Detailed LCCC English News Bulletin For November 06/16/16


Detailed LCCC English News Bulletin For November 06/16

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Titles For Latest LCCC Bulletin analysis & editorials from miscellaneous sources published on November 05-06/16
Hezbollah may have secured its domestic flank through election of its ally Aoun/Nicholas Blanford/The Arab Weekly/November 11/16
Aoun has no agenda for Lebanon except more sectarianism/Ali al-Amin/The Arab Weekly//November 06/16
A new reign in Lebanon ushers in new challenges/Khairallah Khairallah/The Arab Weekly/November 06/16
Michel Aoun: Machiavelli’s Prince or Saint-Exupéry’s Little Prince/Claude Salhani/The Arab Weekly/November 06/16
Aoun’s election in Lebanon carries regional implications/Ed Blanche/The Arab Weekly/November 06/16
A president ‘made in Lebanon and abroad’/Eyad Abu Shakra/Al Arabiya/November 05/16
Islam’s “Human Rights”/Janet Tavakoli/Gatestone Institute/ November 05/16
Let’s close the Mideast gender gap in less than 129 years/Yara al-Wazir/Al Arabiya/November 05/16
Iraqi and Syrian moderates must join forces to quell extremism/Tallha Abdulrazaq/The Arab Weekly/November 06/16
Iran sees Syria’s future as its zombie state/Tom Regan/The Arab Weekly/November o6/16
Erdogan is closing in on vision of one-man rule/Yavuz Baydar/The Arab Weekly/November 06/16

Titles For Latest Lebanese Related News published on on November 05-06/16
Hariri Concludes Second Day of Unbinding Consultations
Report: Berri Says Geagea wants to Keep Kataeb and Marada Out of Cabinet
Hariri after Consultations: Atmospheres Were Positive, Cooperation with Aoun and Berri Continue
Report: Inclination to Form 30-Minister Cabinet, as Hariri Continues with Consultations
Aoun Receives Congratulatory Cables from Hollande and Others
Zahra: LF Doesn’t Want to Exclude anyone from Government
Zarif Expected in Beirut Next Week
Russian Official to Arrive in Lebanon on Congratulatory Visit to Aoun
Rifi Urges ‘Popular, Political Action’, Vows to Confront ‘Iranian Hegemony’
Gemayel says Kataeb will stand by new Lebanese President Aoun
Nasrallah calls for national unity govt
Aoun foresees unified foreign policy
Lebanon Policy in the Incoming US Administration
Hezbollah may have secured its domestic flank through election of its ally Aoun but interminable war in Syria will con­tinue to sap party’s resources.
Aoun has no agenda for Lebanon except more sectarianism
A new reign in Lebanon ushers in new challenges
Michel Aoun: Machiavelli’s Prince or Saint-Exupéry’s Little Prince?
Aoun’s election in Lebanon carries regional implications
A president ‘made in Lebanon and abroad’

Titles For Latest LCCC Bulletin For Miscellaneous Reports And News published on on November 05-06/16 
Raqa Assault to Likely Take Longer than Pentagon Chief Predicts
Iraqi Forces in New Push into Mosul
Iran Is the Second Saddest Country in the World
Iran: Political Prisoner Shouts “Down With Khamenei”
Saudi, Iran Stoke Sunni-Shia Tensions in Nigeria
More Protests Against Plundering by Iran Regime’s Officials
Iran: Education International (EI) Launches a Global Campaign to Free Teachers Union Leader
Iraqi Troops Battle For Last Town Before Mosul
Chibok Schoolgirl Kidnapped By Boko Haram Is Found In Nigeria
Clinton Touts Optimism against Trump’s Grim Warnings
Kidnapped Italians, Canadian Released in Libya
UK Ex-Minister Says MoD Misled Him over Saudi Arms Deal
Kuwait Opposition Abandons Failed’ Poll Boycott

Links From Jihad Watch Site for on November 05-06/16
Clinton Foundation admits it didn’t tell State Dept about $1 million from Qatar while Hillary was Secretary of State
Muslim persecution forces convert from Islam to Christianity to flee home under armed guard…in the UK
Irish Catholic converts to Islam, blows himself up
Indonesia: Tens of thousands of Muslims screaming “Allahu akbar” demand arrest of Christian governor for blasphemy
Germany: Muslim migrant who admired Hitler for killing Jews tortures and rapes girlfriend
Hillary gave visa to Egyptian jihadist to visit State Department, White House and lobby for jihad bomb plotter’s release
Canadian parliament passes anti-Islamophobia motion
Toronto: Muslim police chaplain who taught that marriage with 9-year-old is acceptable to stay with force
Anni Cyrus’ “Unknown”: The Shady Pieces of the Islamization Puzzle
BREAKING NEWS: Robert Spencer Puts On Glazov Gang T-Shirt!

Links From Christian Today Site for on November 05-06/16
Iraqi Troops Battle For Last Town Before Mosul
Muslims And Christians In Pakistan Are Working Together To Defeat False Blasphemy Accusations
Is This Christianity’s Digital Future? London’s Oldest Church Leaps Forward With 21st Century Technology
Trump Campaign Makes Final Play For Evangelical Votes With Pence Video
God Gave Me A Vision That Trump Will Be President, Says Pastor Saeed Abedini
Tens Of Thousands Of Muslim Hardliners Demand Jail For Christian Governor In Jakarta
Internet Campaign Raises $200,000 For Church Vandalised With ‘Vote Trump’
Chibok Schoolgirl Kidnapped By Boko Haram Is Found In Nigeria

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