Detailed LCCC English News Bulletin For May 13/16


Detailed LCCC English News Bulletin For May 13/16

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Titles For Latest LCCC Bulletin analysis & editorials from miscellaneous sources published on May 13/16
We the Lebanese, This is what we are & who we are/Elias Bejjani/May 12/16
Lebanese Shiites disrupting the status quo/Myra Abdallah/Now Lebanon/May 12/16
Free at last/Win or lose, Saad Hariri may finally be his own man/Michael Young/Now Lebanon/May 12/16
Israel and “Palestine”: What International Law Requires/Louis René Beres/Gatestone Institute/May 12/16
Yazidi Girl Exposes ISIS Rape Hellhole/Raymond Ibrahim/Gatestone Institute/May 12/16
Recreation is a legitimate and civil right/Turki Al-Dakhil/Al Arabiya/May 12/16
Russian messages via Palmyra concert, Victory Parade/Maria Dubovikova/Al Arabiya/May 12/16
Welcome realism and goodbye comfort zones/Eyad Abu Shakra/Al Arabiya/May 12/16
On attempts to destroy Saudi-Egyptian ties/Mshari Al Thaydi/Al Arabiya/May 12/16
Tunisia: Between terrorism and tourism/Lina Khatib/Al Arabiya/May 12/16
Israel at 68: Not isolated, but badly misunderstood/Herb Keinon/Jerusalem Post/May 12/16

Titles Latest Lebanese Related News published on May 13/16
We the Lebanese, This is what we are & who we are
Lebanese Shiites disrupting the status quo
Free at last/Win or lose, Saad Hariri may finally be his own man
Nasrallah: We are not Obligated to any Side that the FPM Allies itself with in Municipal Polls
Hajj Hassan Tells Cabinet ‘Red Line’ Crossed as Banks Reportedly Suspend 2 Hizbullah MPs’ Accounts
Salam: Successful Municipal Elections Demonstrate Ability to Elect President
Hariri Says Institutions ‘Should No Longer be Taken Hostage’ after Municipal Vote
Chamoun: No alliance with FPM in Deir al Qamar elections
Cabinet tasks PM with following up on US sanctions on Hezbollah
Jumblatt: Mukhtara has chosen its municipalities by acclamation
Adwan announces LF, FPM municipal list in Deir al Qamar
Byblos readies to elect 40 municipal councils, 104 mukhtars
Tohme: Holding municipal elections on time democratic achievement
Salam pushes for presidential elections
Report: Hariri Evades Challenge in Tripoli Municipal Elections, Plans to Meet Miqati
Report: Hariri Evades Challenge in Tripoli Municipal Elections, Plans to Meet Miqati
Hariri Says Institutions ‘Should No Longer be Taken Hostage’ after Municipal Vote
Saqr Files Charges against Five People for IS Affiliation
Portolano Highlights UNIFIL Cooperation with Army in Talks with Berri, Qahwaji
Gunmen Shoot Down a Man in Arsal
Bassil Holds Talks with Qatari Counterpart in Doha
Activists Rally at Interior Ministry Demanding Parliamentary Polls

Titles For Latest LCCC Bulletin For Miscellaneous Reports And News published on May 13/16
Erdogan Says Turkey Preparing to Clear IS from Syrian Side of Border
Russia blocked in bid to blacklist Syria rebels
Fighting erupts north of Aleppo as ceasefire expires
Syria’s al-Qaeda branch seizes central Alawite village
Syrian Opposition Leader Wants ‘Actions not Words ‘ from Foreign Backers
ISIS in Iraq losing terrain ‘every single day’
Asiri: Yemen army to enter Sanaa if talks fail
Iran bans own citizens from performing Hajj
Iranian, Indian cities ranked worst for air pollution
Will Canada give Iran’s regime a free pass?
Iran regime claims to have test-fired ballistic missile with 2000 km range
Iran nuclear deal fails to make a difference
US cool on France ME peace push, may not attend
Saudi Woman Sentenced to 6 Years’ Jail for IS Support
French PM slams UNESCO Jerusalem resolution as ‘unfortunate, clumsy’

Links From Jihad Watch Site for May 13/16
Iraqi Ayatollah: Muslims can lend slave girls to friends to prevent marital problems
Trump: Muslim ban ‘just a suggestion’
Hugh Fitzgerald: The Pope: Neither Holy, Nor Roman, Nor An Umpire
Muslim “Sharia patrols” terrorize Copenhagen bars in “Sharia zone”

London’s Muslim mayor pledges to help Hillary Clinton beat Donald Trump.
Australian judge to jury in jihadi’s trial: “Islam is not on trial here”.
Turkey threatens to “send the refugees” if European Parliament doesn’t allow visa-free travel in Europe for Turks.
Hindu group asks gods to help Trump save humanity from Islamic terrorism.
Hamas-linked CAIR threatens suit as Citadel denies hijab for Muslim cadet.
As Iran repeats that US is its chief enemy, Kerry tries to drum up some business in Europe for Iran.
London Muslim mayor’s veiled threat: “Trump’s ignorant view of Islam could make both of our countries less safe”.
Germany: Muslim migrant sexually assaults 6-year-old boy in changing room.
UK: Muslim sentenced for threatening to behead UKIP candidate wins appeal, sentence quashed.

Latest Lebanese Related News published on May 12/16
We the Lebanese, This is what we are & who we are
Elias Bejjani/May 12/16
We want the whole world to know that to be a Lebanese is a grand privilege,
We want the whole world to know that to be a Lebanese is a great gift from Almighty God,
A gift endowed only to the descendents of those Phoenician heroes who carried bravely the Lebanese torch for 7000 years,
To be Lebanese is be a believer in the 10452 klm square doctrine.
To be Lebanese, is to be a believer in the Lebanese distinctive identity and deeply rooted history.
The identity of love, peace, benevolence, courage, devotion,
The identity of civilization, freedom and democracy,
The identity of our great ancestors, Cadmus, Aheram, Hannibal and Zinoon,
The identity of martyrdom, sacrifice and patriotism.
A Lebanese is the one that the love of Lebanon circulates in his blood with each breathe,
A Lebanese is the one whose mind soul and body are pure and transparent, like the skies of Lebanon,
A Lebanese is the one that believes in the holiness of the Lebanese soil.
A Lebanese is the one who believes that the ongoing struggle for a free, independent, sovereign Lebanon is a destiny and a sacred duty, and not a choice.
We want the whole world to know that martyrdom is a Phoenician invention.
We want the whole world to know that sacrifice is not only a national obligation for the Lebanese, but a tradition and a heritage.
We want the whole world to know that although we peach peace and love, and practice what we preach, we are also fierce fighters and ready always to die for our beloved Lebanon and for the holy symbols that it personifies to us.
Lebanon is a ball of fire, it enlightens the darkness for those who yearn for the light.
At the same time it burns the hands of those who dare to infringe on its rights.
My dear Lebanese comrade stand tall like the holy Cedars of your beloved Lebanon
Be proud for being a Lebanese, and do not ever forget that to be Lebanese is to be open minded, tolerant, peace loving and fearing Al mighty God and His Day Of Judgment.
Long Live Free Lebanon