Christine Williams/Jihad Watch: Prominent imam reveals goals of dawah, Sharia and to establish ‘ummah’ in Canada/احقاق الشريعة في كندا هدف علني للإمام اقبال النجفي


Prominent imam reveals goals of dawah, Sharia and to establish ‘ummah’ in Canadaاحقاق الشريعة في كندا هدف علني للإمام اقبال النجفي

We keep on fooling ourselves in the West that threats of stealth and civilizational jihad are exaggerated, but documented examples keep on cropping up to prove that mainstream, influential Islamic leaders are pushing for global sharia, like the prominent Sheikh Dr. Iqbal Al-Hadvi in Canada, who called for da’wah and a replacement of democracy with sharia law.

Al-Nadvi is Chairperson of the Canadian Council of Imams and President of the Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA) Canada. The Muslim Brotherhood listed ICNA in its files as among “our organizations and the organizations of our friends.” Al-Nadvi was also previously Director of Al-Falah Islamic School in Oakville, Ontario, Imam of the Muslim Association of Calgary Islamic Center, and member of the University of Calgary chaplaincy team.

Al-Hadvi is a preeminent Islamic scholar who holds his Ph.D. in Sharia law, with a specialization in jurisprudence (Fiqh). He has taught on those subjects at King Saud University in Saudi Arabia “and dealt with various topics such as principles of jurisprudence (Usool Al-Fiqh), Islamic culture, Islamic political thought, Islamic movements, and Fiqh of organization. He has memorized the whole Qur’an (Haafiz).”

In discussing his priorities for ICNA as newly elected president in 2010, Al-Hadvi stated that he, along with the “Shura members,” were…..

“going for retreat in the month of April. We will devise a strategy of how to introduce Islamic movement to Canadian society in Canadian environment.”

He stated more recently in a speech:

 O Allah, we are here to make Dawah….“Our duty is not only to be a good person as an individual. It is also a good duty to train ourselves in organizational structure, and to be, for example, a part of Ummah [Muslim nation] and any organization in which we are working, we are supposed to serve the Ummah [Muslim nation], to bring the Ummah [Muslim nation] back [to its glorious era]….. Islam as a solution for humanity.

A few days after the landslide victory of the Liberal Party in the Canadian federal elections,  Imam Iqbal Nadvi delivered a Friday sermon at Masjid Toronto Mosque and stated:

“Trudeau, like his father, will leave after him a legacy, and “Allah will really use us [Canadian Muslims] here [is Canada] as a carrier of Islam, as a messenger of Islam.”

In an interview to the online show “The Muslim View,” Nadvi also “revealed how the Canadian Council of Imams succeeded in having a meaningful impact in the last federal elections and helped Justin Trudeau to become the Prime Minister.”

Under charitable status laws in Canada, “all ‘partisan’ political activities are prohibited. Partisan means supporting or opposing a political party or candidate for public office.”

Interestingly, back in April, the Canadian Council of Imams also stated its intention to open “deradicalization clinics” to counter extremism. Stealth jihadists routinely condemn violent jihad, but their goal is the same as that of the jihadis: global sharia law.


“Canada’s top Imam: ‘Islam has actually become a kind of solution for humanity’”
Jonathan Halevi, CIJNews, August 18, 2016:

Dr. Iqbal Al-Nadvi (Mohammad Iqbal Masood Al-Nadvi) is the Chairperson of Canadian Council of Imams and also serves as the Amir (President) of Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA) Canada.

His previous positions include the following: Director of Al-Falah Islamic School in Oakville, Ontario from 2004 to 2011, Imam of Muslim Association of Calgary Islamic Center from 1998-2004 and as a member of the University of Calgary chaplaincy team.

Iqbal al-Nadvi was the keynote speaker at ICNA Canada annual convention “Carry the Light – “Canadian Muslim – Opportunities and Challenges” which took place on August 23-24, 2014.

In his speech “Making Islam a Choice: How Canadian Muslims Can Contribute?”, Iqbal al-Nadvi emphasized the important mission upon Canadian Muslims to carry out the Dawah, meaning reaching out to the disbelievers to make them accept Islam or become friends of Muslims. He added that Islam has become the solution for Canada and humanity.

The following are excerpts from his speech:

“We know that we Muslims came here from different reasons… When we are here, it is our opportunity to say: O Allah, we are here to make Dawah [introducing Islam to disbelievers] oryour Deen [religion of Islam] here, to be here and to introduce Islam to others…

“The Quran says You are the best people who are brought by Allah, Glorified and Extalted be He. Your are taken out from your position for humanity…

“Our duty is not only to be a good person as an individual. It is also a good duty to train ourselves in

organizational structure, and to be, for example, a part of Ummah [Muslim nation] and anyorganization in which we are working, we are supposed to serve the Ummah [Muslim nation], to bring the Ummah [Muslim nation] back [to its glorious era].

In that sense our contribution will be here if make any kind of good side of serving the Deen [religion of Islam] or you can say remove any kind of bad thing…

“It [following the teachings of Islam by the believers] will help to make, for example, Islam as a solution for humanity.

“And when we are saying solution, it not means [sic] that we‘re asking everyone to be Muslim. It is not the issue. It is in the hands of Allah Glorified and Exalted be He.

“But, in my understanding, the Dawah of Islam [introducing Islam to disbelievers] is actually containing also, if they are enlightened people, we remove their misunderstanding, and we are asking them, for example, to be a friend of Islam, a friend of Muslims.

“If this, for example, making them, for example, Muslims, it is good, of course we wish to do it, but if not at least we can make them a partner of good things, we can carry the different kind of messages which is serving Islam, serving humanity and for examples shared by others.

“If they are not ally at least we say to them don’t be an enemy of Islam, maybe neutral…

“Islam is actually become a kind of solution for humanity and it is only, we, I’m saying for example, we

if Allah Glorified and Exalted be He, uses us, it is best service we can do to make Islam a real

solution for humanity. If He do[es] this thing, I can say you that it will be not only for us and

this country [Canada] but for all humanity as well.”

On October 23, 2015, a few days after the landslide victory of the Liberal Party in the federal elections, Imam Iqbal Nadvi delivered the Friday sermon at Masjid Toronto Mosque (168 Dundas St. West, Toronto), which is affiliated with the Muslim Association of Canada (MAC).

Nadvi hailed the Muslim youths for mobilizing the Muslim community to vote in the elections and to help Muslim candidates to win their seats in Parliament.

He called on Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau to help the Muslim community realize its main objective of making the Islamic values “the best of human values” by promoting within the Canadian society the idea that Islam is not a threat but an ally, and by accommodating Islamic values.

Thus, he added, Trudeau, like his father, will leave after him a legacy, and “Allah will really use us [Canadian Muslims] here [is Canada] as a carrier of Islam, as a messenger of Islam.”

The following are excerpts from Imam Iqbal sermon (17:23-19:17):

“This election proved that the Muslims when they were targeted, they are not supposed to be targeted because they are contributing, and Praise be to Allah, they are back with the number of ten members in Parliament and also, for example, Praise be to Allah, a lot of groups especially the youths they, Praise be to Allah, they mobilized the [Muslim] community to vote and to participate, right? and to bring, what is important? The important, how we aid our Islamic values to make it the best of human values? How people realized it?

“I was suggesting someone that the previous Prime Minister the father [Pierre] Trudeau, he had a legacy, right?

This son [Justin Trudeau] has an opportunity to make a new legacy. How he can do it?If he just promoted in Western mind that Islam is not a threat. Islam is a nation, an ally. Islam is a very peaceful religion, and we Muslims we want to live as a part of this country. So, the fear factor supposed to be removed

If he brings where the Western system supposed to be, for example accommodating Islamic values, I can saw [sic] he will leave with a legacy even after he is not be a Prime Minister.

“So, this is a really great change and Muslims can help it and contribute to it, and we need, for example, to do this thing by making our efforts in Islamic terms good and also in the country level also good together. If he do [sic] this thing Allah will really use us here as a carrier of Islam, as a messenger of Islam.”

In an interview to the online show “The Muslim View” (the video was published on YouTube on November 16, 2015), Iqbal Nadvi revealed how the Canadian Council of Imams succeeded in having a meaningful impact in the last federal elections and helped Justin Trudeau to become the Prime Minister. The following is an excerpt from the interview (04:33-05:43):Jorge E. Herrera:

“And the second reason that you had mentioned was with regards to community involvement. How has the community been involved with the greater Canadian community, within the Muslimcommunity? If that makes sense.”

“I’ll give you near example what happened in election. We mobilized our community with two things. First thing, they have to vote. Right? Because most of the time the survey said thatMuslims are not participating in voting and some reason behind it Islamic.

They said: Religiously we are not suppose to vote. So we, for example, correctedtheir understanding and we pushed them to vote. This the first thing. And this time, see the results, the percentage very high this time.

“And second thing is that, we do not endorse any candidate, but we see that who is good for community and who is, for example, serving community and also Canadian greater values. So we support them...
