Salman Aldosary/Asharq Al Awsat: Hezbollah’s Enmity against Saudi Arabia


Hezbollah’s Enmity against Saudi Arabia
Salman Aldosary/Asharq Al Awsat/February 27/16

 Hezbollah supporters waiting for militants coming back from Syria
Evidence and proof; deliberately presented to the public showing Hezbollah’s execution of terrorist operations on Saudi borders and those that breach Riyadh as well. Hezbollah’s exercised-targeting is not recent to those who actually have been in keep with its regional activity; the organization has had spread cells that prove its line of work in each of Bahrain, Kuwait, and Yemen.

The only difference today is that Hezbollah’s going after the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia as an enemy is documented on both record and taping. Hezbollah is not different from al-Qaeda or ISIS. To be frank, Hezbollah surpasses the other two by enjoying the merit of possessing diplomatic tools, a government that accredits its works, and a foreign minister whose policy has its guidelines put into effect. Personally, I believe it’s about time things are called out for what they really are, diplomacy has rendered incapacitated. Hezbollah is an arch enemy to Saudi Arabia. Moreover, it is an enemy which relishes with freedom of work, and has struck an official inter-governmental deal with an administration which claims to be a friend to the Kingdom. Although the government claims to follow a self-seclusion approach, the truth is all it does is isolate itself from Hezbollah’s party crimes and terrorism, which are covered-up by the whole of the Lebanese administration.

Those who believe that Riyadh had decided on the bilateral relationship revision with Lebanon, for the mere reasons of Lebanese media clamping down on Saudi Arabia are deeply mistaken. The Kingdom’s policy is broader and better built than to make a decision based on this type of attack; regardless how low it stoops. The true case here lies in the fact that the Lebanese government has provided Hezbollah’s terrorism against the Kingdom with authorized armament, that is all there is to it in short. There isn’t a single country in this world which accepts to deal with a government that sweet-talks it publicly, only to harbor a main subject who plans and conspires against its security and stability.

Added to that is Hezbollah’s hostile contribution to the Arab-nations best interest and the carrying-out of the Iranian agenda in each of Syria, Iraq, and Yemen. To all Lebanese signors, you must understand that Saudi Arabia is not seeking for an apology or for those who apologize; the Kingdom doesn’t want those who sympathize either. What Saudi Arabia is looking for is a grounded political work that frees Lebanon from Hassan Nassrallah’s cloak’s dominance and restores the country’s Arab identity. Saudi Arabia wants a true severance between Hezbollah’s activities and the administration’s work. The government should top the party, and not the other way around.

 Ever since Hezbollah began climbing up the ladder, it has envisioned Saudi Arabia as a direct threat for its continuation. That was clarified early on when it had stood against Riyadh for the sake of exporting the Iranian revolution’s mission first, and later in the Iraqi-Iranian war. Hezbollah takes pride in representing the Iranian revolution in Lebanon and in answering to Wilayat al Faqih (Guardianship of the Jurist). The organization has enthusiastically supported Ayatollah Khomeini’s initiative for overthrowing the Kingdom’s government in the mid-80. Let alone Hassan Nasr Allah’s speeches which have always prejudicially put Israel and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in one grouping.

Hezbollah had always used political prudence when dealing with the Kingdom, however, its dissimulation has failed in covering up actions perpetrated gradually to reach to planning terrorist operations. It is regrettable that Hezbollah’s doings confirm that the Lebanese administration with all its ministers, parties, and forces have ended up being accomplices by their continuous silence against the terrorist actions Hezbollah undertook with an official governmental cover.

Thus, Lebanese forces must choose either to have their country under Hezbollah’s flagship, or for Hezbollah to return beneath national jurisdiction. As for when a country is formed by a terrorist party, then countries will not accept dealing with such governance. Last but not least, it is unsuited for a country in Lebanon’s value to reach at such an ending.