Detailed LCCC English News Bulletin For February 12/17


Detailed LCCC English News Bulletin For February 12/17

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Titles For Latest LCCC Bulletin analysis & editorials from miscellaneous sources published on February 11-12/17
Trojan Horses in Women’s Movement/The wisdom of Aga Khan and his friend Churchill
Hassan Al Mustafa/Al Arabiya/February 11/17Khadija Khan/ Gatestone Institute/February 11/17
No one can walk alone in tackling climate change/José Graziano da Silva/Al Arabiya/February 11/17
Should we just surrender to corrupt people/Adnan Hussein/Al Arabiya/February 11/17

Titles For Latest Lebanese Related News published on February 11-12/17
Lebanon to Sue Suspect in Istanbul Deadly New Year’s Attack
Sabhan: SA Supports Any Electoral Law the Lebanese Agree on
Police Arrest Wanted Fugitive in North Lebanon
Report: Nasrallah to Address Several Files in Two Speeches
Syrian Dissident Launches New Opposition Bloc from Lebanon
Jumblat Hopes Lebanon’s Judicial System Same as US, Wahhab Lashes out at Him
MP, Alain Aoun: President will visit Syria if necessary, but no plans so far for such visit
Fadllallah: Not approving new electoral law drives Lebanon to face true crisis
Hasbani, French counterpart signed cooperation protocol: We work to improve quality of serving patients
Hariri, UNRWA Commissioner discuss Palestinian refugees’ condition
Machnouk: We stand in solidarity with Hariri to face fabricated campaign against him
Hariri meets with AlAyoubi
Merhebi: For serving citizens and refugees, especially in areas where refugees outnumber Lebanese
Joumblatt, Touraine convene in Mokhtara
Palestinian arrested at Ain El Helweh entrance over smuggling weapons
Clash inside a coffee shop in Tripoli evolves into shooting

Titles For Latest LCCC Bulletin For Miscellaneous Reports And News published on February 10-11/17
Will Donald Trump order a ‘brand new’ travel ban?
Trump to Iran’s Rowhani: You better be careful
Aide to Michael Flynn forced out of job due to row over Russian sanctions
Iranian official: Our revolution has gone beyond the Mediterranean
Syrian opposition names delegates for Geneva talks
French militant Rachid Kassim ‘killed in Mosul’
Power outages bring Iranian city of Ahwaz to a halt
Violence grips deadly protests in Iraq’s Baghdad
ISIS executes 5 Egyptians ‘for aiding army’
ISIS fighter is first Australian stripped of citizenship
US blocks Palestinian from leading UN mission in Libya
North Korea reportedly test fires missile, challenging US
Turkish Troops, Syria Rebels Enter IS-Held Town

Links From Jihad Watch Site for on February 10-11/17
Alabama: Hamas-linked CAIR rep says, “It’s just hard being a Muslim right now”
Georgetown prof Jonathan Brown now says Islam forbids slavery and rape, but in 2015 said it allowed them
77% of refugees allowed into U.S. since court blocked Trump ban come from the 7 countries on Trump’s list
72 Muslims from countries covered by Trump ban convicted of terrorism
U.S. Muslim groups, enraged by Trump, reject federal grants to fight “extremism”
Muslim ex-Guardsman gets 11 years for supporting ISIS, renounces its “superficial and dishonest interpretation of Islam”
Robert Spencer: Answering an Islamic apologist (Part I)
Georgetown prof Jonathan Brown justifies slavery and the rape of female slaves
Video: Robert Spencer on UN’s anti-Israel resolution and Trump’s immigration ban
Hamas releases music video vowing to murder Israelis: “We will eat you, Zionists, without salt”
Israel: Muslim opens fire on bus, uses screwdriver to stab shoppers buying groceries, six wounded
Indonesia’s Aceh province lashes 339 people with cane in 2016 for violations of Sharia
Robert Spencer in PJ Media: Winston Churchill, Anti-German Hate Group Leader
Hugh Fitzgerald: Islam and the Propaganda War (Part II): The Debater’s Handbook
UK: “Man from Hertfordshire” arrested arriving from Iraq on suspicion of jihad plotting

Links From Christian Today Site for on February 11-12/17
Hundreds Of US Immigrants Arrested In Enforcement Surge
Trump Considers Issuing ‘Brand New’ Travel Ban In Surprise Move
Most Americans Support Gay Marriage – Most White Evangelicals Oppose It
Iraq War Abuse Investigations Unit To Be Closed By UK Government
Bishop Michael Nazir-Ali Says Secularism Is Spectacular Failure When It Comes To People Of Faith
Science And Faith Projects Get New Church Funding
Archbishop Of Canterbury: Ministers Are Condemning Kids To Brothels – Or Death
Shocking And Sad: Why We Should Be Angry About Closing Our Borders To Lone Child Refugees
Feeling Desperate? Want To Change The World? Try Praying ‘Thy Kingdom Come’

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