Detailed LCCC English News Bulletin For July 03/16


Detailed LCCC English News Bulletin For July 03/16

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Titles For Latest LCCC Bulletin analysis & editorials from miscellaneous sources published on July 02-03/16
Sybaritic West Surrenders to Islamists/Giulio Meotti/Gatestone Institute/July 02/16
The Political Blame Game: Pulling Tricks to Deny the Obvious/Douglas Murray/Gatestone Institute/July 02/16
Bring Christian and Yazidi Refugees from the Muslim World First/Phyllis Chesler/New York Post/June 30, 2016
Look back and ahead in anger/Hisham Melhem/Al Arabiya/July 02/16
Why is ISIS attacking Turkey/Abdulrahman al-Rashed/Al Arabiya/July 02/16
Why is Iraq in ruins/Dr. Azeem Ibrahim/Al Arabiya/July 02/16
Why rural Britain’s influence is set to outlive the Brexit vote/Ehtesham Shahid/Al Arabiya/July 02/16

Titles For Latest Lebanese Related News published on July 02-03/16
AlRahi to Parish Members in Ohio: Lebanese political system is demographic, so preserve your nationality to safeguard Lebanon’s balance and message
LF, MP, Zahra: Tension in relation with Hariri, but our alliance is destined to continue
Jumblat Hails Reactivation of Lebanon’s Oil and Gas File
Jumblatt to Ain Dara delegation: I shall partake in any move against cement factory
Two Young Brothers Drown in Lake in Btadii
Hizbullah Destroys IS Positions in Ras Baalbek
Report: Lebanese Security Forces Keeping an Eye on Encampments of Refugees
Lebanese Army Intelligence raids Syrian refugee camp in Abra, arrests residency violators
Hariri bound for Jeddah
Sami Gemayel: Auto security either denied to all or allowed for all
Machnouk meets with Italian Ambassador, Restaurants syndicate delegation
Bou Saab Baccalaureate II success percentage 78.99%, second session exams on 4 August

Titles For Latest LCCC Bulletin For Miscellaneous Reports And News published on July 02-03/16
2 Medics among 20 Dead in Syria Army Reprisal for Slain Pilot
Israel Seeks to Raise Profile in Africa with Netanyahu Trip
Israel Locks Down Flashpoint Hebron after Spate of Attacks
Israeli Airstrikes Hit Gaza Hamas Sites after Rocket Attack
Palestinian kills Israeli, wounds family in West Bank attack
Erdogan calls Assad a ‘more advanced terrorist’ than ISIS
Istanbul airport attack toll rises to 45
A drone strike kills three al-Qaeda suspects in Yemen
Political prisoners in Zahedan support “Free Iran” rally in Paris
Interview with Struan Stevenson about the “Free Iran” rally

Links From Jihad Watch Site for July 02-03/16
Hugh Fitzgerald: Pass/Fail in Bangladesh
Arizona: Muslim teen arrested for jihad plots against government buildings
Ramadan in France: Muslim couple screaming “Allahu akbar” stabs man in stomach
First call to Islamic prayer inside Istanbul’s Hagia Sophia in 85 years
Bangladesh: Muslims murder 20 hostages, 13 others saved

Bangladesh restaurant jihad attack: Those who could recite Qur’an were spared
Trump: “Incitement and preaching of hate by the Palestinian leadership…must end immediately”
Al Quds Day and the jihadist mantra: “death to America, death to Israel”
Reading the Qur’an during Ramadan 28: Juz Qad Sami Allahu
Presbyterian Church USA offers prayers to Allah, acknowledges Muhammad as prophet
To counter Muslim migrant sex assaults, Swedish cops giving girls “Do not molest me” bracelets

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