Detailed LCCC English News Bulletin For July 29/16


Detailed LCCC English News Bulletin For July 29/16

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Titles For Latest LCCC Bulletin analysis & editorials from miscellaneous sources published on July 28-29/16
Islamist Terrorism, European Denial/Yves Mamou/Gatestone Institute/July 28, 2016
Turkey: Good News, Bad News/Burak Bekdil/Gatestone Institute/July 28/16
Erdoğan, a Levant Sunni fantasy/Nadim Koteich/Now Lebanon/July 28/16
Iranian and Brotherhood propaganda tactics/Mshari Al Thaydi/Al Arabiya/July 28/16
The death sentence against Othman’s murderers/Turki Aldakhil/Al Arabiya/July 28/16
Does Assad’s regime have a policy of killing journalists and civilians/Mohamed Chebarro/Al Arabiya/July 28/16
Never the diplomat? Britain’s new foreign policy chief Boris Johnson/Chris Doyle/Al Arabiya/July 28/16
The hijab does not impede Muslim women from doing their job/Yara al-Wazir/Al Arabiya/July 28/16

Titles For Latest Lebanese Related News published on July 28-29/16
March 14 General Secretariat Coordinator Fares Soaid to Launch Petition Against Reshaping Political System
Brazil Arrests Man of Lebanese Descent over Terror Allegations
Interior Minister Nouhad al-Mashnouq: New President before 2017, No Security Appointments before Election
Army Receives New Military Support from UK
Litani River Panel Demands Closure of Sand Mines, Halt of Sewage Flow
Army Stages Raids in Britel
Khalil on Syrian Refugees: International Community Failed Lebanon
Loyalty to Resistance: We hope dialogue upcoming August will yield positive consensus
Azzi: To raise minimum wage to L.L. 2,200,000 million
MENAHRA raises awareness on Hepatitis B, C
Mokbel calls for not interfering in resolutions related to Litani River pollution
Rifi chairs preparatory meeting of Arab Network for Promoting Integrity 5th conference in Tunisia
Harb receives Richard, Nadime Gemayel
Kahwaji, interlocutors take up current developments

Titles For Latest LCCC Bulletin For Miscellaneous Reports And News published on July 28-29/16
Syrian-Russian Provocations Could Spark Golan Clash
Michael Mukasey: If Iranian regime falls, there would be virtually no problems in the Middle East
Tehran’s paranoia over opposition Free Iran rally in Paris
Wife of Iran political prisoner arrested for filming Iran protest
Struan Stevenson: Is the Iran Nuclear Deal Going to Collapse?
Iran regime’s crackdown on PMOI shows its vulnerability and fear
Assad offers amnesty to rebels who surrender
Second France church killer formally identified
France, UK Call for End to ‘Disastrous’ Aleppo Siege
German police arrest Algerian suspect who yelled ‘I’ll blow you up’
Two Turkish soldiers killed in bomb attack in Kurdish southeast
Germany calls on mosques to prevent extremism
Danish nationalists urge ban on Muslims
Al-Qaeda tells Syrian branch Nusra Front it can drop links
Coalition to formally investigate recent civilian deaths in Syria
German police raid job agency for armed woman
Egypt is hosting Libya talks to ease deadlock
Houthis, Saleh aim to run country via new deal
Turkey has intelligence cleric Gulen could flee United States
UK lawyer for Bangladesh cafe survivor demands his release
Bangladesh authorities blame extremist group for 2005, 2016 blasts in Dhaka

Links From Jihad Watch Site for July 28-29/16
Islamic State says London is next, UK churches put on terror alert
Hungary PM blisters EU elites, says Muslim migration “increases terrorism and crime” and “destroys national culture”
Robert Spencer in the Detroit News: Another casualty in the war against jihadism
Ex-Muslim: Muhammad enticed his men to fight jihad by promising them blonde female sex slaves
After spate of Muslim migrant jihad massacres, Merkel refuses to reverse Muslim migrant policy
Mom says of Islamic State jihadist son who murdered priest: he’s a good Frenchman, I didn’t produce a devil
Hugh Fitzgerald: Pope Francis and Jihad: Credo Quia Absurdum, And How
WaPo thought police: Anti-Islam extremists just as bad as Islamic jihadists
Pope declares “the world is at war” but denies Islam has any role
Nonie Darwish Moment: Facebook Punishes Me For Violating Sharia
Erdogan tightens iron grip on power: Turkey shuts down over 130 media outlets, dismisses 2,400 military personnel
Homeland Security chief promoting past wrongs over jihadism and homeland security
Violent explosion’ outside German office for migration — ‘Arab men’ fled scene
Islamophobia” horror! Episode of UK’s “Fireman Sam” withdrawn, apology issued after character steps on Qur’an page

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