Detailed LCCC English News Bulletin For September 18/16


 Detailed LCCC English News Bulletin For September 18/16

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Titles For Latest LCCC Bulletin analysis & editorials from miscellaneous sources published on September 17-18/16
Future scoffs at notion of Hariri backing Aoun for president/Hussein Dakroub/The Daily Star/September 17/16
IDF: Up to 400 Israeli Civilians Could be Killed in Future All-Out Missile and Rocket Assault on Home Front/Barney Breen-Portnoy/ the Algemeiner/September 17/16
Coats That Borrow/Samir Atallah/Asharq/Al Awsat/September 17/16
The U.K.’s Nuclear Gamble/Mark Gilbert/AsharqAl Awsat/September 17/16
Iran’s Terrorism in the New York Times/Salman Al-dossary/Asharq Al Awsat/September 17/16
Israel’s New Memorandum of Understanding (MOU): The Money and the Message/David Makovsky/The Washington Institute/September 17/16
Judging Kerry’s ‘Secret’ Syria Agreement with Russia/Andrew J. Tabler/The Washington Institute/September 17/16
Shimon Peres and the genesis of the Oslo Accords/Tovah Lazaroff/Jerusalem Post/September 17/16

Titles For Latest Lebanese Related News published on on September 17-18/16
Delusions of grandeur
Future scoffs at notion of Hariri backing Aoun for president/Hussein Dakroub
Bou Saab denies FPM involvement in Hariri backing Aoun rumor
Report: Geagea Says Aoun’s Chances for Presidency ‘Fading’
Report: Berri Advises Salam against ‘Executing’ the Government
Qaouq: Marginalization a Recipe towards Destruction
Salam Travels to New York for U.N. Meeting on Refugees
Statement Attributed to IS Surfaces Hours before Sidon Festival
Israel Readies for 1,500 Rockets a Day from Hizbullah, Hamas
Qazzi Says Talks with Syrian Government Needed to Address Refugees Crisis

Titles For Latest LCCC Bulletin For Miscellaneous Reports And News published on on September 17-18/16
IDF: Up to 400 Israeli Civilians Could be Killed in Future All-Out Missile and Rocket Assault on Home Front
Putin Says Syrian Army Honoring Truce, Rebels ‘Regrouping’
Fragile Syria Truce Tested by Violence, U.S.-Russia Tensions
Intermittent Shelling, Clashes across Syria
Former Israel Envoy to Moscow: Despite Cooperation in Syria, Russia Does Not Trust Iran as Foreign Policy Partner
Turkey Police Detain IS Suspects Believed to Plan Attack
Obama to Meet Abadi at U.N as Mosul Offensive Looms
Peres Condition Stable after Stroke
Not All Observers Welcome for Morocco’s Elections

Links From Jihad Watch Site for on September 17-18/16
Pope Francis: Welcoming refugees “our greatest security against hateful acts of terrorism”
Trump: “People who warn about radical Islamic terrorism are not Islamophobes”
Reza Aslan claims that since 2002, right-wing terrorists have killed far more Americans than Islamic terrorists
Australia’s PM warns against “seeking to demonize or denigrate all Muslims”
Muslim who slashed NY cop with meat cleaver was deemed “not a terror threat” after screaming “Allahu akbar” outside synagogue
Robert Spencer in FrontPage: Obama’s Fantasy Eid al-Adha 

Links From Christian Today Site for on September 17-18/16
Suicide bomber kills at least 25 in Pakistani mosque
Four suicide bombers killed after they target Christians in Pakistan
Pakistan: 5,000 arrested after Lahore bombing as Christians call for protection
Lahore attacks: How should Christians respond?
Teen Christian boy ‘murdered’ and hung from a tree in Pakistan
Al Shabaab attacks Somali town near Kenyan border, kill seven troops
Syria truce ‘will not hold out’ says senior rebel source
Syria ceasefire deal in balance as Aleppo aid plan stalls
Iraq after the peace: Will Christians ever be safe again?
Meet the Christians who love their enemies, even when it’s ISIS

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