Detailed LCCC English News Bulletin For October 23/16


Detailed LCCC English News Bulletin For October 23/16

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Titles For Latest LCCC Bulletin analysis & editorials from miscellaneous sources published on October 22-23/16
Red Alert! Protestant Couple “Security Threat” to Turkey!/Burak Bekdil/Gatestone Institute/October 22/16
Brand Control Is More Important to ISIS Than Territory/Jacob Olidort/New York Times/October 22/16
Should Christians be buried or cremated/Andy Walton /Christian Today/18 August 2016
Iraqi Army Liberates Christian Town As US Defence Secretary Flies In For Talks/Reuters/ 22 October 2016
Canada: Trudeau meets with Muslim leader who allows for wife-beating/Jihad Watch/Robert Spencer/October 22/16
Elections and their discontents/Hisham Melhem/Al ASrabiya/October 22/16

Titles For Latest Lebanese Related News published on on October 22-23/16
Lebanon needs a strong president, not a president by force
Conflicting Reports About Saudi Position on Aoun’s Nomination
Reports: Hizbullah Supports Aoun, but Refuses Authority Without Berri
Report: Berri Told Aoun ‘I Will not Vote for You’
Jumblat’s Bloc Meets, Decision on Presidential Elections Revealed Next Week
Berri arrives in Geneva to partake in International Parliamentary Union Conference
Rifi refuses Aoun’s nomination, declares peaceful opposition to Iranian tutelage in Lebanon
Hout: ‘AlJamaa AlIslamiah’ not convinced to support Aoun, won’t vote for him
Raad: Hizbullah’s efforts in Syria accomplished security, stability
Khalil: No one determines the Lebanese choices
Democratic Gathering announces final decision over presidential elections next week
Zahra: Having Aoun strong president restores prosperity to state
Geagea Says Ties with Hariri Have ‘Returned to How They Were’, Vows to ‘Achieve

Titles For Latest LCCC Bulletin For Miscellaneous Reports And News published on on October 22-23/16
Burning sulphur near Mosul sends hundreds to hospital, US troops don masks
Russia accuses US-led coalition of ‘war crimes’ in Iraq
Some progress in Geneva talks on Aleppo ceasefire
Wounded Await Evacuation on Day Three of Aleppo Truce
UN Says Syrian Army Used Chemical Weapons in Qmenas Village in 2015
Kremlin: demands for Assad’s departure “thoughtless”
Houthi leader who participated in Kuwait talks killed
Houthis block UN delegation entry to Taiz
UN names fictional Wonder Woman as UN ambassador amid protests
Sinai general killed near Cairo
Egyptian court confirms 20-year prison sentence on Mursi
Suspicious Envelope Found at Clinton Campaign Office

Links From Jihad Watch Site for on October 22-23/16
Canada: Trudeau meets with Muslim leader who allows for wife-beating
Mosul civilians and children tortured with hammers by US-backed Iraqi “liberators”
France: Muslim punches teacher, screams “There is only one master: Allah”
UK: Muslim arrested after IED found on London subway
Philippines: Islamic State kidnaps South Korean ship captain and crewmember
Turkey appoints permanent imam for Hagia Sophia; will lead five daily prayers
Exhibit of rare Qur’ans in DC seeks to give Americans “a different image of Islam”
Turkey: Christian couple to be deported as “national security threat”

Why the War on ‘Islamophobia’ Distracts Us from Legitimate Terrorism Concerns
Jamie Glazov Video: Hillary’s Dream of Flooding America With Syrian “Refugees”

Links From Christian Today Site for on October 22-23/16
Iraqi Army Liberates Christian Town As US Defence Secretary Flies In For Talks
Trump Slashes Clinton Lead After He Claims Election Is ‘Rigged’
Tom Wright: Church Must Reclaim Its Prophetic Role In Society

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