Detailed LCCC English News Bulletin For December 24/16


Detailed LCCC English News Bulletin For December 24/16

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Titles For Latest LCCC Bulletin analysis & editorials from miscellaneous sources published on December 23-24/16
Egypt Agrees to UN Israel Vote Delay in Call with Trump/Agencies/December 23/16
Israel fans tensions over Hezbollah parade in Syria/Joseph A. Kechichian/Gulf News/December 23, 2016
What the Peopl is Waiting For/By Ahmad El-Assaad December 23/16
Iran to tread warily despite victories, say experts/The Weekend Australian/December 23/16
The Saudis at the UN Human Rights Council/Giulio Meotti/Gatestone Institute/December 23/16
Has the United Nations perished in Aleppo too/Yossi Mekelberg/Al Arabiya/December 23/16
What will Obama do about Russian hacking? Nothing/Dr. Azeem Ibrahim/Al Arabiya/December 23/16
Saudi Budget 2017: Shrinking deficit, raising expenditure/Dr. Naser al-Tamimi/Al Arabiya/December 23/16
Two Bullies, Putin and Erdoğan, Try Friendship/Daniel Pipes/Australian/December 23/16
While The Administration Slept, Others Plotted/By: Alberto M. Fernandez/MEMRI/December 23/16
Israel accuses Obama of anti-Israeli ‘shameful move’ at UN/Elior Levy and Roi Kais/ Ynetnews/ 23.12.16
Is the Russian Phoenix Really Rising/Amir Taheri/Asharq Al Awsat/December 23/16

Titles For Latest Lebanese Related News published on December 23-24/16
Aoun extends holiday greetings to Lebanese
Ministerial Panel Finalizes Policy Statement, Cabinet Convenes Saturday to Approve It
Hezbollah: Israel’s fingerprints all over Hamas operative’s murder
Nasrallah: Aleppo Win Ends Assad Ouster Scheme, We Don’t Want to Control Lebanon
Report: Cabinet to Hold Second Meeting Friday to Discuss Ministerial Statement
Kedenian: Lebanon Witnessing Quality Leap at Political Level
President Aoun urges investigation iuty Crown Prince, Meets Iran Deputy FM
Israel fans tensions over Hezbollanto HRW report
Hariri Receives Call from Saudi Deph parade in Syria
What the People is Waiting For”
ISF denies HRW claims on torturing displaced Syrian
Hariri welcomes UN resolution to halt Israeli settlements in occupied Palestine

Titles For Latest LCCC Bulletin For Miscellaneous Reports And News published on December 23-24/16
With Obama Administration Abstaining, UN Security Council Approves Anti-Israeli Settlement Resolution
Army Takes Control of Aleppo in Major Boost for Assad
Putin Hails Aleppo Recapture, Moves to Expand Syria Presence
In Aleppo, Assad Supporters Shout their Joy after Regime Victory
88 Dead in Turkish Raids on IS-Held Syria Town
IS ‘Burns Turkish Troops Alive’ after Ankara Vows no Let-Up
Coalition Used Banned Cluster Bombs in Yemen
Berlin attack suspect Anis Amri shot dead by police in Milan
Iran Regime MP Admits Presence of Terrorist Quds Force Commander in Aleppo
Iran: Political Prisoner Expresses Sympathy and Support for People of Syria
Despite the Lifting of Sanctions, Why Iran’s Economy Has Plunged Into Recession? – Part 5-5

Links From Jihad Watch Site for on December 23-24/16
Trump warns UN after Israel vote: ‘Things will be different’ soon
CNN tells Trump how to defeat jihad: “Don’t turn this into a war or clash of civilizations”
Betrayal: Obama’s US delegation abstains on UN condemnation of Israeli “settlement” expansion
Islamic Studies professor: “ISIS is as Islamic as anything else”
France: Jewish scholar prosecuted for hate speech for criticizing Islamic anti-Semitism
Delta passenger says Muslim who claims he was removed from flight for speaking Arabic “definitely racebaiting”
Dutch town cancels Christmas celebrations for fear of Berlin-style jihad massacre
Germany: Two Muslims arrested for jihad massacre plot at shopping center
Rookie Italian cop guns down Berlin jihad killer as he screamed “Allahu akbar” after shooting another cop
Virginia: Muslim bought AK-47 the day after San Bernardino jihad massacre
Germany: Austrian embassy menu bans mention of Christmas for fear of offending Muslims

Links From Christian Today Site for on on December 23-24/16
Christmas Trees Are Idolatrous Say Israeli Rabbis

Laos Christians Exiled And Beaten For Their Faith
We Need More Women And Laity In The Church, Pope Says
Iraqi Clergy: Prince Charles Understands Us – Now Politicians Need To
Archbishop Of Canterbury Condemns Christian Persecution In Letter To Churches Around The World
Rare Bowl From Just Before Time Of Christ Dug Up In Ancient Heart Of Jerusalem
Millions At Risk Of Starving To Death In Neglected Humanitarian Crises Around The World
Bishop Appeals For Cash To Make Refugees Welcome In Winchester
2016: What Was That All About?
Women In Leadership: Is 2017 The Year HTB Will Practise What It Preaches?
It Was A Miracle’: The Incredible Story Of Hope In Thailand’s Refugee Camps
Poll: UK Belief In God Slumps To New Low

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