Elias Bejjani: The Lebanese Forces (LF) That Does Not Resemble Itself Any more


The Lebanese Forces That Does Not Resemble Itself Any more
Elias Bejjani/January 24/17

The Lebanese Forces resistance entity that we knew before, especially during the Bachir era does not practically and in the lived reality exist anymore.
The current LF became a mere replicate of the rest of the Lebanese commercial and feudal so called political parties.
Its priorities as we can clearly observe on daily basis are completely tailored on individual and not on patriotic basis…
All the current shocking camouflages in the LF stances, alliances, hunger for authority – governing and in the short sighted agendas are sadly justified by the reality tag..
This “reality” deceiving tag totally negates and contradicts the essence and core of the historic LF resistance body by all means and on all levels.
Definitely the majority of the sane, patriotic and free Lebanese citizens in both Lebanon and Diaspora are not happy or agreeable with the recent political LF choices on all levels.
The skin changing process that LF  has been going through for almost two years is disappointing and extremely frustrating.
What is humiliating for the Lebanese intelligence, education and knowledge is the sickening and cheap tactic of rationalization that the LF leadership is resorting to in a bid to justify its derailed and non-Lebanese political choices, stances, and alliances.
Meanwhile what is really scaring with the current and ongoing LF Coup d’état (on its own history, sacrifices, principles and beliefs) is that it became an entity that does not in any way resemble any more the Bachir LF one that we knew, supported and shouldered our hopes on.
The below statement that was posted on Face Book by a headstrong and stubborn ex LF fighter, member and supporter portrays how much the LF is not any more it self:
“It is unfortunate to witness how much the LF have become insignificant in the Lebanese political landscape since they were diluted in the submission grand soup cooked by Chef Nasrallah. None of the principles the LF were created for, fought for and sacrificed for is still visible.

*Elias Bejjani
Canadian-Lebanese Human Rights activist, journalist and political commentator
Email phoenicia@hotmail.com  media.lccc@gmail.com 
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