Detailed LCCC English News Bulletin For December 07/15


Detailed LCCC English News Bulletin For December 07/15

Click Here to read the whole and detailed LCCC English News Bulletin for December 06-07/15

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Titles For Latest LCCC Bulletin analysis & editorials from miscellaneous sources published on December 06-07/15
Has Iran offered Assad asylum/Abdulrahman al-Rashed/Al Arabiya/Decemver 07/15
Saudi Arabia and the UAE, the ‘shield of the Gulf’/Khalaf Ahmad Al Habtoor/Al Arabiya/Decemver 07/15
Amid war on ISIS, don’t overlook need to oust Assad/Brooklyn Middleton/Al Arabiya/Decemver 07/15
Muslim Reform Movement/by M. Zuhdi Jasser and Raheel Raza et al/Gatestone Institute/December 07/15
In rare Oval Office address, Obama warns of terrorism succeeding/Agencies/J.Post/December 07/15

Titles For Latest LCCC Bulletin for Lebanese Related News published on December 06-07/15
Rahi: Initiative Must be Taken Seriously
Report: Stances Rejecting Franjieh’s Nomination Delay Hariri’s Return
Report: Grand Serail Meeting for Final Touch on Exporting Trash
Al-Rahi Begins Pastoral Visit to Syria’s Tartus
Qaouq Says Hizbullah Won’t Tolerate Presence of ‘Takfiri Bastions’ in Arsal Area
Zahra Says LF Prefers Aoun over Franjieh
Qazzi Congratulates Hizbullah on ‘Loyalty to Aoun’, Urges ‘New Candidate’ if Franjieh Rejected
Gunmen Rob a Syrian, Injure a Policeman in a Car Chase
Report: Geagea Mulling Possibility of Nominating Aoun, Rejects a Telephone Call from Harir

Titles For Latest LCCC Bulletin For Miscellaneous Reports And News published on December 06-07/15
French Far Right Sees Record Score in First Poll since Attacks
Police Probe ‘Terrorist’ London Tube Stabbings
Ban Ki-moon Pays Tribute at Paris Attack Sites
Arab Attacker Shot Dead after Jerusalem Attacks
Turkey to halt transfers of troops to north Iraq
Iraq Gives Turkish Forces 48 Hours to Leave Country
Gadhafi Son in Libya Court over Murder, Repression
Assad Says Britain’s Syria Strikes ‘Illegal’, Will only Encourage Terror
Khamenei advisor: Assad’s fate a ‘red line’ for Iran
Syria’s Divided Opposition Seeks to Unify Stance
Egypt to Pay Israel $1.76 Billion after Halting Gas Supplies
ISIS claims killing of Aden governor in Yemen
Agreement Reached on Political Solution to Libya Conflict
Is Trudeau’s new Foreign Minister Secretary a Hamas backer?

Links From Jihad Watch Site for December 06-07/15
Cruz: “If you wage jihad against us you’re signing your death warrant”
Obama: We can’t let “this fight be defined as a war between America and Islam”
Hillary won’t say “radical Islam”: “Sounds like we are declaring war against a religion”
Muslim bangs on cockpit door, threatens to down plane, “wanted to see Allah”
Pamela Geller: If Loretta Lynch Wants to Ban ‘Violent Talk,’ She Should Ban the Quran
Robert Spencer in Italy’s Libero: “Occidente remissivo fino al suicidio”
NY Daily News’ Linda Stasi justifies SB jihad murders, says victim was “male equivalent of Pamela Geller”
Hamas-linked CAIR official giving active shooter training in Florida mosques
SB jihad murderer’s father: killer “supported the creation of the Islamic State. He was also obsessed with Israel.”
SB jihad murderer had “become a religious person,” often told people “to live according to the teachings of Islam”