Elias Bejjani: Lebanese Parties’ Followers Are Trumpets & Parrots


Lebanese Parties’ Followers Are Trumpets & Parrots
Elias Bejjani/December 20/16

In case any one is eager and really interested to have an idea about the Lebanese parties and about the education and quality of their followers, he must visit both Face Book and Twitter.

He has to read and enjoy what these followers write and learn how they communicate and on what level with those who oppose their parties’ owners and dare to criticise the them..

Or let say the Gods that they worship and glorify no matter what they do, good or bad.. or who they join forces with or oppose.

Accordingly, when any sane Lebanese who respects himself and can differentiate between what is right and what is wrong reads the kind of trash, disgusting and humiliating rhetoric that is exchanged by certain parties’ followers will definitely be shocked and nauseated.

The worst rhetoric wars are carried mainly between the Christian Lebanese parties followers.

In reality and according to western and democratic standards of political parties, there are no actual political parties in occupied Lebanon, but cheap culprits, Mafias, commercial companies and a bunch of thugs.

Practically the blind parties’ followers are mere puppets, trumpets & parrots…

Sadly all parties’ sheep, the so called followers share the same childish mentality and rhetoric wise are cut from the same rotten garment.
No difference at all between followers of one party or another.

No political education or ethical restraints.

They stupidly worship their parties’ owners, that are falsely called politicians and leaders.

It is not a surprise that all those involved with Lebanese parties as followers have no patriotic cause or any agenda except the worshipping of the parties’ owners.

Because of such derailed and pathetic followers we, in occupied Lebanon still have the kind of corrupted parties and politicians that use the people as sole merchandise and evilly control and run the country to their own personal gains and benefits.

In summary, No one can change any body else unless there is will for change..
As the Lebanese proverb says: “God does not change what people are unless they long for change and work hard to achieve it..


*Elias Bejjani
Canadian-Lebanese Human Rights activist, journalist and political commentator
Email phoenicia@hotmail.com
Web sites https://eliasbejjaninews.com & http://www.10452lccc.com & http://www.clhrf.com
Tweets on https://twitter.com/phoeniciaelias
Face Book https://www.facebook.com/groups/128479277182033 & https://www.facebook.com/elias.y.bejjani