Detailed LCCC English News Bulletin For February 16/16


 Detailed LCCC English News Bulletin For February 16/16

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Titles For Latest LCCC Bulletin analysis & editorials from miscellaneous sources published on February 16/16
Lebanon, the Maronites and the presidential vacuum/Mordechai Nisan/Jerusalem Post/February 15/16
A Memorial… and Memories/Ahmad El-Assaad/February 15/16
Russian PM Threatens Third World War/MEMRI/February 15/16/
Palestinians ramp up terror to gunfire. Israel Intelligence still at a loss/DEBKAfile/ February 15/16
Turkey threatens fragile Syria peace accord/Week in Review/Al-Monitor/February 15/16/
‘Scientific’ Claim: Christian Bible More ‘Bloodthirsty’ than Quran/Raymond Ibrahim/PJ Media/February 15/16
Egypt’s “Security Threat”: Churches/Raymond Ibrahim/Gatestone Institute/February 15/16
Is the American Era Over? Soft Power/Samir Atallah/Asharq Al Awsat/February 15/16
The Anniversary of Bahrain’s February Uprising/Salman Aldosary/Asharq Al Awsat/February 15/16/
Interpretations of terrorism and legends of globalization/Fahad Suleiman Shoqiran/Al Arabiya/February 15/16
Is ISIS preparing to relocate to Libya/Dr. Azeem Ibrahim/Al Arabiya/February 15/16
Saudi Arabia’s al-Janadriyah and years of intellectual debate/Abdulrahman al-Rashed/Al Arabiya/February 15/16
World Government Summit and the Arabs’ heartache/Raghida Dergham/Al Arabiya/February 15/16

Titles For Latest Lebanese Related News published on February 16/16
Lebanon, the Maronites and the presidential vacuum

A Memorial… and Memories
Syria accuses U.S over attacks on MSF hospital that Washington condemns
Kurdish-backed forces edge closer to Turkish border
Damascus hopes Syria peace talks to resume on Feb. 25
Egypt says Italian student was not arrested before his death
U.S. Urges Russia, Turkey to Avoid ‘Escalation’ over Syria
Mustard Gas ‘Used in Iraq Attacks in August’
Israel Probes Video of Police Pushing over Palestinian in Wheelchair
Turkey Air Force in Joint Exercises with Saudi Arabia
Bahrain Arrests Foreign Journalists, Likely American
Cameron Brings EU Arguments to France’s Hollande
Turkey Renews Syria Shelling as Air Raids Hit MSF Hospital
Canada reaffirms commitment to human rights
Israeli Defense Minister Says Ready to Work With Arab Countries on Syria Strategy

Titles For Latest LCCC Bulletin For Miscellaneous Reports And News published on February 16/16
Lebanon presidency deadlock persists as Hariri stands by Franjieh
Several Militants Killed as Army Destroys Vehicle in Arsal Outskirts
LF Holds onto March 14 but Supporters Criticize Mustaqbal
Hariri Meets Geagea in Maarab: March 14 Brings Us Together
Hariri Meets Salam, Top Officials: My Stay in Lebanon Will Be Longer this Time around
Mustaqbal Says Geagea is Friend of Long Patriotic Path
Reports: Hizbullah Radars Can Track Israeli Fighter Jets
Sources: Nasrallah to Change Speech after BIEL Ceremony
Lebanon says EU refugee aid needed now, not in a year
U.N. peace envoy to meet Syrian foreign minister: Govt official

Links From Jihad Watch Site for February 16/16
UK: Islamic studies teacher accused of helping two Muslims join the Islamic State
Video: Mufti of Gaza explains how properly to beat your wife
Turkey: Article in pro-government daily says gorillas and chimps are cursed, mutated Jews
Hugh Fitzgerald: Was Trump Right that the Iraq War Was “A Big Fat Mistake”?
Raymond Ibrahim: Christian Bible More ‘Bloodthirsty’ than Quran, Claims ‘Scientific’ Study
Hating Valentine’s Day
Israel: Teen Muslimas screaming “Allah” stab Israeli security guard
