Ontario-based relief group, IRFAN-Canada, linked to Hamas heads to court to get off Canada’s terrorist list


Ontario-based relief group,IRFAN-Canada, linked to Hamas heads to court to get off Canada’s terrorist list
Stewart Bel/National Post/March 27/2017

TORONTO — A Muslim relief group allegedly linked to Hamas has launched a legal challenge in Federal Court in an attempt to be taken off the Canadian government’s list of “terrorist entities.”

The International Relief Fund for the Afflicted and Needy Canada has asked to be removed from the terrorist list and also wants the entire listing process struck down as unconstitutional.

This is the second time the Mississauga, Ont.-based group has gone to court in the hope of being de-listed. It last tried in 2014 but the case was discontinued the following year.

Fifty-three factions — including al-Qaida, ISIL and Hezbollah — are currently on Canada’s list of designated terrorist groups, which effectively makes them illegal organizations.

 IRFAN-Canada’s troubles with the government began in 2011 when its charity status was revoked after federal auditors concluded it was an “integral part” of the Hamas fundraising network.

Investigators had also found videos at the group’s office that “demonize Israel, characterize the Arab-Israeli conflict as a religious war, appeal for all Arab and Muslim nations to join in the struggle against Israel and glorify martyrdom,” the Canada Revenue Agency wrote.

In 2012, Justin Trudeau, then a candidate for the Liberal leadership, was criticized for speaking at a Toronto Islamic conference sponsored by the group. Two years later IRFAN-Canada was added to the federal list of terror groups.

According to the Public Safety Canada website, between 2005 and 2009, the non-profit “transferred approximately $14.6 million worth of resources to various organizations with links to Hamas.” The listing was reviewed by the Liberal government on Nov. 11, 2016 but it was not removed.

The court application filed in Ottawa on Feb. 24 said IRFAN-Canada was seeking an order setting aside a decision made by the Minister of Public Safety on Dec. 22 denying its request to be taken off the list.

“IRFAN-Canada did not directly or indirectly assist Hamas,” the application said. “The case against IRFAN-Canada is built around unproven and unreliable assertions of links or associations.”

It said IRFAN-Canada was a humanitarian organization that had “aided thousands of Palestinian orphans” and provided “basic human needs to help the most vulnerable.”The nine-page application also said the former IRFAN-Canada executive director, Rasem Abdel Majid, had suffered “financial and reputational loss as a result of the listing.”He lost his job, cannot operate a personal bank account and “has been subject to increased scrutiny and detention during travel despite being 73-years-old and having no criminal record.”
Public Safety Canada declined to comment.

Hamas is a Palestinian militant group that controls the Gaza Strip and has killed hundreds of Israelis in suicide bombings.
