Detailed LCCC English News Bulletin For September 30/16


Detailed LCCC English News Bulletin For October 01/16

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Titles For Latest LCCC Bulletin analysis & editorials from miscellaneous sources published on September 29-30/16
Elias Bejjani/Who Trusts Aoun, Ends On His Victim’s Long List/Elias Bejjani/September 05/16
Aoun as president? Not so fast/Hasan Lakkis/The Daily Star/September 29/16
Berri vs Aoun/Hussain Abdul Hussain/Now Lebanon/September 29/16
Gulf Arab official: Rest in peace Shimon Peres/Jerusalem Post/September 29/16
Abdullah-Rafsanjani dialogue and the tussle between perception and reality/Amir Taheri/Al Arabiya/September 29/16
The ally, the enemy, and America in between/Mshari Al Thaydi/Al Arabiya/September 29/16
Why JASTA has major implications for the region/Dr. Theodore Karasik/Al Arabiya/September 29/16
Abu Sin’ between Rashed and Thaydi/Turki Aldakhil/Al Arabiya/September 29/16
International agreements on Syria will prove worthless/Maria Dubovikova/Al Arabiya/September 29/16
France’s New Sharia Police/Yves Mamou/Gatestone Institute/September 29/16
Let’s Lock The Door To Islam/Geert Wilders/Gatestone Institute/September 29/16
Meet the Western Charlatans Justifying Jihad/Giulio Meotti/Gatestone Institute/September 29/16
Why the Oslo Process Doomed Peace/Efraim Karsh/Middle East Quarterly/September 29/16

Titles For Latest Lebanese Related News published on on September 29-30/16
Elias Bejjani/Who Trusts Aoun, Ends On His Victim’s Long List
Aoun as president? Not so fast
Berri vs Aoun/Hussain Abdul Hussain/Now Lebanon/September 29/16
Berri Meets Hariri as Report Says He’s Willing to Accept ‘Half a Package Deal’
Lebanese Army Shells Militants in Arsal Outskirts
Landmine Wounds Three Farmers near Israel Border
Report: Hizbullah and Iran ‘Hold all the Cards’ to the Presidency
Jumblat Discusses Developments with Hariri at Center House
Mashnouq: Security under Control, Serious Drive to End Vacuum
Egypt Ambassador: Hariri Exerting Great Effort to End Presidential Vacancy
Moqbel to Extend Term of Army Commander
FPM Slams Extension for Qahwaji, Vows No Silence over ‘Insistence on Violating Laws’
Report: FPM Drops Street Rallies Pending Hariri’s Endeavors on Presidency
Health Ministry launches national breast cancer awareness campaign
EU committee inspects waste sorting plant in Kfour
Marouni: Presidential discussions have a long way ahead
Sawan issues 4 indictments over terrorism crimes
ISF: Man found strangled in Baabda
Basbous meets Reform and Guidance Association over cooperation means
Army, civil defense tame fires in several Lebanese regions
Turkish foreign visitor arrivals fall 38 pct in Aug tourism ministry

Titles For Latest LCCC Bulletin For Miscellaneous Reports And News published on on September 29-30/16
Gulf Arab official: Rest in peace Shimon Peres
Peres Funeral Will Bring Back Memories of Rabin and Arafat
Canada takes in record number of immigrants in one year
US weighs tougher response to Russia over Syria crisis
Russia Says Syria Bombing to Continue despite U.S. Warning
Obama Defends Syria Policy in Face of Renewed Criticism
Pakistan Fury after India Launches Kashmir Strikes
U.N. Says ‘Hundreds’ of Medical Evacuations Needed from Aleppo
Merkel, Erdogan Say Russia Has ‘Special Responsibility’ to Calm Syria
47 Children Hurt in Abu Dhabi School Bus Accident
Saudi Crown Prince in Turkey to discuss regional issues
US approves Boeing, Lockheed fighter jet sales to Gulf
Erdogan hints state of emergency can be extended to a year
More US troops to reach Iraq ahead of Mosul battle
US: Drone strikes in Yemen killed 4 Qaeda members
India carries out ‘strikes’ on Kashmir frontier
Pakistan says Indian fire kills 2 soldiers in Kashmir
Iran: Amnesty International react to “shameful” 16-year-sentence for human rights defender Narges Mohammadi
Iran: 27 executions in three days
Iran: A report on protest rallies of staff and workers
Iran: wretched situation in Zabol Central Prison
How many more children have to pay the price of Iran regime’s negligence?
Iran political prisoner Maryam Akbari Monfared put under pressure

Links From Jihad Watch Site for on September 29-30/16
Quebec: Muslims take author to court for revealing truth about Islamic school
Obama: “There’s no religious rationale that would justify in any way any of the things” jihad terrorists do
Swedish journalist calls opponents of Muslim migrant influx “human brown rats,” calls for them to be exterminated
Authorities insist men who took NYC jihadi’s unexploded bomb out of suitcase “Egyptian tourists” who have returned home
Lejla Colak Video: What My Experience With Islam Tells Me About “Islamophobia”
Denmark: Muslim migrant may be expelled for praising Charlie Hebdo jihad massacre
French Jews targeted by Muslims, flock to Israel
Austria: Muslim screaming “Allahu akbar” tries to run down pedestrians, officials investigating motive
Video: Robert Spencer on the human cost of denying the Islamic motivation of jihad terrorists
Uganda: Christian convert from Islam beaten unconscious by husband for attending church

Links From Christian Today Site for on September 29-30/16
More Christians Killed In Nigeria By Islamist Terrorists Of Boko Haram
How Christians In Iraq Are Starting To Rebuild Lives Out Of The Ashes Left By Islamic State
Five Sentenced To Life For Torture And Murder Of Christians In Turkey
Eminent Christian Philosopher Richard Swinburne Criticised After Calling Homosexuality A ‘Disability’
James Macintyre: As Peres Dies, What Hopes For Peace In The Middle East?
Mark Woods: Why Christians Should Support The Right To Blaspheme
Witness Forced To Film Father Jacques Hamel’s Brutal Murder
Child Sex Abuse In Non-Christian Religions: Why We Need To Know More
Why Does Barack Obama Refuse To Say ‘Islamic’ Terrorism?
Hillsong Pastor Calls Out ‘All Lives Matter’ Mantra
Singapore Sends Teen Blogger Back To Jail For Criticising Religion

The Bulletin’s Link on the lccc Site

Elias Bejjani/Who Trusts Aoun, Ends On His Victim’s Long List
من يثق بعون على الأكيد، الأكيد والأكيد، ينتهي على قائمة ضحاياه
Elias Bejjani/September 05/16
We, The Lebanese Maronites and all through our deeply rooted and very rich history of more than 1500 years, in beloved Lebanon and the Diaspora, never ever were badly and evilly hit by a plague, Moron and demagogue politician or leader like Michael Aoun, in all domains and on each and every social and national level.
The man according to all Maronite national and faith criteria is100 times worst than an Antichrist. He venomously entrapped and deceived many members of our community, and other communities’ members, invaded their thinking capabilities, poisoned their minds and controlled their political-national choices and affiliations.Aoun dragged all his pries (supporters) to side with the Iranian occupier and with its armed terrorist Hezbollah militia.
He dragged them all to resist all that is common sense, self respect, rights, independence, freedom, democracy and sovereignty..
Sadly he succeeded in making them fierce enemies of their own country and of their own people.
Aoun on purpose and in a bid to serve his mere personal political agenda, he totally negated, marginalized and contradicted, both practically and rhetorically all our Maronite Patriarchate historical convictions that preserved, safeguarded, distinguished and pioneered Lebanon and the Lebanese positive roles in all aspects, locally, regionally and internationally.
For all of the above facts, and for piles of genuine fears, many intellectual and patriotic Maronites in particular, and many Lebanese communities’ members in general strongly oppose all efforts to elect Aoun as president.
In this context comes all our genuine, loud and harsh criticism for Dr. Samir Geagea, the leader of the Lebanese Forces Christian Party. We do not see eye to eye with him that his advocacy for Aoun’s presidency serves the interests of our people, or helps Lebanon to reclaim its Iranian confiscated independence in any way.
The Question is how could, Aoun the Iranian puppet and Trojan rescue Lebanon from Iran and its Hezbollah terrorist proxy!! No logic in this bizarre equation!!
Many who closely know Geagea believe that his advocacy for Aoun’s presidency is sincere and merely patriotic because according to his personal assessment this is the only left means to save Lebanon and its political system.
It could be very true when it comes to Geagea’s sincerity, but sadly the out come of his quest is a big zero. Meanwhile Geagea’s illogical support to Aoun is making things more difficult because Aoun is not mentally balanced and lives in a world of day dreaming and fantasy.
The only scene that Aoun sees and dreams about, and the only issue that controls his mind is the presidential Baabda Palace and its presidential chair and nothing else.
There is no doubt that all Geagea’s presidential pro Aoun advocacy that we oppose and denounce is not going any where, at least up till now, while in reality Geagea’s image of credibility, patriotism, and principles has been badly shaken and blemished.
Based on Aoun’s kind of sickening personality, thinking and agenda, there is no doubt that he will stab Geagea in the back when he does not need him any more as he always did to many of his close supporters, family members, numerous friends and politicians.
In Aoun’s chameleon dictionary, the term gratitude does not exist.
In conclusion, MP. Micheal Aoun can not be trusted and all those who did trust him have paid heavy prices. In this realm, we call on Dr. Samir Geagea to totally distance himself from all kinds of advocacy for Aoun and seriously look in other, safe, practical and patriotic presidential options.
To Dr. Samir Geagea: Dear, as the Lebanese proverb goes: “You did not die, but you did not see those who died”
