Should Gulf states expel Lebanese people? Turki Al-Dakhil/Al Arabiya/March 07/16
Saudi Arabia’s problem is not with the entire Lebanese people, but with a small category that Iran controls, and which has declared war against Gulf countries and Arabs. The friendly history between the kingdom and the Lebanese people cannot be forgotten. Dr Ahmed al-Arfaj wrote an article entitled “Deporting the Lebanese people is mercy for everyone.”He conveyed extreme opinions as he vented his anger against the entire Lebanese people without distinguishing among them, and held them all accountable for what a few of them have done. It is as if the diverse country, which includes several sects, is entirely responsible for the acts of an aggressive category that hijacked the state. Perhaps Arfaj wrote the article due to some Lebanese media outlets’ recent exaggerations – which may go as far as being immoral – regarding the role of Lebanese people’s contributions to developing Gulf countries.
He noted the indisputable and significant role of Palestinians, Sudanese, Jordanians and Egyptians in development, and said Lebanese went to the Gulf after the region had flourished in order “to make profit.”
Collective punishment
The political dispute with terrorists in Lebanon does not mean we should adopt extreme acts ourselves, as this would be a deliberate reaction against categories of people that have always been loving and benevolent toward us.
Strict acts and decisiveness must only be adopted toward those who are working within the framework of armed militias rather than the Lebanese state, and taking orders from Iran. We do not wish that our dear Lebanese brothers and sisters be deported from Saudi Arabia and other Gulf countries, as we are a part of them and they are a part of us. They must not all bear the burden for what one section of the society has done.
Hezbollah and Waging Battles!
Ahmad El-Assaad/March 07, 2016/Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah brought nothing new to the table when he stated that the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia’s problem is with Hezbollah, and not with the Lebanese government nor with the Lebanese Armed Forces. The KSA realizes that Hezbollah’s position does not represent the entire Lebanese people. However, Hezbollah’s policies are constantly dragging Lebanon into conflicts and battles, to which the entire Lebanese people is paying the price. Hezbollah is asking for credit, for not waging a battle with the Kingdom, given the events in Bahrain, Syria and Iraq. But when it came to Yemen, he could not stay silent! But, Sayyed Hassan, since Hezbollah is a Lebanese party, then it would only be normal for it not to meddle with any issue not pertaining to Lebanon, and not waging any battles with any other country. If a military, or a political, battle were to be waged with another country, then the Lebanese government would be in charge of waging it, not any other Lebanese political party. It isn’t up to Hezbollah, or anyone else, to decide when to wage a battle or not. This is a decision up to the legitimate institutions that represent all of the Lebanese people. If a battle were to be waged, then the only battle that concerns us is the one in defense of Lebanon, to preserve its security, stability, sovereignty and independence. We have no business in the conflicts of other countries, unless it is to contribute to a solution – and not to pour oil over the blazing fire. And no, Sayyed Hassan, it isn’t sufficient that you tell the KSA that the battle should exclusively be between you and the Kingdom. Instead, you should stop implementing Iran’s policy in the region, and dragging Lebanon and its Shiites into everything that touches the stability of other countries in the region, from Syria to Yemen, going through Bahrain and Iraq, and perhaps some others. And it isn’t sufficient that you – seemingly – call your supporters to steer clear from the confessional conflict. Instead, you should refrain from inciting the Shiites of the region against the regimes of their countries.
And you should know, Sayyed Hassan, that the Lebanese people, too, can no longer stay silent!