Detailed LCCC English News Bulletin For January 19/17


Detailed LCCC English News Bulletin For January 19/17

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Titles For Latest LCCC Bulletin analysis & editorials from miscellaneous sources published on January 18-19/17
Articles In Arab Press Warn About Possible Assassination Of U.S. President-Elect Donald Trump/MEMRI/January 18/17
People-to-people engagement is backbone of India-Gulf relations/By Ehtesham Shahid/Al Arabiya/January 18/2017
Could Jared Kushner resolve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict/By Aaron David Miller/CNN/January 18/17
Dear Donald Trump: A letter from a Syrian refugee/Abdulazez Dukhan/Al Jazeera News/January 18/17
Germany’s New Propaganda Bureau/Big Brother is Watching YOU!/Judith Bergman/Gatestone Institute/January 18/17
Covering Up Armenian Genocide/Uzay Bulut/Gatestone Institute/January 18/17
The death of international consensus on Palestine/Chris Doyle/Al Arabiya/January 18/18
A new café in Baghdad’s neighborhood/Adnan Hussein/Al Arabiya/January 18/18
Is Trump our messiah? Don’t be so sure/Aviad Kleinberg/Yneynews/January 18/17

Titles For Latest Lebanese Related News published on January 18-19/17
 Parliament Passes 19 Laws in Legislative Session, Election Law Not on Agenda
Hariri Chairs Cabinet Meeting: Holding Elections is Govt.’s Priority
Berri adjourns Parliament session, Riachy confirms postponing MoI contractual employees’ dossier doesn’t imply thwarting it
Parliament approves draft bill on exercise of psychiatrist profession
Report: PSP Delegation in Baabda to Propose Amendments to 1960 Law
Aoun in front of Diplomatic corps: We are in need of new mentality and profound change
Aoun, Syriac Orthodox Patriarch take up community related affairs
74-Year-Old Man Kidnapped in Qab Elias
Rocket Fired from Arsal Outskirts Hits al-Nabi Othman amid Army Crackdown
Mashnouq: Elections to be Held on Time unless New Law Passed
Gemayel to Berri: Discussing an Election Law Part of Parliament’s Duties
Lebanese Army Closes Illegal Border Crossings in Hermel
Berri ‘Distressed’ over Electoral Law, Urges Cabinet to Meet its Vows
Army cordons off Brital, raids residence of Richa’s suspect kidnapper
Army sets up checkpoints in Baalbek’s North Street
Sarraf: We commit to 1701, we ask for our natural resources in regional waters

Titles For Latest LCCC Bulletin For Miscellaneous Reports And News published on January 18-19/17
Egypt: Four Christians Slaughtered in 10 Days
Fear grows among Egypt’s Christians after a Coptic doctor was stabbed in the throat
Israel: New defense system can hit targets outside the atmosphere
Saudi mufti warns of ‘depravity’ of cinema, concerts
Istanbul shooter directed by ISIS before attack
Orlando shooter’s wife charged in relation to attack
ISIS targets bombed near Syria’s Al-Bab
Written document to consolidate Syria cease-fire during Astana meet
Iran: Trump’s comments ‘psychologically’ influenced the nuclear deal
Iraq: Troops have ‘full control’ of eastern Mosul
Turkey issues arrest warrants for 243 military members
Fatah and Hamas to form unity government
Iran: 20 Executions in One Day; 57 Executions Since the Start of 2017
Political Prisoner Writes Revealing Letter to UN Special Rapporteur
IRGC Spokesman Threatens Iran Regime’s Parliament Deputy Speaker
Iran: 20 People Receive $3.5 Billion Suspicious Loan From Teachers’ Reserve Fund
Iran: Prisoner Dies in Evin Prison Due to Lack of Medical Attention
Iran Regime’s Internal Discords Over Nuclear Deal
Obama Commutes Sentence of WikiLeaker Manning
Iran ‘Hostile’ to US Involvement in Syria Talks

Links From Jihad Watch Site for on January 18-19/17
Islamic State burns mother and four children for leaving the caliphate
Egypt: Four Christians slaughtered over the course of 10 days
Brandeis hires anti-Semitic Muslim prof with al-Qaeda links
Fatah and Hamas agree to form unity “Palestinian” government
Video: Robert Spencer on Rafsanjani and Iran’s “reform” movement
Mali: Jihadists murder 42 at military camp in area France’s Hollande just visited
Hamas-linked CAIR demands that Trump drop Franklin Graham from inauguration lineup
Robert Spencer in The Hill: Lindsay Lohan may have made her worst life choice yet
UK: Muslim who murdered Muslim for “disrespecting Islam” calls on followers to “eliminate” enemies of Islam
Austria: Teen Muslima invents story of being called “terrorist” and pushed onto train tracks
Robert Spencer in PJ Media: Five New Fake ‘Anti-Muslim Hate Crimes’

Links From Christian Today Site for on January 18-19/17
Vatican Demands Obedience In Condoms Row With Ancient Knights Of Malta
Archbishops Of Canterbury And York: Give Thanks For The ‘Great Blessings’ Of The Reformation
Hope Amid Crisis: Testimonies Of Christian Transformation In War-Torn Syria
Church Of England Wrestles With Fracking In New Report
The Prophetic And The Patriotic: Why We Must Criticise Our Country
Could Donald Trump’s Son-In-Law Be Saviour Of The Middle East?
Tremors Felt In Rome As Three More Earthquakes Hit Italy
Mysterious Catholic Lay Organisation Opus Dei Begins Process Of Electing New Leader
Nigeria Air Force Kills 52 And Injures 120 Refugees, Aid Workers And Other Civilians In Air Attack Intended For Boko Haram
Pope May Visit Northern Ireland In Historic Move
Victim’s Religion Acted ‘In Favour’ Of Accused: Indian Hindus Who Allegedly Beat A Muslim To Death Granted Bail By Judge.

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