Detailed LCCC English News Bulletin For September 27/16


 Detailed LCCC English News Bulletin For September 27/16

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Titles For Latest LCCC Bulletin analysis & editorials from miscellaneous sources published on September 26-27/16
“Christian Girls are only Meant for One Thing, the Pleasure of Muslim Men”/Raymond Ibrahim/Gatestone Institute/September 26/16
Abbas to Arab Leaders: Go to Hell/Khaled Abu Toameh/Gatestone Institute/September 26/16
Iran capitalizes on collapse of US-Russia cease-fire deal/Week in Review/Al-Monitor/September 26/16
Khamenei Glorifies IRGC But Does Not Rule Out Adopting Financial Action Task Force (FATF) Standards, Which Harms IRGC, Regarded In The West As A Terror Organization/By: A. Savyon and Y. Carmon/MEMRI/September 26/16
A bloody end to another failed ceasefire in Syria/Brooklyn Middleton/Al Arabiya/September 26/16
If JASTA had not been vetoed/Turki Aldakhil/Al Arabiya/September 26/16
Is Cameron really to blame for the mess in Libya/Dr. Azeem Ibrahim/Al Arabiya/September 26/16
King Fahd: Either we live together or die together/Jamal Khashoggi/Al Arabiya/September 26/16
Collective action to change confrontational course critical/Samar Fatany/Al Arabiya/September 26/16

Titles For Latest Lebanese Related News published on on September 26-27/16
Bulgaria Court Error Delays Trial of Hizbullah Bombing Suspects
Berri: ‘Package Deal’ is My Favorite Candidate
Hariri Holds Talks with Franjieh in Bnashii
Apple Farmers Block Jbeil Highway, Demand Government Action to Sell Products
Report: FPM’s Street Rallies Awaiting ‘Green Light’ from Aoun
Kataeb Urges Election of President on Sep. 28 without ‘Intimidation, Blackmail’
Bassil from Chicago: We Must Resist and Topple Any Illegitimate Authority
Syrian Terror Suspect Arrested in Deir al-Zahrani
Hand Grenade Tossed Overnight in Sidon Refugee Camp, no Casualties
Jumblat: International and Arab Powers Have no Time for Lebanon, Better Elect a President
Hariri, Frangieh agree to step up contacts to elect new president
Military court sentences Tannous Jallad for life in prison for collaboration with Israel
Military court sentences Mawlawi, Mansour to death
Francophone Secretary General starts official visit to Lebanon tomorrow
General Security denies demanding Syrians deportation

Titles For Latest LCCC Bulletin For Miscellaneous Reports And News published on on September 26-27/16
Nine Injured in Houston Shooting, Suspect Killed
American hotels in Adana, Turkey, could be targets of attacks
Fresh strikes hit Aleppo as supplies dwindle
Syria says truce still viable after week of airstrikes
Moscow slams US, UK for ‘unacceptable’ UN statements on Syria
Turkey welcomes withdrawal of Syrian Kurdish fighters from Manbij
Boris Johnson arrives in Turkey, set to meet Erdogan
Britain’s Johnson extols virtues of his ‘Turkish washing machine’
Yemeni forces kill suspected Qaeda chief
Aid reaches starving families in Yemen’s Hudaydah
Iran’s Ahmadinejad should stay out of election: conservatives
Palestinians condemn Trump vow on Jerusalem as Israel’s capital
Axing Hamas from EU terror list would be lowest point for European Jews since Holocaust’
International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC)
Iran: Three million two hundred thousand children being hindered from education
Iran: Increased pressure on political prisoners
IRAN: Ex-IRGC chief calls entering Iraq after conquering Khorramshahr a mistake
Iran: Strikes and protests of workers in major cities
Reports from Iran’s prisons

Links From Jihad Watch Site for on September 26-27/16
New York-based Egyptian Muslim activist calls for boycott of Copts: “The crescent must be on top of the cross”
Leaked FBI data reveal 7,700 terrorist encounters in USA in one year
Spain: Two Muslims arrested for supporting the Islamic State
Despite mall shooter’s “SubhanAllah” post and admiration for ISIS caliph, police search for motive
Why Leftists Fear ‘Law And Order’ Talk More Than Terror — a Nonie Darwish Moment
U.S. Federal Court: Facebook’s ‘moral obligation’ to contain jihadist rhetoric
David Wood Video: The Purpose of Debating Islam and Jihad: A Reply to Dr. Craig Considine
Top 10 Qur’anic Laws that Inspire the Laws of Iran — an Anni Cyrus Video
Hillary advocates gun control as response to terrorism
Pentagon quietly studying Islamic theology to understand the Islamic State and al-Qaeda

Links From Christian Today Site for on September 26-27/16
Pope Francis Has Made It Harder To Become A Saint
Christians Step Up Campaign To Save Asia Bibi From Blasphemy Death Sentence
Christian Values Are Under Attack In America, Say White, Working-Class Evangelicals
Christian News Anchor Condemned For Wearing Crucifix On Air
Two Dozen Christians Deported From Saudi Arabia For Praying
Kidnapped Priest Found Dead In Mexico; Third Killing In A Week
Shopping Catalogues Are Tools Of Satan, Says Pastor Rick Warren
Shocking Rise In Child Rape In Sierra Leone
Why Are So Many Mexican Priests Being Killed?
Muslim And Christian Children In Aleppo Will Pray Together For End To Brutal Conflict
Hungary Wants A ‘Giant Refugee City’ In Libya To Keep Migrants Out

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