الياس بجاني/الهجوم المسلح على الجامع في مدينة كوباك الكندية هو عمل إرهابي ومدان


الهجوم المسلح على الجامع في مدينة كوباك الكندية هو عمل إرهابي ومدان
الياس بجاني/30 كانون الثاني/17

ما جرى مساء يوم أمس الأحد 29 كانون الثاني/2007، في مدينة كوباك الكندية هو عمل همجي وبربري وإرهابي بامتياز.
عملاً بكل المعايير الإنسانية والحقوقية والدينية والأخلاقية فإن الاعتداء المسلح على الجامع في المدينة هو مرفوض ومدان ومستنكر بشدة.
كندا بلد علماني ومسالم وحضاري ودستوره يحترم التعددية ويصون المعتقدات الدينية كافة ويساوي بين كل المواطنين،
وبالتالي فإن الاعتداء المسلح والإرهابي السافر هو ليس فقط على الجامع الذي تم استهدافه وقتل مصلين فيه،
بل هو اعتداءً صارخاً على كل الشعب الكندي، وعلى أمن واستقرار ودستور كندا، وعلى كل قيمها ونمط الحياة الحضارية والسلمية فيها.
نؤيد كل الإجراءات التي اتخذتها السلطات الكندية، وهي بالتأكيد وكما دائماً سوف تطبق القوانين المرعية الشأن بحق المعتدين الذين تم اعتقالهم، وكذلك من حرضهم ويقف وراء عملهم الإرهابي.
هذا الاعتداء هو عمليا ثقافة داعشية بامتياز كائن من كانوا المنفذين والمخططين.
نتقدم من ذوى الضحايا بالتعزية القلبية ونتمنى للمصابين الشفاء العاجل.
حفظ الله كندا ومواطنيها كافة من كل أشكال الإرهاب والتعصب والأصولية، وأبقاه بلداً أمناً ومسالماً وواحة للحرية والديمقراطية والتعددية.
*الكاتب ناشط لبناني اغترابي
عنوان الكاتب الألكتروني

The Terrorist  attack on the Quebec City mosque is strongly deplored
Elias Bejjani  January 30/17
What happened yesterday evening, (Sunday, January 29/2007) in the Canadian Quebec City is brutal, barbaric and a mere terrorist act par excellence.
In accordance to all humanitarian, constitutional, common living, tolerance, human rights, religious and ethical standards, the armed attack on the mosque in the Quebec City is totally unacceptable and loudly and by all means condemned
Canada is a secular, peaceful and civilized country. The Canadian constitution totally adopts and respects, freedom, democracy, equality, pluralism, and safeguards all religious- faith beliefs for all its multicultural and multi ethnical citizens.
In this context the armed and blatant terrorist attack on the Quebec Mosque that killed and injured several worshipers is actually an attack on all the Canadian people, on the Canadian security and stability, and on the Constitution of Canada.
It is also an attack on all the Canadian values of ​​tolerance, freedom, democracy, peace, and the multicultural and pluralistic life style.
We strongly support all legal and security actions taken by the Canadian authorities, which are certainly and as always will force law and bring the terrorist assailants to justice.
In conclusion, The deplorable and vicious Mosque terrorist attach and no matter who planed or executed it remains an Isis like education, mentality and barbarism.
We extend our condolences to the families of the victims, and wish the injured a speedy recovery.
May Almighty God save and protect our beloved Canada and its citizens from all forms of terrorism, fanaticism, fundamentalism, and kept it secure stable, peaceful, free and democratic.

6 dead in Quebec mosque shooting
Euan McKirdy, Paula Newton and Merieme Arif, CNN
Mon January 30/ 2017
Quebec City (CNN)Six people are dead after a shooting at a mosque in Quebec City, according to Quebec Provincial Police. Eight people were injured. The attack, which took place at the city’s Quebec Islamic Cultural Center, is being investigated as an act of terrorism by police. In what was described as a coordinated attack, witnesses say at least two gunmen wearing black fired indiscriminately into the dozens of worshipers — including families — in the mosque.
Thirty-nine people who were at the mosque during shooting were unharmed, Christine Coulombe, spokeswoman of National Police of Quebec, said. Of the eight injured, six are described as being in critical condition.
Two people have been arrested, a police said at a news conference. One was captured near the mosque and the other was apprehended on a highway nearby.
The Canadian province’s premier, Philippe Couillard, called the shooting a terrorist act on Twitter. He added that he would ask the National Assembly to fly the Quebec flag at half-staff. Police said in a later tweet that the situation was under control.
“The site is secure and the occupants (of the mosque) were evacuated. The investigation continues.” Police are not ruling out the existence of accomplices.
A statement on the mosque’s Facebook page urged caution. “Please wait for preliminary results (of the investigation) before circulating rumors,” it says. “The situation is very critical. May Allah give us endurance.”
Another post showed the center’s gratitude for the “hundreds of messages of compassion coming from all over.”
At least two vigils, in Quebec City and in Montreal, are planned for Monday.
At least five of those injured in the incident were receiving treatment at the University Hospital of Quebec. Other victims are in hospitals throughout the city, hospital spokesman Richard Fournier tells CNN.
Previous incident
Last year, the cultural center received a wrapped pig head and a magazine with a pig on its cover, saying “Bonne Appetit,” according to a post on its Facebook page. The post reads: “We just learned that a gesture of hate towards our Great Mosque took place Sunday morning (14 Ramadan) around Salat Al-Fajr! Police was made aware and opened an investigation! We will keep you updated as soon as we have news…”Under the Quran, pork is prohibited and pigs considered unclean.
Canada’s leaders condemned the attack on social media. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau tweeted his condolences in both French and English. “Tonight, Canadians grieve for those killed in a cowardly attack on a mosque in Quebec City. My thoughts are with victims & their families.”Later, in a statement on his official site, Trudeau wrote: “It is heart-wrenching to see such senseless violence. Diversity is our strength, and religious tolerance is a value that we, as Canadians, hold dear. “Muslim-Canadians are an important part of our national fabric, and these senseless acts have no place in our communities, cities and country. Canadian law enforcement agencies will protect the rights of all Canadians, and will make every effort to apprehend the perpetrators of this act and all acts of intolerance.”
Premier Couillard said Quebec would support Muslims.

*Elias Bejjani
Canadian-Lebanese Human Rights activist, journalist and political commentator
Email phoenicia@hotmail.com &  media.lccc@gmail.com 
Web sites https://eliasbejjaninews.com & http://www.10452lccc.com & http://www.clhrf.com
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