Elias Bejjani: Free Citizens do not trust any politician blindly unless they are mere Sheep


Free Citizens do not trust any politician blindly unless they are mere Sheep
Elias Bejjani/22 January/16
You can’t dance alone; you need a partner to dance with. Sadly Lebanese and faith wise Aoun is a narcist, a chameleon and does not respect or honour any vows or obligations, no matter what.
Quite frankly Aoun is worst than ISIS and Hezbollah because he is an opportunist politician, a Trojan, totally void of any human morals, respects no ethical or patriotic codes, and definitely unstable by all means and in all domains, and at the same time lacks any sort of gratitude.
In summary he is unbalanced, unstable and can’t be trust.
Accordingly Dr. Geagea took a dire risk in nominating this deviated and derailed politician.
Meanwhile, the reconciliation between the LF and FPM, was great, but not the nomination of Aoun for the presidency post.
Personally, No I do not trust blindly any Lebanese politician including Dr. Geagea. Based on this dire risk, I can’t justify Geagea’s sudden turn towards Hezbollah and his puppet, Aoun and with full conscience see in this stance a sin by all standards.

Elias Bejjani
Canadian-Lebanese Human Rights activist, journalist and political commentator
Email phoenicia@hotmail.com
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