Detailed LCCC English News Bulletin For April 12/16


Detailed LCCC English News Bulletin For April 12/16

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Titles For Latest LCCC Bulletin analysis & editorials from miscellaneous sources published on April 12/16
We the Lebanese/Hussain Abdul-Hussain/Now Lebanon/April 11/16
Lebanon: A Middle East oasis that deserves preservation/Robert Chahine/Now Lebanon/April 11/16
ISIS or Islam: Which Breeds Terrorism/Raymond Ibrahim /PJ Media/April 11/16
Kuwaiti Writer: Yousuf ‘Abd Al-Karim Al-Zinkawi: Arab, Muslim States Should Recognize Israel, Openly And Immediately/MAMRI/April 11/16
Yemen: Between ending the conflict and a warrior’s break/Raghida Dergham/Al Arabiya/April 11/16
Five days that changed the face of the region/Turki Al-Dakhil/Al Arabiya/April 11/16
Youth should be the main priority for Muslim leaders/Elshad Iskadarov/Al Arabiya/April 11/16
Green Card’ for expatriates in Saudi Arabia is a strategic plan/Khaled Almaeena/Al Arabiya/April 11/16

Titles For Latest Lebanese Related News published on April 12/16
Hizbullah Tops List of 68 Groups Deemed Terrorist by Bahrain
Salam Regrets Sectarian Dispute on State Security, Urges Christians to Elect President
Hariri Wants ‘Hizbullah Arms’ in Any ‘Package Deal’, Urges Geagea to Back Franjieh
Zoaiter Reassures on Airport Security as Army Frees 2 Workers Cleared of Terror Charges
Pharaon: No Financial Scandal Linked to State Security Agency
Details Emerge on Terror Cell Recruiting Minors
Ibrahim Appeals for Support to Security Agencies
Lebanon Judiciary to Press Kidnap Charges against Australian Mother, TV
Jumblatt: Interior Minister confirmed to me involvement of high ranking figures in internet affair
Lebanese Army clarifies circumstances of airport personnel release
Raad: He who refuses to mull voting law hinders president election
Abduction of Syrian botched in Baalback
We the Lebanese
Lebanon: A Middle East oasis that deserves preservation

New Tweets by Pope Francis
Society cannot do without the family, and it ought to be protected
Every family, despite its weaknesses, can become a light in the darkness of the world.
To know how to forgive and feel forgiven is a basic experience in family life.
The divorced who have entered a new union should be made to feel part of the Church. They are not excommunicated.
Fidelity has to do with patience. Its joys and sacrifices bear fruit as the years go by.

Links From Jihad Watch Site for April 12/16
UK: 50% of Muslims want homosexuality outlawed, 31% want polygamy legalized, 23% want Sharia.
Germany: Muslim “refugee” admits to setting shelter on fire, spray-painting swastikas to frame “far-right”.
Brussels Muslim had rotting animal testicles and feces in backpack, suggesting Islamic State biological attack plot.
Video: Muslims screaming “Allahu akbar” attack police at Greek-Macedonian border.
60% of “Palestinians” support jihad attacks against Israeli civilians.
Turkey’s top Muslim cleric: Terrorism has nothing to do with Islam.
Was Islam Really More Tolerant Than Christianity?.
UK: Muslim Labor official fired for saying Hitler was “greatest man in history”.
Kerry invites Taliban to negotiate, they respond with rocket fire.
Canadian paper removes story about Muslim migrant bullying: “sensitive subject”.
Sesame Street unveils hijab-wearing Muslim puppet.
Saudi TV host: We must admit that terrorists “adhere to the religion of Islam”.
Austria: Muslim “refugee,” Mumbai jihad suspect, arrested for plot in Europe.
Dr. Omar Ahmad and The Agony of the “Decent Muslim”.