Detailed LCCC English News Bulletin For January 27/17


Detailed LCCC English News Bulletin For January 27/17

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Titles For Latest LCCC Bulletin analysis & editorials from miscellaneous sources published on January 26-27/17
Aoun insists on new vote law to govern elections, rejects term extension/The Daily Star/January 26/ 2017
Lebanon: Civilians Tried in Military Courts/NNA/January 26/ 2017
Hezbollah’s road to regaining legitimacy goes through Israel/ Yasser Okbi/Maariv Hashavua/Jerusalem Post/26 January 2017
Is Ivanka Trump Jewish? In Israel, she has a trump card/The Associated Press, Petah Tikva/January 26/ 2017
Canada/Radicalization in Public Schools…Why We are Concerned/Maha Soliman/Gatestone Institute/January 26/17
The Two “Islamophobias”/Denis MacEoin/Gatestone Institute./January 26, 2017
What Is Iran Regime’s Policy-Making Mechanism? – Op-Ed.]/NCRI Iran News/Thursday, 26 January 2017
Tsarist performance on the Iranian and Turkish fronts/Ghassan Imam/Al Arabiya/January 26/17
An ode to the prisoners of happiness/Yasser Hareb/Al Arabiya/January 26/17
The hottest year on record was not a Chinese hoax/Yossi Mekelberg/Al Arabiya/January 26/17
Egypt-Russia relations: Reviving the unstable/Mohammed Nosseir/Al Arabiya/January 26/17
Op-Ed: How Trump can end illegal immigration right now—without a border wall/Steven Kopits/ 26/17

Titles For Latest Lebanese Related News published on January 26-27/17
HRW Urges Lebanon to End Military Trials of Civilians
Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary Kaidanow Concludes Visit to Lebanon
Aoun Meets Mogherini: Legislative Polls to be Held on Time
Bassil Meets Mogherini, Announces Conference on Fighting Terrorism Next Week
Heavy Security Deployment in North in Search of ‘Bomb-Laden Pickup’
Geagea Says LF, PSP Want New Electoral Law, 1960 Law Cannot Continue
Zahra Says Pressure to Endorse New Election Law Will Yield Soon
MP SamiGemayel Holds Talks with Jumblat in Clemenceau
Army Refers Costa Would-Be Bomber to Judiciary
Syria to Hand al-Hashem Killer Over to Lebanon for Trial
Jumblat Says Ultimatums on Election Law are ‘Illogical’
MP, Sami Gemayel Throws Support behind Aoun in Electoral Law Battle
MP Nadim Gemayel urges to conduct election on time
Kanaan: Christian convergence over election law
Bonne visits military posts in Arsal, Laboueh: Lebanese Army deserves all our support
Cazeneuve cables Machnouk: For swift legislative elections
Abi Khalil: five oil exploration blocks open for bidding
Aswad: President Aoun is keen on endorsing new election law
Charles Ayoub ‘Barred from Leaving UAE’
Berri, Mogherini tackle most recent developments
Lebanon: Civilians Tried in Military Courts
Aoun insists on new vote law to govern elections, rejects term extension
Hezbollah’s road to regaining legitimacy goes through Israel

Titles For Latest LCCC Bulletin For Miscellaneous Reports And News published on January 26-27/17
Arabs in Uproar After Saudi Prince Poses With Israel’s Tzipi Livni
Several senior diplomats resign as Trump admin takes shape
First Official US Visit to Israel of the Trump Era
Trump claims torture works but experts warn of its ‘potentially existential’ costs
Turkey: Waiting for outcome of Syria safe zones call
Facing extremist attack, Syrian rebels join bigger faction
Russia urges caution on US plan for safe zones in Syria
Rouhani’s Advisor Implicitly Ruled out Prospect of Iran’s Economic Growth
Iran: 12000 die in traffic accident in 9 months
One of the Biggest Financial Corruptions in Iran
The Appointment of the Qods Force Deputy Commander as the Ambassador to Iraq Is to Continue and Expand Meddling in This Country
US lawmaker says she met Assad on secret Syria trip
Protests held in NY against Trump immigration plans
Jihadists Lose Ground around Libya’s Second City
Hamon Pitches Fresh Ideas to French Socialists
‘Mexico Leader Cancels U.S. Trip in Border Wall Row with Trump

Links From Jihad Watch Site for on January 26-27/17
Muslim writer claims Trump’s immigration policies are “racism and Islamophobia at its most basic level”
AFDI Women’s March Video Reveals Leftists’ Ignorance and Indifference Regarding Sharia Oppression of Women
Make “The Establishment” Obsolete
Germany: Muslim migrant killed “infidel” landlady, scrawled Qur’an verses on wall
Germany: Berlin truck jihad mass murderer’s mosque to be shut down
Trump to terminate funding to UN agencies that give full membership to Palestinian Authority
Trump: US shouldn’t admit those who practice “‘honor’ killings, other forms of violence against women”
Sweden: Two Afghan Muslim migrants revealed as those who streamed 3-hour rape on Facebook
Trump: “We cannot, and should not, admit…those who would place violent religious edicts over American law”
Video: Robert Spencer on Hamas-Linked CAIR and Fake Anti-Muslim Hate Crimes
Hamas-linked CAIR: Refusing refugees is equivalent to slavery
Child jihadi arrested in Austria just latest example of jihad groups’ child abuse
Hamas top dog says Trump will “entice Israelis to become more radical”
“The wrong kind of Muslim leaders have been gaining inroads into government circles”

Links From Christian Today Site for on January 26-27/17
Aleppo Church Funds Young Couples, Toddlers To Raise ‘New Generation’ Of Hope
Queen’s Former Chaplain Warns ‘Dying’ Church Of England Is Capitulating To Liberal Culture
Trump vs The Catholic Church? Bishops Lead Attack On New President’s Flagship Policies
God Loves Us Despite Our Shortcomings, Says New Bible College Principal Calvin Samuel
Franklin Graham Defends Trump’s Ban On Refugees: ‘It’s Not A Bible Issue’
Controversial Former Queen’s Chaplain Urges Christians To Leave ‘Dying’ C of E For ‘Biblical’ Churches
Help Stop The Violence, Myanmar Bishops Beg Aung San Suu Kyi
Kellyanne Conway’s ‘Alternative Facts’ Spark Jump In Sales Of Orwell’s Classic ‘1984’
Pope Francis Meets ‘Huge Fan’ Arnold Schwarzenegger At The Vatican
Is Pope Francis Having A Donald Trump Moment About The Mainstream Media?
Despite Israel Policies, Barack Obama Offered Welcome At Top Jewish Country Club

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