Detailed LCCC English News Bulletin For November 25/16


Detailed LCCC English News Bulletin For November 25/16

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Titles For Latest LCCC Bulletin analysis & editorials from miscellaneous sources published on November 24-25/16
Hezbollah’s army in Syria is good news/Hussain Abdul-HussainNow Lebanon/November 24/16/
The Forced Conversion of Christians in Gaza/Raymond Ibrahim/Coptic Solidarity/November 24/16/
Stop ‘Islamophilia’ to End Islamophobia/Tawfik Hamid/Newsmax/Wednesday, 16 Nov 2016
Iran’s Forces Outnumber Assad’s in Syria/Majid Rafizadeh/Gatestone Institute/November 24/16
Hassan Rouhani: Iran’s Executioner/Heshmat Alavi/American Thinker/November 24/16
Dutch MP,Wilders’s Trial: “Unnecessarily Offensive”/Robbie Travers/Gatestone Institute/November 24/16
Final Statement of Geert Wilders at his Trial/Geert Wilders/Gatestone Institute/November 24/16
France on the Verge of Total Collapse/Guy Millière/Gatestone Institute/November 24/16
Is Post-Truth the only truth left in public life/Yossi Mekelberg/Al Arabiya/November 24/16
Unravelling the Trump phenomenon/ Eyad Abu Shakra/Al Arabiya/November 24/16
Why this surge of US interest in Yemen/Khaled M. Batarfi/Al Arabiya/November 24/16’

Titles For Latest Lebanese Related News published on on November 24-25/16
Assassination of Bachir Gemayel: Kataeb considers resumption of trials prelude to serving justice
Hezbollah and Russia in first direct military meeting: report
Airport chairman denies weapon transfer from Lebanon to Syria
Amr Moussa pays visit to President Aoun
Salam discusses developments with Abou Faour, Areiji
Hariri receives Amr Moussa and German Official
British Embassy: Lebanon within UK funded programme for Elimination of Violence Against Women
Report: Aoun, Hariri Warn Parties Have One Week to Form Cabinet
Aoun Vows to ‘Protect State’s Interests, Citizens’ Rights’
RHIA Chief Denies Iran Transferring Arms to Syria via Beirut Airport
Kanaan Says ‘Christian Agreement Established New Balance’, Riachi Hails ‘Christian Strength’
Lebanon within a UK Funded Program for Elimination of Violence Against Women
Salameh: Aoun’s Election, Hariri’s Designation Boost Confidence in Lebanon
EDL Workers Kick-off Protests in Beirut and South Lebanon
Major Wildfire Erupts in Southern Region
Lebanese Forces Media Officer Resigns
Houri: Obstacles Hindering Cabinet Formation Alleviated
Hezbollah’s army in Syria is good news
The Forced Conversion of Christians in Gaza

Titles For Latest LCCC Bulletin For Miscellaneous Reports And News published on on November 24-25/16
Aleppo rebels agree UN aid plan; Russia, Syria yet to approve
Syrian forces aim to split east Aleppo in two
US service member killed in blast in Syria
UN dismisses rumors that Syria envoy has quit
Ankara will retaliate for death of Turkish soldiers in Syria
IS Truck Bomb Kills 70 in Iraq, Mostly Iranian Pilgrims
ISIS truck bomb targets Shiite pilgrims in Iraq
Turkey PM warns Europe: Cutting off ties would bring ‘flood’ of migrants
Car bomb attack kills 8 soldiers in Egypt’s Sinai
Gunmen kill at least 3 policemen in Egypt’s Sinai
UN, GCC concern over ‘missing’ Iranian N-device
Wild fires plague Israel for third day
GCC Shoura members condemn targeting of Makkah; reject JASTA
Iran: Execution of four young men in public in Qeshm
US-Iranian citizen convicted for trying to buy 200 missiles for Iran regime
Iran: 80 Percent of Wage Earners Are Below the Poverty Line
Iran: Call to save political prisoners on hunger strike
Hurricane, 7.0 Quake Hit Central America at Same Time

Links From Jihad Watch Site for on November 24-25/16
Germany: veteran Santa Claus fired for opposing child marriage
UK: Muslim who ‘who advocated dying while fighting jihad’ given platform at London university
Muslim contribution to Thanksgiving: 81 sand-filled trucks line Macy’s Parade route to prevent jihad attack
Australia: Immigration minister charged with “creating terrorists” by saying it was mistake to bring in so many Muslims
Muslims celebrate Israel fires: “Please Allah, let Israel burn entirely, Amen”
Ohio: Muslim plotted to murder military employee and cops for the Islamic State
Norwegian PM: “You cannot expect Norwegian society will pay you benefits if you refuse to work for religious reasons”
France: Imam explains the importance of deception in Islamic conquest of Europe
Nigeria: Muslims carry out coordinated attacks on Christians in 5 villages, murdering 45
Amsterdam mosque leaders suspected of jihad terror activity
9/11 mastermind: Al-Qaeda now favors immigration and “outbreeding non-Muslims” to destroy US
Austin, TX “Support Our Muslim Neighbors” event tries to “ease anxiety of local Muslims following Trump’s election”

Links From Christian Today Site for on November 24-25/16
Colour Of Blood’: London Turns Red For Millions Killed In Religious Persecution
Iraqi Christians Revisit Historic Town Abandoned By ISIS
Five People Sentenced To Death By Hanging For ‘Brick Kiln’ Murders Of Pakistani Christian Couple
Biblical ‘Thinker’ Dug Up In Israel Dates From The Time Of Abraham And Isaac
Catholic Apology For Genocide In Rwanda Is Profoundly Inadequate, Says Government
Christian Students Plead For Prestigious College To Become ‘Sanctuary’ To Prevent Deportations
Former Labour Minister To Take On Religion At The BBC
Besty DeVos, Billionaire Christian Philanthropist, To Head Education For Donald Trump
Christian Convert From Islam Is Released After Nearly 7 Years in Jail
Hundreds Of Pentecostal Christians To Gather In London For Landmark Meeting

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