Detailed LCCC English News Bulletin For January 30-31/16


Detailed LCCC English News Bulletin For January 31/16

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Titles For Latest LCCC Bulletin analysis & editorials from miscellaneous sources published on january 30-31/16
Hadas Maman/Jerusalem Post: Winds of change are blowing in Lebanon/It is certain if Aoun is elected he will make Lebanon an Iranian satellite/Hadas Maman/J.Post/January 30/16
Junblatt exposes Hezbollah’s convoluted stance on presidential elections/Joseph A. Kechichian/Gulf News/January 30, 2016
Israeli minister interviewed for Saudi website/Liad Osmo and Roi Kais/Ynetnews/January 30/16
The diminished West/Hisham Melhem/Al Arabiya/January 30/16
Syria 2016 is a replay of Syria 1920/Eyad Abu Shakra/Al Arabiya/January 30/16
The other ISIS/Baria Alamuddin/Al Arabiya/January 30/16
The Syrian Crisis; US Disappointment/Salman Aldosary/Asharq Al Awsat/January 30/16
Tycoons and the Temptation of Power/Amir Taher/Asharq Al Awsat/January 30/16
How Obama Ended Up Following Putin’s Syria Script and Giving Assad a Victory/Middle East Briefing/January 30/16
A Contribution to the Debate on President Obama’s Mideast Policies/Middle East Briefing/January 30/16
Egypt: The Storm that Never Happened/Middle East Briefing/January 30/16
President Xi Jinping Balked at Mediating Middle East Crises/Middle East Briefing/January 30/16
European Governments Ignoring Security Warnings/Judith Bergman/Gatestone/January 30/16

Titles For Latest Lebanese Related News published on january 30-31/16
Hadas Maman/Jerusalem Post: Winds of change are blowing in Lebanon/It is certain if Aoun is elected he will make Lebanon an Iranian satellite
Junblatt exposes Hezbollah’s convoluted stance on presidential elections
Two Soldiers Drown as Military Boat Capsizes Off Akkar Coast
Police Seize Smuggled Luxurious Goods, Arrest 8 Suspects
Army Arrests Suspects for Terror Links
Report: March 8 ‘Confusion’ on Presidency Led to Nasrallah Speech on Friday
Geagea to Nasrallah: If March 8 Won Nominations Battle, then it Must Attend Feb. 8 Polls
Jumblat to Nasrallah: If Iran isn’t Blocking Presidential Polls, Why Hasn’t Quorum Been Met at Parliament?
Mashnouq to Prioritize Municipal Elections Funding at Next Cabinet Meeting
Report: Military Downplays Danger of Extremist Clashes near Arsal

Titles For Latest LCCC Bulletin For Miscellaneous Reports And News published on january 30-31/16
Syria peace talks get off to shaky
Nearly 1,400 civilians killed in Russia’s Syria airstrikes
16 more starve to death in Syria’s besieged Madaya: MSF
Merging to build fighting force, Syrian rebels say
Saudi mosque attack draws wide condemnation
Yemen’s Houthis detain activists, journalist in Sanaa
Several killed in suicide attack in Yemen’s Aden
France considers recognition of a Palestinian state
33 Greece-bound migrants drown off Turkish coast
Germany’s Merkel says refugees must return home once war over
Biden talks regional security with Israel
VIDEO: Mother convicted of joining ISIS told police she was made to do it

Links From Jihad Watch Site for january 30-31/16
US mosque Obama to visit controlled by Hamas-linked ISNA, former imam was Muslim Brotherhood member
Sweden to deport 80,000 Muslim migrants, Finland 20,000
Australia: Muslim wanted to pack kangaroo with explosives, paint it with Islamic State symbol, set it on cops
Obama to visit US mosque to “celebrate the contributions Muslim Americans make to our nation”
Huffington Post: Christians should accept Muhammad as a prophet
UK: Three Muslims gang-raped non-Muslim teen girl in bathroom of hotel where they were celebrating Eid
Iranian drone flew over US carrier — Navy says it was “abnormal and unprofessional”
Hugh Fitzgerald: No Need To Play The Dhimmi
Alcohol banned in UK government building: under Sharia because of secret deal to finance Islamic bond scheme