Detailed LCCC English News Bulletin For January 16/17


Detailed LCCC English News Bulletin For January 16/17

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Titles For Latest LCCC Bulletin analysis & editorials from miscellaneous sources published on January 15-16/17
Behind Aoun’s visit to Saudi Arabia/Shadi Alaa Eddine/The Arab Weekly/January 15/17
Israel steps up shadow war with Hezbollah/Ed Blanche/The Arab WeeklyJanuary 15/17
Lebanese hope for new relations with Riyadh/Dalal Saoud/The Arab Weekly//January 15/17
Lebanon moves to oil exploration stage/Walid Khadduri/The Arab Weekly/January 15/17
An exchange on Israel and the “Palestinians” between Fr. Samir Khalil Samir, S.J. and Robert Spencer/JRobert Spencer/Jihad Watch/January 15/17
Obama’s Mideast Legacy Is One of Tragic Failure/Alan M. Dershowitz/Gatestone Institute/January /17
The Bigotry against Israel in the UN/Salim Mansur/Gatestone Institute/January 15/17
Anger in Egypt as Red Sea islands’ handover looms/Amr Emam/The Arab Weekly/January 15/17/
Middle East Christians remain hopeful for the future despite ISIS violence in 2016/Amr Emam/The Arab Weekly/January 15/17
Courting the Copts/Mohamad Abou el-Fadel/The Arab Weekly/January 15/17
Damascus goes dry as Syria’s grim water wars intensify/Sami Moubayed/The Arab Weekly/January 15/17
The Middle East in 2017: A chaotic regional order emerging/Nassif Hitti/The Arab Weekly/January 15/17
The 6 Religious Leaders Who Will Pray At Trump’s Inauguration/Harry Farley/Christian Today/January 15/17

Titles For Latest Lebanese Related News published on January 15-16/17
Hamadeh: Lebanon Now Practicing a More Independent Foreign Policy
Efforts to Reach New Electoral Law Stumble as 1960 Law Chances Surge
Hizbullah Condemns Bahrain’s Execution of Three Shiites
Qaouq Says Govt. a ‘Failure’ if 1960 Electoral Law Re-Endorsed
Four Wounded in Fresh Ain el-Hilweh Clash
Mustaqbal ‘Besieges’ Rifi as Hariri Throws Support behind Mashnouq
Mufti Deryan concludes visit to KSA
Raad: Full proportional electoral law with single district ensures equity
Rahi: Changing mentalities helps us develop new electoral law
Kanaan: LF, FPM understanding strategic
Hariri praises closing statement of Paris ME Peace Conference
Jumblatt sends condolences cable to UAE President denouncing Afghanistan bombing
Protest by Civil Movements at Beirut Airport: For aviation safety remove landfill
Zeaiter says Arabs should come together to fight terrorism
Bomb tossed in Ain Helwe Camp, no casualties reported
Teen abducted from Nabatiyeh, $3K demanded in ransom
Behind Aoun’s visit to Saudi Arabia
Israel steps up shadow war with Hezbollah
Lebanese hope for new relations with Riyadh
Lebanon moves to oil exploration stage

Titles For Latest LCCC Bulletin For Miscellaneous Reports And News published on January 15-16/17
Israel: New gov’t bill allows for assistance in registering as Aramean
French FM blasts Trump for embassy move plan
At Paris meeting, major powers to warn Trump over Middle East peace
Bahrain Executions Spark Violent Protests
Trump Unleashes Attack on U.S. Civil Rights Icon
Trump Warned Off Unilateral Mideast Moves at Paris Peace Conference
Clashes in Wadi Barada near Damascus after Negotiator Killed
German Jet Lands in Kuwait over Hoax Bomb Threat
Yemen Shelling Kills Saudi Soldier on Border
Former Iraqi Vice President: Ghasem Soleimani Told Me Iran Has Relations With Al-Qaida
Iran Regime’s State Newspapers: Vienna Meeting, Negotiating With Bare Hands
French Organization Calls for a Boycott of Iran Regime’s Football

Links From Jihad Watch Site for on January 15-16/17
Paris peace conference: No “acceptable” solution for Israel and “Palestinians” except two states
French pol: “Islam is a religion of peace and solidarity”
Hugh Fitzgerald: The Insubmissive Infidel, Or, Just A Jot About Jerusalem
Scotland: Provost of cathedral where Qur’an was read denounces “appeasement” of “those who are Islamophobic”
An exchange on Israel and the “Palestinians” between Fr. Samir Khalil Samir, S.J. and Robert Spencer
Washington state: Mosque arsonist arrested, cops say “we haven’t seen any evidence that this is a hate crime”
Florida: Iraqi skater claims she was banned from rink for being Iraqi; rink owner says “it’s extortion”
Austria: Muslim migrant “Sharia patrol” breaks girl’s jaw after false claim she pulled off Muslima’s hijab
Washington state: Man charged with threats at mosque is…Muslim
Islam’s Litigious Paranoia
San Diego State University: Hijabbed Muslima drops claim of assault by two Trump supporters
North Carolina: “No evidence” for Hamas-linked CAIR’s claim that teacher assaulted Muslim kindergartener
Israel: Muslim migrant accused of breaking into home, sexually assaulting 12-year-old girl while she slept

Links From Christian Today Site for on January 15-16/17
Pope Francis Makes Passionate Appeal For Care Of Child Migrants
Austria’s Far-Right Freedom Party Calls For Ban On ‘Fascistic Islam’
Theresa May To Call For National Unity In Major Brexit Speech
We Need A Brexit Plan By Mid-Feb, Parliamentary Committee Tells Theresa May
Iraq Special Forces Sweep Mosul University For Remaining Militants
Washington Protesters Vow To Fight For Civil Rights Under Trump
Baby Kidnapped From Florida Hospital Found Safe 18 Years Later
Trump’s Inauguration: Why Who Prays Is Always Controversial
The 6 Religious Leaders Who Will Pray At Trump’s Inauguration

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