Detailed LCCC English News Bulletin For November 30/16


Detailed LCCC English News Bulletin For November 30/16

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Titles For Latest LCCC Bulletin analysis & editorials from miscellaneous sources published on November 29-30/16
Lebanese Cabinet debate grows as Lebanon speaker decries ‘unjust’ treatment/The Daily Star/ November 29/16
Does Lebanon want to build a wall to separate refugees/Yara al-Wazir/Al Arabiya/November 29/16
Iraq’s People’s Mobilization Units (PMU), Hezbollah and the Iranian design/Diana Moukalled/Arab News/November 29/16
In praise of Professor Walid Phares/Yair Ravid/Jerusalem Post/November 29/16
Hezbollah to play lead role in new Syria regime force: report/Now Lebanon/November 29/16
What would the fall of Aleppo mean/ Alex Rowell/Now Lebanon/November 29/16
Iran’s Project – Becoming a Big Naval Police Force/Abdulrahman Al-Rashed/Asharq Al Awsat/November 29/16
The ‘New World Dis-Order/Eyad Abu Shakra/Asharq Al Awsat/November 29/16
What About the Cultural Imbalance/Nonie Darwish/Gatestone Institute/November 29/16
France’s Politician Dhimmis/Yves Mamou/Gatestone Institute/November 29/16
The Middle East and Donald Trump/Hussein Shobokshi/Al Arabiya/November 29/16
Legalizing Iraq’s Shiite mobilization forces/Mshari Al Thaydi/Al Arabiya/November 29/16
Will Fatah seal its transfer to non-violent resistance/Daoud Kuttab/Al Arabiya/November 29/16
Advent: A Time To Reflect On Judgement And Hope/David Robertson/Today Christian/28 November 2016
The Houris: Islam’s ‘Sexual Superwomen/Raymond Ibrahim/FrontPage Magazine/November 29/16

Titles For Latest Lebanese Related News published on on November 29-30/16
Lebanese Cabinet debate grows as Lebanon speaker decries ‘unjust’ treatment
Berri: Forming a Cabinet Before the Holidays an ‘Accomplishment’
Rahi visits French Holy Family School in Jounieh
Hariri Says Government Must Improve Employment Opportunities for the Youth
Hizbullah, Mustaqbal Call for ‘Benefiting from Positive Atmosphere’ to Form Govt.
Report: Aspirations of Some to Get Veto Power Impeding Cabinet Formation
Mustaqbal Warns against Wasting Momentum of New Presidential Tenure
Hizbullah Minister Says ‘Not Impossible’ to Form ‘Inclusive Govt.’
Geagea Says New Govt. Bickering a ‘Veiled Attempt to Target LF-FPM Alliance’
Police Arrest Gang Tied to Car Thefts in Southern Beirut Suburb
Lebanon: Fears from Long Government Vacuum
Does Lebanon want to build a wall to separate refugees?
Iraq’s People’s Mobilization Units (PMU), Hezbollah and the Iranian design
In praise of Professor Walid Phares
Hezbollah to play lead role in new Syria regime force: report

Titles For Latest LCCC Bulletin For Miscellaneous Reports And News published on on November 29-30/16
Brazil in Mourning as Plane Carrying Football Players Crashes in Colombia
Plane carrying Brazil soccer team crashes in Colombia, 76 dead
Iranian vessel points weapon at U.S. helicopter: officials
U.N. Security Council to Hold Meeting on Aleppo Crisis
Syrian rebels battle Assad forces in Aleppo
Rebels’ hold on eastern Aleppo collapses as troops move in
Woman loses unborn baby in Aleppo bombing
Errors led to coalition strike on Syria forces: Pentagon
Iraqi forces liberate ISIS-held Nineveh Plain
Ali Khamenei criticizes Rowhani: We rushed in the nuclear deal
Dutch parliament votes to ban burqas, niqabs in some public places
A prominent Egyptian rights leader banned from travel
Trump: ‘Very impressed’ with Petraeus as he weighs top diplomat job
Gulf states denounce Houthis forming cabinet
1,400 saved in med as Italy sees record migrant arrivals
Safa Al Hashem: Kuwait’s lone women’s voice in parliament
Abbas Re-Elected Party Leader as Fatah Opens Rare Congress 

Links From Jihad Watch Site for on November 29-30/16
Islamic State claims responsibility for Ohio State University jihad attack.
Catholic Charities helped Ohio State University jihadi resettle in U.S.
German left planning to disarm “right-wing extremists,” “Brexiteers,” Trump supporters.
OSU jihadi one of 98,799 Somali Muslim refugees admitted to US since 9/11.
FBI can’t confirm that hate letters sent to mosques actually came from outside Muslim community.
Columbus Somali Muslim leader on OSU jihad attack: “The timing is not good”.
Ohio Muslim leaders: No “radicalization” in Columbus, worried about girls in hijabs getting stared at.
NPR: “Muslim Community Fears Backlash After Ohio State Attack”.
Fox News: Ohio State University jihad attacker’s “motive remains unclear”.
CNN’s Alisyn Camerota: Americans should wear headscarves in solidarity with Muslims.
Robert Spencer in FrontPage: Muslim Refugee Brings Jihad Terror to Ohio State.
UK: Islamic State woman receives $163,868 in legal aid.
Germany: Court determines “Sharia Patrol” is legal.
Why Mitt Romney’s “establishment” position on Islam/Mideast should disqualify him from Trump’s team.

Links From Christian Today Site for on November 29-30/16
Signs Of Hope: Ancient Relics Found In Monastery Destroyed By ISIS.
Fear And Exhaustion In Aleppo As Brutal Siege Continues.
Does Your Church Need To Think Differently About Mission?
Government Ministers See Religion As ‘Essentially A Problem’ – Labour Faith Envoy.
By God, we will break your cross’: ISIS’ Harrowing Vow To Christians In Iraq.
Billy Graham: Don’t Celebrate Christmas Like A Secular Holiday.
This Megachurch Is Offering To Pay Your Rent If You Turn Up On New Year’s Day.
Scotland Could Offer Free Abortions To Northern Irish Women.
‘God Be With Our Athletes’: 76 Dead In Colombia Plane Crash.

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