Elias Bejjani: Minister Nouhad Machnouk versus General Ashraf Refi


Minister Nouhad Machnouk versus General Ashraf Refi
Elias Bejjani/June 02/16

Listening attentively today to MP, and Interior Minister, Nouhad Machnouk via his lengthy and boring interview with LBCI’s Marcel Khanem, “Kalam El Nas” Talk Show, one could not but feel and sense the apparent hostility and jealousy that he deeply holds against General Ashraf Refi.

Meanwhile, in reality and practicality, there is no doubt that in the Lebanese political Sunni leadership arena, Minister Nouhad Al Machnouk is the prime loser and definitely the most envious, angry and frustrated politician from the brilliant emergence of General Refi as a great winner in the Tripoli municipal elections.

Machnouck, on MP, Micheal Aoun’s delusional path, he has been fantasizing and day dreaming to be crowned as Lebanon’s coming Prime Minister.

In this dreaming context he openly subdued to the terrorist Hezbollah as a Interior Minister and did his best to appease and cajole its leadership…While Refi stood tall in his anti-Hezbollah stances as our Holy Cedars.

In our modest opinion both men, Machnouck and Refi have no resemblance at all in any domain as far as character, potentials, personalities, patriotism, consistency and leadership traits are considered.

One is patriotic, courageous with sold stances, and the other a mere follower.

Sadly, the kind of cheap and below the belt verbal attacks that  Machnouch waged against Refi during the LBCI interview were totally embedded with lack of reasoning, overt ethical deviations and silly fabrications.

Minister Machnouck tried hard but in vain to belittle, marginalize and demonize the stunning Refi’s victory and accordingly resorted to many defaming unsuccessful means and ways.

In conclusion, General Refi worked hard to be where he is now, and according his Tripoli citizens appreciated his efforts and elected him to be their actual representative because they see themselves in his honesty, patriotism, courage and devotion.

Occupied Lebanon is in bad need for politicians like Ashraf Refi.

From Diaspora, we extend our heartily felt and genuine congratulations for both General Refi and the courageous oppressed and impoverished people Of Tripoli.

Long Live Lebanon


Elias Bejjani
Canadian-Lebanese Human Rights activist, journalist and political commentator
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