Elias Bejjani: 14th Of March Stupid Trailing Behind, Lebanon’s House Speaker, Berri


14th Of March Stupid Trailing Behind, Lebanon’s House Speaker, Berri
Elias Bejjani/September 01/16

This below short piece was posted last year on our web site to openly inform and caution all those leaders who are active and concerned in the Lebanese political and national arena that they are badly and cowardly losing their sovereignty, freedom and independence focus and falling willingly easy pries and hostages to the Iranian occupier’s evil schemes and intimidation, and to its terrorist armed militia proxy, Hezbollah.

Sadly nothing has changed on any level since last year, but on the contrary Hezbollah has solidified more and more its Iranian irony oppressive hegemony on Lebanon and on all its official institutions. Meanwhile the majority of the so called 14th of March parties and politicians have grown weaker and weaker in every domain and totally succumbed to the occupying power and anti-Lebanese and anti-Arab- expansionism schemes

Yesterday Lebanon’s pro Iranian House speaker, Nabih Berri delivered a fierce mere Iranian and non-Lebanese speech on the occasion of the Shiite prominent clergy, Imam Mousa Al Sadder disappearance. It is worth mentioning that Al Sadder was kidnapped 38 years ago while on an official visit to Libya. Muammar al-Gaddafi, the Libyan late dictator killed him with two of his escorts and since than Al Sadder disappearance remained a puzzle.. Numerous well documented and authentic reports states that the Iranian (Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini) and Syrian regimes (Hafez Al Assad) were behind the killing of Al Sadder in full coordination with Muammar al-Gaddafi.

Sadly all 14tth of March Lebanese politicians as well as parties did marginalize totally themselves and are covertly and overtly. The sovereign and patriotic Lebanese citizens in both Lebanon and Diaspora have totally lost all their trust and confidence in the 14th politicians and parties. Berri’s speech yesterday was so humiliating to all that is Lebanese sovereignty, independence, freedom, intelligence and democracy. Berri boldly called on all the 14th of March politicians and parties to fully surrender to the Iranian occupier , give up on their patriotic efforts and behave like sheep.

September 01/15/ (The 14th of March Coalition in Lebanon is losing its entity and mission more & more because of its stupid trailing behind the Iranian Syrian mercenary, House speaker Nabih Berri. Meanwhile Mr. Saad Al Harri’s childish, hasty and bizarre hailing of Berry’s sarcastic recent dialogue initiative is a mere act of stupidity and superficiality. The question is: what did the absurd and futile on going dialogue between The Future Movement and Hezbollah under Berri’s auspices achieve except more and more submissiveness to Hezbollah and to Its Iranian anti Lebanese Schemes? The recent proposed Berry national dialogue will be replicate of the Hezbollah-Future futile one.)

God Bless Lebanon & Its People


Elias Bejjani
Canadian-Lebanese Human Rights activist, journalist and political commentator
Email phoenicia@hotmail.com
Web sites https://eliasbejjaninews.com & http://www.10452lccc.com & http://www.clhrf.com
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