Detailed LCCC English News Bulletin For March 06/17


Detailed LCCC English News Bulletin For March 06/17

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Titles For Latest LCCC Bulletin analysis & editorials from miscellaneous sources published english On March 05-06.17
The Leper’s Sold Faith Cured Him/Elias Bejjani/March 05/17
Kuwaiti MP Mohammed Hayef AlـMutairi: Amend Constitution, Sharia ‘Is Supreme’ And ‘Should Be Imposed’ – Without People Being Able To Reject It – ‘Are We Thieves, Who… Fear Having Our Hands Chopped Off?’/MEMRI/March 05/17
Why Trump’s Congress speech heralds his makeover/Trisha de Borchgrave/Al Arabiya/March 05/17
Bahrain Arrests Iran-Linked Terror Cell/Obaid Al-Suhaymi/ASharq Al Awsat/March 05/17
France’s Death Spiral/Guy Millière/Gatestone Institute/March 05/17
Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham and Civil Society in Jabal al-Summaq/Aymenn Jawad Al-Tamimi/Syria Comments/March 05/17
error in Sinai: Coptic Christians plead for help/MEE contributor/Friday 3 March 2017

Titles For Latest Lebanese Related News published On March 05-06.17
The Leper’s Sold Faith Cured Him
Alloush Warns of Constituent Assembly Leading to Legalization of Hizbullah Arms
Bassil: Electoral Law More Important than Presidency, Deserves Sacrifices
Probe Ordered after Kanaan’s Convoy ‘Comes under Gunfire’
Mashnouq Says Hariri to Maintain Sunni Leadership in Any Elections
MP Aoun Rules Out Extension, Elections under 1960 Law, Says Polls in Summer
State Budget to be Passed Monday as Aoun ‘Responds Positively’ to LF
Public School Teachers Go on Strike as Cabinet Finalizes Budget Discussions
Ibrahim, UNIFIL Chief meet over tension between UNIFIL and residents
Ukraine Ambassador visits Monastery of St. Anthony Qozhaya
More than 100 people starve to death in 48 hours in drought hit region of Somalia, government warns
Machnouk: Our loyalty to Lebanon and Arabism are steady
UK Navy Ship Ends Visit to Lebanon, Shorter Announces Grant to Rangers
Gunmen Open Gunfire at Residence in Akkar
Young men throw stones at security patrol in alHasniah to prevent it from stopping illegal construction works
Brazilian Soccer legends in Beirut to meet with Lebanese stars upcoming Wednesday
Arslan contacts Kanaan, congratulates him on his safety
Khoury from LAUByblos: There will be a new election law in the nearest future to the satisfaction of all parties

Titles For Latest LCCC Bulletin For Miscellaneous Reports And News published On March 05-06.17
Fallen Syrian Plane’s Pilot in Turkish Hospital
Putin ramps up Syria pact with Iran in US absence
Twin IS Suicide Attacks Kill 15 in North Syria
66,000 displaced in recent north Syria fighting
Cousin’ of ISIS leader Baghdadi arrested in Iraq’s Mosul
Netanyahu to urge Russia to say ‘nyet’ to Iranian ops near Israel border
Moscow Sets March 20 Date for Geneva 5
Conditional” Release to Montazeri’s Son
Jordan Executes 15 Terrorists
Trump Expected to Sign Revised Travel Ban Monday
Iranian Sunni bloc angered by MP who ‘insulted’ Prophet Mohammed’s companions
10 dead from hunger in 48 hours in severe Somalia drought
Bahrain Approves Military Trial for Civilians

Links From Jihad Watch Site for March 03-04.17
Nine of the ten most dangerous countries in the world for Christians are Muslim
Oklahoma lawmaker gives questionnaire to Muslims, Hamas-linked CAIR enraged
US-based Muslims divorce their wives in India using WhatsApp
“The leader of the SPLC is aware the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) is a Hamas organization”
Sweden’s Integration Minister admits lying when she claimed rape rate was “going down”
UK supermarket clerk converts to Islam, gets bomb-making instructions, tries to join jihadis, blames Brexit
Iran Defense Minister: “Main threat” is from US and Israel, “we need to hit the enemy where it hurts the most”
Germany: Muslim migrant sexually assaults several twelve-year-old boys
UK: Terror attacks have tripled in 5 years, London’s Muslim mayor bringing in 1,500,000 more migrants
NY Muslim: “I’m going to leave this country and come back with an Army — Islam is coming”
Canada: Immigration Minister Ahmed Hussen defends bill reinstating citizenship of convicted terrorists
Australia: Muslim students at Sydney high school threatened to behead non-Muslim staff in the name of the Islamic State
France: Muslim teen attacked Jewish teacher with machete in the “name of Allah and ISIS”
Hugh Fitzgerald: Muslims Helping Jews: The Case of Linda Sarsour (Part II)

Links From Christian Today Site On March 03-04.17
US Seeks End To UN Rights Council’s ‘Obsession’ With Israel
Trump Claims Obama Wiretapped Him During Campaign, Obama Refutes It
Do Some Of The Original Supporters Of Pope Francis Now Want Him To Resign?
Northern Ireland Election Leaves ‘Door Open’ For Legalisation Of Same-Sex Marriage And Abortion, Christian Charity Says
Why No Justice Yet For Murdered Pakistani Christian Shahbaz Bhatti?
Defiant Jesus Talk From The Archbishop Of York: ‘We Are Here To Change And Transform The World’
Top UK Major General Who Is A Christian Praises Donald Trump’s Defence Team
He Lived To Save Others’: The Legacy Of Dawson Trotman And The Navigators
Fears For Malaysian Abducted Malaysian Pastor After Son Says He May Have Been Murdered
Presiding Episcopal Bishop Supports ‘Dignity And Worth’ Of Trans People In Court Brief
Islam Will Surpass Christianity As World’s Largest Religion By 2070, Pew Predicts

 The Bulletin’s Link on the lccc Site

The Leper’s Sold Faith Cured Him
Elias Bejjani/March 05/17
Christ, the Son of God, is always ready and willing to help the sinners who seek forgiveness and repentance. When we are remorseful and ask Him for exoneration, He never gives up on us no matter what we did or said. As a loving Father, He always comes to our rescue when we get ourselves into trouble. He grants us all kinds of graces to safeguard us from falling into the treacherous traps of Satan’s sinful temptations.
Jesus the only Son Of God willingly endured all kinds of humiliation, pain, torture and accepted death on the cross for our sake and salvation. Through His crucifixion He absolved us from the original sin that our first parents Adam and Eve committed. He showed us the righteous ways through which we can return with Him on the Day Of Judgment to His Father’s Heavenly kingdom.
Jesus made his call to the needy, persecuted, sick and sinners loud and clear: “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” (Matthew 11:28) The outcast leper believed in Jesus’ call and came to Him asking for cleansing. Jesus took his hand, touched him with love, and responded to his request.
The leper knew deep in his heart that Jesus could cure him from his devastating and shameful leprosy if He is willing to do so. Against all odds he took the hard and right decision to seek out at once Jesus’ mercy.
With solid faith, courage and perseverance the leper approached Jesus and begging him, kneeling down to him, and says to him, “If you want to, you can make me clean.” When he had said this, immediately the leprosy departed from him and he was made clean. Jesus extended His hand and touched him with great passion and strictly warned him, “See you say nothing to anybody, but go show yourself to the priest, and offer for your cleansing the things which Moses commanded, for a testimony to them.” But the leper went out, began to proclaim it much, and spread about the matter so that Jesus could no more openly enter into a city, but was outside in desert places: and they came to him from everywhere. (Mark 1/40-45)
We sinners, all of us, ought to learn from the leper’s great example of faith. Like him we need to endeavour for sincere repentance with heartfelt prayer, begging Almighty God for absolution from all our sins. Honest pursuit of salvation and repentance requires a great deal of humility, honesty, love, transparency and perseverance. Like the leper we must trust in God’s mercy and unwaveringly go after it.
The faithful leper sensed deep inside his conscience that Jesus could cleanse him, but was not sure if he is worth Jesus’ attention and mercy.
His faith and great trust in God made him break all the laws that prohibited a leper from getting close to or touching anybody. He tossed himself at Jesus’ feet scared and trembling. With great love, confidence, meekness and passion he spoke to Jesus saying “If you will, you can make me clean.” He did not mean if you are in a good mood at present. He meant, rather, if it is not out of line with the purpose of God, and if it is not violating some cosmic program God is working out then you can make me clean.
Lepers in the old days were outcasts forced to live in isolation far away from the public. They were not allowed to continue living in their own communities or families. They were looked upon as dead people and forbidden from even entering the synagogues to worship. They were harshly persecuted, deprived of all their basic rights and dealt with as sinners. But in God’s eyes these sick lepers were His children whom He dearly loves and cares for. “Blessed are you when people reproach you, persecute you, and say all kinds of evil against you falsely, for my sake. Rejoice, and be exceedingly glad, for great is your reward in heaven. For that is how they persecuted the prophets who were before you”. Matthew(5/11-12)
The leper trusted in God’s parenthood and did not have any doubts about Jesus’ divinity and power to cleanse and cure him. Without any hesitation, and with a pure heart, he put himself with full submission into Jesus’ hands and will knowing that God our Father cannot but have mercy on His children. “Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God”. (Matthew5/8)
We need to take the leper as a role model in our lives. His strong and steadfast faith cured him and put him back into society. We are to know God can do whatever He wants and to trust Him. If He is willing, He will. We just have to trust in the goodness and mercy of God and keep on praying and asking, and He surely will respond in His own way even though many times our limited minds can not grasp His help.
Praying on regular basis as Jesus instructed us to is an extremely comforting ritual: “Therefore I tell you, all things whatever you pray and ask for, believe that you have received them, and you shall have them. Whenever you stand praying, forgive, if you have anything against anyone; so that your Father, who is in heaven, may also forgive you your transgressions. But if you do not forgive, neither will your Father in heaven forgive your transgressions” (Mark 11/24-26)
The leper’s faith teaches us that God always listens and always responds to our requests when we approach Him with pure hearts, trust, confidence and humbleness. Almighty God is a loving father who loves us all , we His children and all what we have to do to get His attention is to make our requests through praying. “Ask, and it will be given you. Seek, and you will find. Knock, and it will be opened for you. For everyone who asks receives. He who seeks finds. To him who knocks it will be opened”. (Matthew 7/8 -9)