Elias Bejjani: Geagea and Al Hariri both betrayed The cedars Revolution and The 14th Of March Patriotic Alliance


Geagea and Al Hariri both betrayed The cedars Revolution and The 14th Of March Patriotic Alliance
Elias Bejjani
June 01/16

There is no logic, truth, self respect, credibility or any common sense at all in the bizarre joy that Dr. Geagea’s Lebanese Forces officials, media outlets and supporters are showing after General Ashraf Refi’s great and stunning victory in Tripoli’s municipal elections….

How actually the Lebanese Forces can be joyful about Refi’s victory and at the same time bragging openly in criticizing and ridiculing Mr. Saad Al Hariri because he joined forces with his and 14th of March enemies …the pro Iranian Mullahs’ and Al Assad mercenary politicians and parties in Tripoli?

Sadly the Lebanese Forces Party, (which means only Dr.Geagea because he is the sole decision maker) is suffering after the alliance with Aoun from a tunnel vision sickening phenomenon. The Lebanese Forces vision as well as its political views are clearly deviated and merely very selective..

The Lebanese Forces are tailoring their post municipal elections’ stances, views, and propaganda to suit their sinful alliance with Lebanon’s number one enemy, Michel Aoun.

By the way Dr. Geagea’s deadly sin that he committed against MP. Dory Chamoun is shameful and a disastrous one and surely will never be forgotten…This sin boldly exhibited his ingratitude for Al Chamoun and for their patriotic role, history and patriotism.

Hariri did exactly what Geagea did …Hariri supported Suleiman Frangea for the presidency post, and Geagea committed the same horrible mistake and supported Micheal Aoun..  Both of them destroyed the political alliance of 14th of March and proved to be impulsive, weak, unstable, selfish, and moody politicians.

One wonders what practically is the differences between Geagea’s alliance with Micheal Aoun and AL Hariri’s alliance with Najieb Mikati? Both Alliances are against every thing that is Lebanese and independence.

Logically Geagea should be sad and not happy at all that Al Hariri and his billionaire alliances have lost in Tripoli  because Ashraf Refi did what he did not.

Ashraf Refi stood tall like the cedars against the Tripoli Lebanese Syrian and Iranian Trojans while Geagea impulsively Joined forces with one of them, Micheal Aoun and fought aggressively and stupidly with him patriotic 14th  of March prominent politicians and figures all over.

In conclusion, Geagea, sadly lost his credibility because of his alliance with Micheal Aoun, and definitely will continue to lose more in case he does not leave Aoun and re join again the 14th of March team.

Long Live Lebanon

Elias Bejjani
Canadian-Lebanese Human Rights activist, journalist and political commentator
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