Detailed LCCC English News Bulletin For November 28/16


Detailed LCCC English News Bulletin For November 28/16

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Titles For Latest LCCC Bulletin analysis & editorials from miscellaneous sources published on November 27-28/16
Which foreign policy for Lebanon in a volatile environment/Nassif Hitti/The Arab Weekly/November 27/16
Lebanon’s Salafists poised for parliamentary polls/Hashem Osseiran/The Arab Weekly/November 27/16
Mosul Christians: IS are ‘grandsons of Satan/Richard Galpin/BBC News/Irbil/November 27/16
Iraq gives militias official status despite abuse claims/Mustafa Salim and Missy Ryan/Washington Post/ November 27 /16
The Call of the Mu’ezzin/By Uri Avnery/Anbaa/Novemver 26/16
The Truth about Fidel and Raul Castro/By: Ted Cruz/National Review/ November 27, 2016
Turkey: Child Rapists to Go Free, Journalists Not/Burak Bekdil/Gatestone Institute/November 27/16
Europe Should End Its Planned Marriage with Turkey/Burak Bekdil/The Gatestone Institute/November 27/16
A Month of Islam and Multiculturalism in Germany: October 2016/Soeren Kern/Gatestone Institute/November 27/16
Will floating Egypt’s currency boost its economy/Mohammed Nosseir/Eyad Abu Shakra/Al Arabiya/November 27/16
Rich tourists, impress people with your mind not your wealth/Khaled Almaeena/Eyad Abu Shakra/Al Arabiya/November 27/16
Unravelling the Trump phenomenon/Eyad Abu Shakra/Al Arabiya/November 27/16

Titles For Latest Lebanese Related News published on on November 27-28/16
Kanaan Says FPM-LF Alliance Aims to Prevent ‘Encroachment on Christian Rights’
Cabinet Formation Hinging on ‘Concessions’ from Aoun, Hariri
Hariri Says ‘Situations Improving, Atmosphere Leaning to Positivity’
Qassem Says Those Boasting about Aoun Election Have Bowed to Hizbullah Will
AMAL: We’re Not Obstructing Govt. Formation and No One Can Eliminate Us from Equation
Hizbullah Hails ‘Historic Symbol’ Castro
Marouni Says Kataeb to Stand by Aoun in Order to ‘Rebuild Lebanon’
Saad Hariri President, Ahmad Hariri SecretaryGeneral and 7 women elected as political bureau members of Future Movement
Hariri: The convention is a new start for the Future Movement
Bassil delivers a message from Aoun to Brazilian President inviting him to visit Lebanon
Bassil from Brazil: If we left our land to strangers, then Lebanon the message would cease to exist
Which foreign policy for Lebanon in a volatile environment?
Lebanon’s Salafists poised for parliamentary polls?

Titles For Latest LCCC Bulletin For Miscellaneous Reports And News published on on November 27-28/16
Israeli air strike kills four Islamic State-linked gunmen on Golan
ISIS Breaks into Christian Coffins, Desecrates Corpses and Crosses
Half a Million Children Are Trapped in Syria, United Nations Says
1 Dead, 9 Hurt in New Orleans Shooting
Regime Takes Two More Rebel Districts in Aleppo as 4,000 Civilians Flee
Syrian Regime Says Largest Rebel Neighborhood in Aleppo Retaken
After IS Hell, Displaced Iraqis Face Winter Freeze
Iraq’s Parliament Adopts Law Legalizing Shiite Militias
Turkey Says Syria Rebels Hit by IS Chemical Attack
Fillon Tipped to Win French Rightwing Primary
Kuwait Opposition in Strong Election Showing
Cairo Denies Presence of Egyptian Troops in Syria
Israel Douses Fires that Forced Mass Evacuations
Fatah, at the Heart of the Palestinian Institutions
Key Dates in Life of Palestinian President Abbas
Report: Iran Cleric Jailed over Mass Execution Tape

Links From Jihad Watch Site for on November 27-28/16
Islamic State jihadis open fire on Israeli soldiers in the Golan Heights.
Abbas orders Palestinian flags to be set at half-staff to honor Castro.
Minnesota: Muslima “dispels myths” about treatment of women in Islam.
UK: Teachers who Islamized state school back in classroom despite being banned.
Portland State U: Film on ex-Muslims facing threats and abuse denounced as “atheist Islamophobia”.
Life in the Islamic State: “If you don’t convert to Islam we will kill your son”.
Failure of Democracy in Muslim Countries Eludes So-Called Experts.
Germany: Muslim migrants committing numerous rapes and assaults of women in and around refugee centers.
UK: 50% of Muslim migrants complain taxpayer-funded housing “completely inadequate”.
5 Years in Jail for Anti-Terror Posters at GMU — on The Glazov Gang.
Germany: Muslim migrant child brides discovered, refugee workers say marriages should remain.
Maryland Muslim arrested for threatening to blow up Southwest Airlines plane.

 The Bulletin’s Link on the lccc Site
