Elias Bejjani: Sheik Bachir: We Miss You & Long For Your Leadership Calibre


Sheik Bachir: We Miss You & Long For Your Leadership Calibre
Elias Bejjani/August 23/16

John13/15: “The greatest love you can have for your friends is to give your life for them”.

Free patriotic Lebanese citizens in both occupied Lebanon, and all over the world remember annually on August 23, with pride, honour and anguish Sheik Bachir’s anniversary electoral presidential day. The “Dream” leader Sheik Bachir Gemayel was elected president for Lebanon on 23 August/1982.

Unfortunately and sadly Sheik Bachir was assassinated by Syrian agents before he was able to assume his presidential responsibilities because these stone age terrorists feared his honesty, nationalism, devotion, determination, courage and strong will.

Sheik Bachir who successfully led the Lebanese Christian resistance against the PLO and the Arab dictatorships, fanatic regimes and their regional and global terrorist organizations is seen as a unique national and patriotic hero in many Lebanese eyes from all Lebanese religious denominations. He is still highly  considered to be a remarkable leader that Free Patriotic Lebanese people love, adore and cherish. God bless his soul.

Sheik Bachir was extremely faithful, devoted to Lebanon’s cause of freedom, committed to the Lebanese rights and dignity, never compromised on his solid and transparent national stances or cajoled or appeased on the account of the Lebanese holy cause.

With strong self confidence, self respect, dignity and fear of Almighty God he continuously witnessed for the truth no matter what, and openly, courageously and loudly uttered what must be said.
He loved both his people and his country and accepted with no fear or hesitation to be a sacrifice on their alter.

Thirty Four years after his departure Bachir’s dream, vision, and leadership role model are still vivid and alive in the souls hears and minds of the majority of the Lebanese in Lebanon and all over the world.

The Syrian Bathist assassins who are now killing and murdering their own people, were able to kill his body, but definitely failed to kill his dream in a sovereign, free and independent Lebanon.

Thirty  four three years passed and the free Lebanese still strongly believe in Bachir’s dream and are struggling with courage and faith to make it happen and become a reality.
By God’s will and blessings they will achieve this goal no matter what the sacrifices will be.

Sadly the majority of the current corrupted and deviated Lebanese officials, religious and political leaders are dead in the eyes of many faithful, free and patriotic Lebanese, while in reality these leaders are still alive and breathing.

Meanwhile Bachir who was assassinated 33 years ago is still alive in the hearts and minds of all these strong will Lebanese.
Those criminals and terrorists who killed Bachir, killed only his ash body, but failed to kill his dream or his the deeply rooted love in the hearts of the Lebanese
Every Free and Patriotic Lebanese is Bachir, and that’s why Bachir is still alive as well as his dream.

God Bless Sheik Bachir’s Soul
Long Live Freedom

Elias Bejjani
Canadian-Lebanese Human Rights activist, journalist and political commentator
Email phoenicia@hotmail.com
Web sites https://eliasbejjaninews.com & http://www.10452lccc.com & http://www.clhrf.com
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