Detailed LCCC English News Bulletin For December 09/16


Detailed LCCC English News Bulletin For December 09/16

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Titles For Latest LCCC Bulletin analysis & editorials from miscellaneous sources published on December 08-09/16
Syrian-Iranian grip” on Lebanon will tighten after Aleppo -JumblattظReuters/December 08/16
Lebanon cannot disassociate itself, Al Assad warns/Joseph A. Kechichian/Gulf News/December 08/16
Hezbollah’s ‘Diplomats’ Go Operational/Matthew Levitt/The Washington Institute/December 08/16
Russia flies Chechen commandos to Syria/DEBKAfile Exclusive Report December 8, 2016
Is Syrian retaliation against Israel in the works/Ron Ben-Yishai|/Ynetnews/December 08/16
On The Allies We’re Not Proud Of: A Palestinian Response to Troubling Discourse on Syria/News Agencies/December 08/16
The Dragon of Islamic Terrorism/Dex Quire/Gatestone Institute/December 08/16
 The airstrike in Syria: Does Putin understand Israel’s urgent security needs/Amos Harel/Haaretz/December 08/16
Israeli Defense Ministe Israel Won’t Allow Chemical Weapons From Syria to Reach Hezbollah/Gili Cohen/Haaretz/December 08/16
The Iranian spy cell in Saudi and the verdict of execution/Turki Aldakhil/Al Arabiya/December 08/16
Just punishment to be meted out for Iran’s agents/Mshari Al Thaydi/Al Arabiya/December 08/16
Is there a military solution in Syria/ Chris Doyle/Al Arabiya/December 08/16

Titles For Latest Lebanese Related News published on December 08-09/16
Israeli Army Publishes Map of Alleged Hizbullah Posts in S. Lebanon
Prison for Michigan Man Sought to Join Hizbullah, Fight in Syria
Qahwaji Inspects Troops in Dinniyeh, Says ‘Anti-Terror War’ to Continue
Geagea Hits Back at Assad over Lebanon’s Dissociation Policy
Report: Cabinet Line-Up Behind Time Despite Positive ‘Vibes’
Armed Clashes Spread from Hay al-Sellom to al-Laylaki
Jumblat Accuses Syrian Regime of Assassination Plot
Assad Criticizes Lebanon’s Dissociation Policy, Says Aoun’s Election Victory for Syria
Attorney Files Complaint to State Prosecution against Mufti of Syria
Kanaan: Proportional Representation, Reforms ‘Cure’ Regime
Clashes in Hay el Sellom, army interferes
Rahi from Baabda: We call for national unity government before Christmas
Areiji: Ambiance between Hariri, Franjieh more than positive
LAF raids home of wanted man in Hermel
Touch: Telecom services back in Kesrouan, Jbeil, North
Hariri, Abu Faour tackle current developments
Siniora meets UAE ambassador
Kahwagi inspects army in Bekaasafrine: To continue war against terror to eradicate its cells
Syrian-Iranian grip” on Lebanon will tighten after Aleppo -Jumblatt
Lebanon cannot disassociate itself, Al Assad warns/Joseph A. Kechichian
Assad blasts Lebanon’s dissociation policy
Hezbollah’s ‘Diplomats’ Go Operational/Matthew Levitt/The Washington Institute

Titles For Latest LCCC Bulletin For Miscellaneous Reports And News published on December 08-09/16
Egypt: Potentially Deadly Church Attack Thwarted
Egyptian authorities arrest son of ousted president
Lavrov Says Damascus Has Halted Strikes on Aleppo as Rebels Cornered
Russia flies Chechen commandos to Syria
Russia, USA close to consensus on Aleppo
Nearly 150 patients evacuated from east Aleppo
Turkish soldier killed in bomb attack in Syria
Airstrike kills, wounds dozens in Qaim, Iraq
German defense minister seeks training deal in Saudi Arabia
Palestinian tries to stab Israeli police, shot dead: Israel
Afghan Senate: Iran and Russia are supporting Taliban
Former Member of the U.S. National Security Council: Trump Deals With the Threats of Iranian Regime
Iran: University Students Chanted “Political Prisoner Must Be Released” in a Regime’s Official Meeting
Former ICC Judge: Historical duty exists to punish perpetrators of Iran’s 1988 massacre
Iran: Political Prisoner Stages Hunger Strike After Sewing His Lips
Conference on Human Rights Abuses in Iran and EU Policy
China Should Build more Nuclear Arms to Prepare for Trump 

Links From Jihad Watch Site for on December 08-09/16

Italy deports Muslim who was planning jihad bombing in the Vatican
Red Pill for Catholics
Ireland: Muslim cleric who is “specially designated global terrorist” preaches at country’s two largest mosques
UK Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson accuses Saudi Arabia of “twisting and abusing” Islam
Iran opens The City of Games for Revolutionary Children, where children pretend to attack U.S. and Israel
Video: Robert Spencer on the jihad against the freedom of speech
Milo: “There’s a real threat to gays – Islam – that we’ve ignored at the behest of leftists”
Australia: Muslim leaders tell children to turn off Peppa Pig for ‘Islamic promoting’ alternative
Canada: Pro-jihad imam welcomed in Alberta legislature, recites Qur’an
Muslim cleric: Muslims may dress as priests or rabbis to carry out jihad massacres 

Links From Christian Today Site for on December 08-09/16
Men With ‘Homosexual Tendencies’ Cannot Become Priests, Says Catholic Church.
Stripped, Beaten and Killed: The Christian Mother Who Fell Victim To Mob Violence In India.
Churches Report ‘Dramatic’ Loss In Confidence Over Youthwork.
Should Protestants Pay More Attention To Mary? And What’s The Immaculate Conception Anyway?.
Apps Of The Apostles: Do Millennials Read The Bible In The Digital Age?.
Assisted Dying Wins Support Even From Evangelical Christians.
Dylann Roof Has A ‘Cold And Hateful Heart’ Says Prosecutor.
Gay Clergyman Loses Appeal Against Church After Same-Sex Marriage.
GAFCON Head Warns The Church Against ‘Sleepwalking Into Fatal Compromise’.
Employers ‘Shouldn’t Be Afraid Of Causing Offence’ When It Comes To Religion.
Hurricane Matthew Three Months On: Deadly Disease Threatens Thousands Of Lives In Haiti.
More Than 100,000 Sign Petition Protesting After-School Satan Clubs.

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