had Role in Mosul Civilian Casualties
Amnesty Says Coalition Falling Short in Protecting Mosul Civilians
U.N. Experts Slam UAE over Arrest of Award-Winning Activist
Links From Jihad Watch Site for March 28-29/17
Canada: Imam fears backlash after London jihad attack, says he shouldn’t have to condemn jihad massacres
Nikki Haley to the UN: “The days of Israel bashing are over”
Hugh Fitzgerald: An Independent Kurdistan: Cometh the Hour, Cometh the Plan
Video: Robert Spencer on Newsmax’s Malzberg: FBI Wanted Pamela Geller and Me Dead in Garland Jihad Attack
Islamic State stones to death a youth accused of homosexuality in Mosul
UK: Muslim prisoner pours boiling fat over other prisoner’s head because of “insult to Islam”
UK Muslim used Telegram to tell Muslims to “buy a knife and stab a kafir in his guts or slit his throat”
Iran Expanding Its Interests In Canada, Endangering Dissidents and Facilitating Fifth Column
Glazov Gang: Ex-Muslim Sandra Solomon Unveils the Terror in London
UK: Muslim pol says London jihadi was “violent Christian before he was a violent Muslim”
Links From Christian Today Site For March 28-29/17
Pilgrimage and persecution: A new wave of prayer sweeping Britain
Church investigates official complaints into homophobia against gay cleric
Franklin Graham: Republicans make me ‘sick’ over healthcare failure
Evangelical Alliance hails Brexit ‘historic moment’ to speak out
French ‘Spotlight’ investigation accuses Catholic bishops of sex abuse cover-up
Westminster attacker was a ‘violent Christian before he was a violent Muslim’
Church lawyer jailed for stealing £4million to fund lavish holidays
I’m glad Alexander Blackman is to be freed – and I’m glad he went to jail
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