Detailed LCCC English News Bulletin For January 05/17


Detailed LCCC English News Bulletin For January 05/17

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Titles For Latest LCCC Bulletin analysis & editorials from miscellaneous sources published on January 04-05/17
Passage of Oil and Gas Decrees Casts Doubt on Transparency of Lebanon’s Decision-Making Process/Sami Atallah/LCPS executive director/January 04/2017
The 12 Worst Countries For Christian Persecution Around The World/Carey Lodge/Christian Today/04 January/17
Christian Clergy Welcomes Islam in Church, Then Bows to It/Giulio Meotti/Gatestone Institute/January 04/17
Europe: The Case of the Vanishing Women/Judith Bergman/Gatestone Institute/January 04/17
The Azaria trial and the rift over orders to shoot/DEBKAfile Exclusive Analysis January 04/17
Do the Astana Talks Aim For a Truce or Syria’s Surrender/Abdulrahman Al-Rashed/Asharq Al-Awsat English/January 04/17
Why Aleppo’s Evacuation Was No Such Thing/Alicia Kearns/Asharq Al-Awsat English/January 04/17
Is world on the brink of an abyss in 2017/Yossi Mekelberg/Al Arabiya/January 04/17
U.S. Must Join Europe to Resist Russia’s Meddling/Josh Rogin/The Washington Post/January 04/17
Istanbul attack shows terror is closer than we think/Abdullah Hamidaddin/Al Arabiya/January 04/17

Titles For Latest Lebanese Related News published on January 04-05/17

Iran denies Hezbollah’s exit from Syrian territories
Lebanon’s president: Israeli Mossad might be behind assassination of Lebanese businessman
President says Lebanese in Angola likely killed by Mossad
Mawlawi-Linked Cell Charged with Plotting NYE Bombings, Assassinations
Opposition Says Hizbullah Prevented Russians from Entering Wadi Barada, Turkey Says Party behind Truce Violations
Cabinet Passes Oil and Gas Decrees, Replaces Abdul Menhem Youssef
Hammoud Asks Turkey to Brief Lebanon on Istanbul Attack Probe
Maronite Bishops Urge Fair Electoral Law, Timely Polls, Bigger Support for Army
Counterfeit Money Gang Arrested in Nabatieh
Assailants Toss Grenades at Residence of Municipal Chief in Akkar
Berri Warns against ‘Procrastination in Finalizing Electoral Law’
Machnouk denies the rumors about new telecommunications system
Bassil declares approval on decrees of oil dossier
Hariri proposes formation of ministerial committee to face any disaster
Bouchra Doueihy returns to Beirut tonight
Passage of Oil and Gas Decrees Casts Doubt on Transparency of Lebanon’s Decision-Making Process

Titles For Latest LCCC Bulletin For Miscellaneous Reports And News published on January 04-05/17
Turkey approves extending state of emergency by three months
Turkish foreign minister calls on Iran to stop truce violations in Syria
Syrian regime responsible for 75% of 2016 civilian casualties
70 spies doing time in Tehran jails
Turkey identifies Istanbul nightclub attacker
Erdogan Says Nightclub Attack Exploited to Divide Turks as Gunman Identified
At least 6,878 civilians killed in Iraq in 2016
Turkey Warns Syria Talks at Risk over Truce Violations
Turkey Identifies Istanbul Gunman, Makes New Arrests
U.S.-Led Coalition Boosts Mosul Military Advisors to 450
Netanyahu Wants Pardon for Israeli Soldier in Manslaughter Case
Number of Displaced in Mosul Op Passes 125,000
Officials Sanctioned after Bahrain Jailbreak
Yazidi NGO Says Iraq HQ Closed by Kurdish Forces
Iraq Helicopter Gunship Crash Kills Four
Tunisia Dismantles ‘Terrorist Cell’ in Growing Crackdown
Iran: Corruption Files Deepen Internal Division
Two Bombings Target Iran’s Second Major Oil Pipeline
Israeli Soldier Convicted of Manslaughter after Shooting Wounded Palestinian
Women Constitute 40% of Israeli Mossad
Houthi militias ‘recruiting children’ in Yemen
Libyan jet launches deadly strike on rival plane

Links From Jihad Watch Site for on January 04-05/17
Germany: Muslim migrants planned sex assaults to show “you can’t defend your women”
John Kerry, Those “Illegal” Settlements, That “Two-State Solution” (Part II)
Australia: Eight Muslims attack woman, her husband fights them off
Sweden video: Muslims fire rockets at crowds and police on New Year’s Eve in Malmo
UK: Imam advising government on Sharia claims “Islamophobia” gaining “legitimacy”
Kuwaiti MP: “It is the Zionist entity that runs the world”
Most imams in France and Belgium forbid Christmas/holiday greetings
Raymond Ibrahim: ‘We Are Not Weak’: Does Islamic Claim Stand Up to Scrutiny?
Glazov Gang’s 2016 Episode of The Year: Brigitte Gabriel on “What is Really Driving the Terrorists”
1,000 Muslims screaming “Allahu akbar” set fire to Germany’s oldest church on New Year’s Eve
Bill introduced to move U.S. embassy to Jerusalem

Links From Christian Today Site for on January 04-05/17
The 12 Worst Countries For Christian Persecution Around The World
Britain’s EU Envoy Slams Government’s ‘Muddled Thinking’ In Resignation Letter
Islamists Threaten Murdered Punjab Governor’s Son For Wishing Christians Happy Christmas
Mark Woods/Fat Cat Wednesday And GK Chesterton: What A Great Christian Apologist Has To Say About Equality
Beaten During Miscarriages, Imprisoned And Now Suffering With Cancer: The Chinese Christian Activist Urgently In Need Of Help

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