Walid Phares and Trump are Addressing Jihadist Terrorism the Right Way Elias Bejjani/August 17/2016
What Dr. Walid Phares and Donald Trump are courageously and academically saying about Iran, Hezbollah, ISIS, and their barbaric, jihadist terrorism is something we in Lebanon have been saying for years—more loudly, more precisely, and with greater knowledge. However, because we are weak and marginalized, no one wanted to listen to us or take our warnings seriously.
Why? Because jihadist terrorism had not yet targeted or threatened their countries.
It is worth recalling that our late, great politician and philosopher, Dr. Charles Malik, cautioned the world about terrorism as early as the 1950s. He famously said, “If you do not recognize, face, and fight terrorism and terrorists in Lebanon now, they will soon strike in Paris first and then in the USA.” His warning has come to pass, and now the entire world is suffering from jihadist terrorism.
Today, the world is forced to listen to Phares and Trump because this devastating jihadist terrorism has infiltrated their societies, killing their citizens. Politicians and officials, particularly in Arab countries and the Western world, have long hidden the truth about jihadist terrorism and avoided openly telling their people what it truly is and who is behind it. Now, Phares and Trump are creating a real awakening, exposing these realities, and naming things as they are—without any false cosmetic appeasement, masks, dhimmitude, or lies.
We strongly believe that it is only a matter of time before officials and citizens worldwide become accustomed to hearing the absolute truth about jihadist terrorists, their ideological affiliations, plans, and dangers from Phares, Trump, and others. Most importantly, they are naming things with their real and actual names, without fear, dhimmitude, or camouflage.
To simplify the argument, let us in Lebanon and the Arab countries take a wise and thorough look at where Hezbollah’s terrorist leader, Hassan Nasrallah’s aura and glory (هالة وقداسة وعظمة) were three years ago and where they are now, after all his Iranian-jihadist masks of deception have fallen.
It is only a matter of time before all those who truly understand jihad and its terrorism will have no choice but to echo—more loudly—what Phares and Trump are now saying, despite the rejection, harsh criticism, and shock they currently face.
In conclusion, regardless of whether Donald Trump wins the U.S. presidential election, he and Walid Phares have paved the way worldwide for serious, practical, and knowledgeable approaches to confront and defeat jihadist terrorism.